
The Alchemist's Journey

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30 minutes ago, quantum said:

When do you usually go to sleep? I would still try to wake up at 6am. After a few days I will be tired early and it won't be a problem anymore. I go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 6:00. Some days I sleep until 7am and feel like a god with 9h+ of sleep.

But your way might also be fine.

I go to sleep around 11pm. Means 23:00...somehow I just can't get into bed earlier, and even if, I can't sleep till 11 or 12 at night. 

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Gee, so many Porn and Masturbation addicts here, it's hilarious. Even a lot of the girls, who knew :D Good job Leo creating this Internet Rehab for all the porn addicts. :P I don't even know if I was an porn addict anymore, all the guys and girls surpas me easily :D

  • Sleeping on floor
  • waking up atam, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes
Edited by The Alchemist

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You go boy! keep it up and enjoy a bit of break next week!

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@Rosie Thanks :D but next week I won't have a break. A lot of stuff to do...the week after is break though. I will still try to update this journal every day while I'm gone. 

  • Sleeping on floor
  • waking up at 8 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym (with preworkout coffee) / walking
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes



Edited by The Alchemist

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Aand there we are. Updated this journal and cleared it from all nonsense.

New routine:

  • waking up at 7 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym/walking (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes

This is the routine I have to do every fucking day, no matter what else is going on. 

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@The Alchemist I do not think that was all nonsense, but anyways. YOU GO BOY!!!!!!
and kick ass in mario, you really deserve it. I have my goals for the time I am back on my next contract.

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1 hour ago, Rosie said:

@The Alchemist I do not think that was all nonsense, but anyways. YOU GO BOY!!!!!!
and kick ass in mario, you really deserve it. I have my goals for the time I am back on my next contract.

You go kick some ass girl! Thank you for having my back!

Edited by The Alchemist

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  • waking up at 7 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym/walking (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes

So far so good, and it is only 11 am. I even was in town. Having a routine, forming habits is very important to your success. I do even more every day, don't think this is all I do. About the most things I do I don't even write here, because they are so secret and highly advanced personal development know man.

This week I'm playing Mario kart tho...because I got a bet going. You may think I care about the bet and about winning, but actually there is more to it. I don't even care about winning or the bet. I care about my abilities and I wanna see me master this game in one week. Am I as amazing as I claim to be or will I just fail like any other shmoe? It's about self mastery, about doing the things you gotta do and showing the world that you got what it takes. Ultimately it's all about the trust in myself. How can I conquer the world and make hard decisions and make it to the very top, if I can't even master a videogame in one week. The real contest is between me and myself. What am I made of? Seriously, if I cannot use my mind to master a videogame in one week, then I will never master my own business and my life, my amazing relationships and so on.

Have you seen Deadpool? Amazing movie. Noticed how Deadpool just get approached by this girl and they instantly klick and have a great time together, then they have tons of sex and become a amazing couple? There was absolutely no effort, no drama, no was always easy for them and fun. They enjoyed themselves, it's like they were made for each other. Perfect alignment. This is how it should actually be!

A lot of people will say that this is impossible in real life, that in real life there must be drama and hardships and bullshit. I want to grab those people by the shoulders, shake them and yell into their face "NO! IT CAN BE THIS WAY! IT CAN!" True amazing relationships are easy and effortless and full of fun and romance. Sadly most people do not know about it and never will know about it, because most of the people only know about the victim life.

Not us my dear friend, whoever reads this, no matter if you are a girl or a boy. We know better...we know about the good life! What if you just met your perfect partner, without any effort, and you both instantly klicked. You would spend years together, many years without ONE single drama or stupid argument. Eventually you will marry...and your marriage will continue to be awesome! You still have a lot of sex and do on crazy amazing dates just like the first day you met. It will be easy and effortless and fun-filled forever. This is very much possible. The majority of people only make the mistake to settle for less. You and my my friend, we never settle for less. We know what we deserve and we settle for nothing less. Everyone has the right to live the good life. Actually...fuck the good life. I'll take the amazing life!

But the good life is not only about amazing relationships. It's about health and wealth and other stuff...but really it's just about your mind. Master your mind, and you will master the universe. Every human has a mind, but only a few can use theirs. If you can use your mind, you got everything you need and will ever need. The most powerful weapon and the best defense shield is all your mind. When you use your mind, which is a marvelous tool, you will be unstoppable and invincible. The good life is the reward that you get for using your mind. Most people let their mind use them, but that is horrible. Don't be your minds bitch, be the master instead.

Edited by The Alchemist

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I really need to spend less time on this forum, it's becomming a distraction. For one year I was longing for a personal development community, and finally Leo created one, but somehow I'm still not happy. A lot of people here have weird approaches to life, or a victim mentality, or a shitload of problems, or are plain weird. Most of the threads aren't even of benefit and only deal with stupid stuff. This is not what I had in mind when I was thinking about a amazing personal development community.

I even wonder if Leo is happy with what he has done, or if he is dissapointed with the outcome...maybe he even regrets it? Is this what he had in mind?

Anyway, I'm cutting >being active on this forum and updating this online journal> out from my daily list, of course I will update this journal every day but I decided not to be as active on this forum anymore. At first I loved it and learned a lot here, but now it starts to turn into the opposite. Once in a while I will browse it and look for amazing threads, but I really feel I won't miss out much when I'm not active here. I have Leos newest videos every sunday, which is perfectly fine. That's what I need only. Leos videos are they key to self-improvement. One in a week. 

Thank you Leo for everything, I am your faithful student.

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6 minutes ago, The Alchemist said:

I really need to spend less time on this forum, it's becomming a distraction. For one year I was longing for a personal development community, and finally Leo created one, but somehow I'm still not happy. A lot of people here have weird approaches to life, or a victim mentality, or a shitload of problems, or are plain weird. Most of the threads aren't even of benefit and only deal with stupid stuff. This is not what I had in mind when I was thinking about a amazing personal development community.

I even wonder if Leo is happy with what he has done, or if he is dissapointed with the outcome...maybe he even regrets it? Is this what he had in mind?

Anyway, I'm cutting >being active on this forum and updating this online journal> out from my daily list, of course I will update this journal every day but I decided not to be as active on this forum anymore. At first I loved it and learned a lot here, but now it starts to turn into the opposite. Once in a while I will browse it and look for amazing threads, but I really feel I won't miss out much when I'm not active here. I have Leos newest videos every sunday, which is perfectly fine. That's what I need only. Leos videos are they key to self-improvement. One in a week. 

Thank you Leo for everything, I am your faithful student.

I feel very much similar unfortunately:(
I feel as people would use this forum mainly to get positive feedback on their weird/ bad behaviours to make themselves feel better about it....

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  • waking up at 7 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym/walking (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes

Routine done! It's actually pretty easy now, but next week I think i won't be able to do the full routine. 

Next month a visitor will pop by. Another human being...who is actually into personal development. That means I have to step up my shit and prepare myself, otherwise they will realize that I do only shitposting on this forum and that I actually have not the slightest clue about personal development whatsoever. I should probably now actually watch one or two videos from Leo and maybe do this routine for real for a few days...and figure out how to meditate. I will create the perfect illusion that I'm a personal development junkie too! They will never get me, hahahahaha! Also I need to learn how to interact with other human beings. This is hard, but I know I can do it. Now I need to find out first what personal development is all about or otherwise I will bring shame on myself and my visitor will reveal me for the lazy lying shithead that I am. Maybe I should go to the gym once too...

Edited by The Alchemist

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  • waking up at 7 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym/walking (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes

The more I think about the universe and the mind and the more I exopse myself to various self help material I really think that I got it all. I got it all, all that it takes to rise and become a huge success. It's all inside of me. Not even in me, I am it. I am the pure awesomeness, the indestructible genius of the universe. I could easily make use of my infite power and become the king of the world...if I knew how. I know that I got it all,but I feel like I'm sleeping. I somehow cannot activate the power yet...I cannot go to action. I feel like this power is already in my hands, it's not even hidden or locked, it just is there, ready to be commanded. But I don't know how, because I'm still asleep. If I knew how to wake up and finally make use of this power that I have, everything would be different. I feel it inside of me so wild and raging, it want's to break out. Sometimes I feel the vibrations inside of my body...or my soul. Sometimes this power is so vivid that I am afraid it will burst my body into pieces and just explode into freedom. Infinite power of the universe...of god, inside of me. And I am still asleep..what do I have to do to wake up and use the power? Tell me Universe, tell me stranger, what do I have to do? I'm a fucking blind snake crawling around the infinite power but I got no hands to grab it.

If you want amazing results, you need to concentrate. Directed, accurate thinking towards ONE field that you wanna succeed at. No multi tasking here. One at a time...What do you desire the most? For me, there are 4 fields:

  • Relationship: I love loving a woman and being loved, and I also love Sex. I really want a amazing girlfriend who I can share my adventure with and also to have the most valuable teammate a man can have. A woman can make or break a man. No one else but his woman can help a man achieve highs that he would never achieve by any other means. The mans best friend is really his woman. 
  • Health and Fitness: Really your body and your mind are the only two things you can bring on the table in any area of your life. And your body and mind are VERY VERY important to succeed in anything and to function on a high level. Without superior health you cannot do anything good for yourself or the world. Physical fitness and meditation and healthy foods are the most vital parts here.
  • Money and Business: Without money, you cannot go far in live. In fact without money you have a hard time staying healthy, getting amazing experiences, living a good or at least decent life or even working on a good relationship. Money buys you freedom in our society. Money buys everything. You can live in any place of the world you want...but only if you have the money.
  • Enlightenment: Is it really worth it? What will it bring? The end of all suffering? The mind blowing, ultimate truth? They say it's the highest achievement...even Leo is obsessed with it. Eternal peace, ultimate bliss? Or just a shallow realization...Who's the ultimate mystery.

So there they are, the four major fields that I want to work on! All pretty damn important fields, and all need MASSIVE work in order to succeed. But I can and should concentrate on only one of them. One at a time...Which one is first to go? The most important? Oh I think I know what's most important for me...but what is it for you? If you cannot concentrate on one of them and master it then you will fail and getting them all. 

"As long as you long for the whole,

you can't get a part of at all..."


Edited by The Alchemist

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  • waking up at 7 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym/walking (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes

Just watched Eurovision Song Contest German qualifications. It was a dissapointment. I am actually not really surprised a teen weaboo girl with a shitty song won. Welcome to the Matrix, where Talent and good taste mean nothing and the stupid, tasteless masses get to decide. There was only one act that should have won, and it was Avantasia. The best song, best performance and amazing singer. Tobias Sammet is really a cool guy, he deserved it. Not this fake anime lover. But I guess you need to be a cute little girl to win the hearts of all. This makes me mad. This is a test almost too big for my ego.

This reminds me of something that I have been thinking for quit some time about. I live in germany for like 18 years. And I never could really fall in love with the german people or their language or their taste, their culture and their politics. Always I disliked them and wanted to move away. Now, seeing this Song Contest it reminded me again that my destiny is not in Germany. I need to get the fuck out of this shallow country. I even like every other language more than german. There is not a single star or youtuber from germany that i like. The big exception is Tobias Sammet of course, who is the leader of Avantasia and a born, real german. I want to go to the US, or to Norway, or even to asia. In fact I'd go anywhere if the chance was there. But my first aim are the USA. No man, it's not because of the Contest now. I have felt it my whole life. I don't belong into germany.

I had a realization today btw. It's about critical thinking. It's very important to question everything and keep an open mind. For most people it is easy to fall into cults and dogmas and become mindless sheeps preaching the same stuff over and over again with obession, stuff that they have never questioned themselves. I see it everywhere. Even Leos fanbase is a little affected by it. I used to be affected by it too. But it most commonly occurs with some spiritual leaders, new-age gurus and "happy motivation" people like Ralph Smart, Teal Swan, even Eckhart Tolle and Mooji. With Leo it is in fact hard to fall into this trap, because Leo keeps it real and without bullshit. He tells you to have a critical mind. But with folks like Matt Kahn it's just too easy. Those are in both extremes, in spiritual communities and also in hardcore scientific communities. Beliefes and studies count for nothing. 

Some people somehow tend to stop thinking for themselves at all, and they stop it completely. Cowards. They become mindless sheep, sleepwalking zombie follower of their guru and don't question anything what they say anymore. They go on preaching the same stupid shit everywhere they go and aren't even aware what they are doing. Obsession at its finest. And those very same people will try to force their dogma upon you with all the force they have if you say something different or use your critical mind. It's like their world get's destroyed for them. No matter how conscious and "free from ego" they are, once you shake their dogma they get mad and sad. You will find people like this in the followings of every great teacher or guru my friend, so be careful. I even see this in this forum. We look beyond this my friend, you and I, we stay aware. We must use our reasoning faculty and our critical mind. We are no brainless sheep who follow blindly. We only follow our heart and what we know and feel is right. We question everything! This way we avoid all the traps and pitfalls of personal and spiritual development. Question everything, listen to your heart, experience for yourself. Be careful friend,     or     your     journey     will     be     in     vein.

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  • waking up at 7 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym/walking (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes

Daily stuff done. I thought about it and I'd like to change it up a little. I created a new morning+evening routine and then different tasks for every day. I cut out the second meditation because I think one time meditating per day is enough, also I cut out water drinking because it's obvious. I also cut out reading and watching leos videos because that I do whenever I have the time and want to, this is not part of my routine. I will also drink one cup of green tea every day whenever I feel like it and maybe a cup of coffee, or not. The rest free time of the day will be of course spent very wise, I will not endulge in wasting time with stupid shit. No videogames, no tv shows, no porn, no masturbation and so on.

Morning Routine aka MR:

  1. wake up at 7 am (I am still not sure when to wake up)
  2. cold shower
  3. affirmations
  4. meditation

Evening Routine aka ER (should start at around 21pm):

  1. 20 min of spanish learning
  2. journaling (all my 3 journals)
  3. visualization
  4. affirmation

Daily tasks aka DT:

  • Monday:  Legday, learning Psychology (when the course is done it will be replaced with coaching)
  • Tuesday: Backday, learning Psychology (when the course is done it will be replaced with coaching)
  • Wednesday: Chestday, learning extra Spanish
  • Thursday: Armsday, learning programming own website
  • Friday: Shoulderday, creating my own youtube videos
  • Saturday: Walking, Socializing/Pick-up/dating
  • Sunday: Restday, Watching Leos new video, extra meditation, extra reading. Day of the mind :D

Since I won't go visit my ex for one week, this stuff gets in effect on following monday. (in two days)

That's all for today, nothing else for you my friend. No insights, no tips. Stay strong and don't get caught in mental masturbation.

Edit: I see I forgot about stretching, but I hate it and it takes too much time away...soo maybe I'll just leave it away. In gym I stretch enough :P Removed also breakfast from the list since this is just too obvious. I wanna keep it simple. Also an Alchemist knows not to overwhelm himself with tasks and work.

Edited by The Alchemist

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A kick-ass friend said to me that she thinks that people on this forum only make shallow threads where they post questions about the petty problems and hope to get solutions from others. "Tell me what to do about this...", "Help me about this thing..." I agreed because I saw this too, but now I realized how bad it actually is. It's really like people abuse this forum to get free coaching. It's like some of the people haven't watched Leos videos at all, they are caught up in heavy victim mentality and in useless mental masturbation and in dogmas. I think if people would only watch more of Leos videos they would not have so many stupid problems. Where do they even come from, I expected Leos followership to be more actualized.

I use this people for my own growth, just as Leo is teaching. Exploit everyone, use everyone as a mirror and a reminder. It helps me to stay on track and to keep my personal development going. They are only a reflection of my own problems and my own unbalanced ego. So I am thankful even for this, for everyone is a teacher to me.



Amazing song. Just how I feel sometimes. I regard this as a self-help song :P  Especially in regards to my ex and my life purpose and the society.

Today is amazing, beautiful weather. Finally, I feel so much better when the sun is shining! Literally energy from the universe charges me up. Will go out for a walk and listen to Napoleon Hill again :D There is a magic fulfillment when walking in nature and in sunshine, all alone...I feel so connected to the world and so happy.

Edited by The Alchemist

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MR: done / ER: done / DT: none (starts monday)

I think I need to get a little more into enlightenment work. Everyone is so obsessed with it and I'm just relaxing here, doing my own thing. But I see where this is going, Leo is giving the clear direction into enlightenment work and self-inquiring and I think if I still want to follow him I need to jump on the train into the unknown. Now don't think I will get caught up in mental masturbation and stupid ideas like a few fellows here, no. I want to do the actual work and get enlightened. No fears, no stress, no anxiety, no silly questions and ridiculous claims. Just doing the work that I need to do. The most important part, no mind hating. But I will do this enlightenment work slowly, only a little bit at a time. Don't want to rush things, I'd rather see what videos Leo brings out in the next few years. Meanwhile I'll be working on my own life and health and business. See when the enlightenment craze in this forum ends again because people give up and get tired :P So many don't know that they are controlled by their ego, and their ego is laughing at them. My ego is not laughing at me, we are best friends actually. That's how our alchemy works. Pure elevation. There isn't even a seperation, it's my alchemy because my ego and me are one and the same. We are both universal energy, I am just energy, perception, god. The ego is only an illusion, and so am I. The other fellows need to understand this. Anyways, I can't wait to do the enlightenment work, I don't feel threatened by it at all. Somehow I got the good feeling that I will do it right. I had anxieties and doubts about this before, but more. I am in perfect alignment, and the universe is with me, because I am it and I always have been. Later today is time for Leos new video btw, can't wait :D 

My friend who is reading this, you should check the first page of my journal next week. Just give me a few days to edit my first posts. I deleted them and now they are empty, but I have the perfect idea on how I will fill them so that my journal will be complete again and make sense, everything will be awesome and fit together like a masterpiece. In fact I'll let you know when I edited my earlier post. You don't even need to check, because I just know how lazy you are :P  I'll go to bed now, when I wake up Leos new video is hopefully there! Also remind my to write my thoughts on time in the next entry.

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MR: failed / ER: won't even try...lets call it rest for once / DT: none (starts tomorrow) 

Leos video today came in the perfect time. A quick check up to see if I'm still on the right path before we dive really deep...and I mean really deeeeeep...

Time...I am the master of the time wasters. I wasted so much time in my life, and still I am wasting it as if I have it in abundance. But I haven't, in fact it is the most rare and valuable ressource we all have. And it only gets less and less with every minute that we live, just as I am writing this my time on this earth gets less and less. What am I going to do about it?

Some spiritual people will say, or rather claim that time is an illusion. And some people, who are not enlightened, even believe this and take it as a fact. Then they live as if they have infinite time. But don't make this mistake my friend, from my personal experience and observance I can tell that time actually flies forward and people get older, oppurtunities get lost and wasted and people die. Things crumble. How could time ever be an illusion?  It's beautiful and ethereal and always running. In our siociety, in our matrix, in your lifes you need time. Second after second, hour after hour, year after year. Life after life...

Time heals. Time is actually one of your best friends and doctors, while you have it. Time reveals everything, it tells right from wrong. It demasks people and shows who they really are. It rewards the patient people with the truth. Also it heals everything...or almost everything. It makes you forget and forgive eventually. Sometimes scars remain, but scars only make sexy. While you are patient and wait for time to tell the truth, make sure not to waste it. Use it, spend it very wisely.

Every heartbeat, every breath leaves you one less to your last...

Use your time, make things happen, grab oppurtunities and act upon them! As soon as you get an idea, act upon it! Don't ever procrastinate, don't ever hesitate. It equals death, literally! Friend, reach out for what is due, or you'll lap up what's left for you... don't ever get obsessed with the idea that time is a mere illusion. The only illusion we are suffering from is the illusion that we have any time. We don't. Time loves our ego to death. While you are still young man...come on... Well MAYBE time is an illusion. We think we have any :P At the end, time is gonna make you see, right from wrong eternally ...cus latest on your deathbed you will see. As the great Wayne Dyer said...don't die with your song still inside you. Not even that...if you waste too much time someone else will act on your ideas, steal your show, take the oppurtunity, claim the woman, the reward, the adventure. All while you wait and hesitate. I don't know whats worse, being caught up in mental masturbation or playing WoW for hours...or doing enlightenment work even...

Don't you waste your time and try, to understand this figment of the lie...

Imagine you die right now, you get a heartattack or you get shot by someone. You are dead. Your soul is standing next to your dead body and slowly fading away, getting weaker and weaker. You reflect on your life and think of all the things you did and all the things you missed to's all over now, it's all too late. You will never do them, because you wasted your life. While you stare at your dead body, you think...and you wish that you lived your life like tomorrow never came. Because it doesn't. Your perspective changes. You regret quite a lot....all the wasted dreams, all the unattained goals and all the petty, shallow worries and fears and angers that were completely unnecessary. You know exactly what you would have done differently. And then you are gone.

Don't let it get this far, take action now because time is only running. And it can be all over in the blink of an eye.

Be thankful for every second you have, and live a rich life without bullshit but full of joy and love and action. Don't play it safe, you'll be dead anyway soon enough.

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MR: done / ER: done / DT: done

I need to document a few habits that I need to avoid. It's a self-experiment to see what effects will occur on me after avoiding those things for two weeks. I hope for a natural sleep rythm and also better skin and higher energy levels.

  • not drinking coffee: done
  • no milk or milk products: done
  • no whey shake: done
  • no masturbation and looking at porn: done
  • no sugary stuff or sweets at all: done
  • only being on this forum in the evening for a short time: failed

this will be hard for two weeks, especially that coffee part. Anyway, I drank 3 green teas today and will continue to drink two green teas at least for two weeks. Yet I'm fucking tired and demotivated today. It's probably because I woke up early today again and had a bad sleep at night, also a day without coffee. And it wa sthe extra day in february...can't be fit on such a day. It's like the vernal equinox...almost as bad :D:D 

Since today was such a mediocre day on the edge to light depession and tiredness I thought about what the fuck I am doing and where this is all leading too, also where I came from. But I am so tired that I'd rather go to sleep and I will write about it tomorrow. Really today was not a good, fit day. But it was not so bad either I must say. 

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MR: done / ER: done / DT: done

Listening to the new album from Magnum right now, "Sacred Blood, Devine Lies". I think it's not as good as theyr last album, "Escape From The Shadow Garden", but maybe I will change my oppinion later.

Anyway, yesterday I was thinking about my life and all this self-actualization thing and also the enlightenment craze. Somehow I got lost along my journey. Or, it's rather that I lost myself. All the routines, all the work, all the DOs and DONT's, I somehow lost my passion for personal development and forgot what the fuck I actually wanted to do. Ok, right now I am sitting in front of the computer. Let's rewind my life back one year.... Let's rewind my life all the way back to the end of February 2015. There I will find myself again, and my passion and my dreams and goals.

<<<<<Time flies backwards, the tape is playing back at a high speed. Then stop.

I'm 24 and still new to Personal Development. Every day I'm watching videos from Leo and every day I discover new amazing mentors like Coach Corey Wayne and Ralph Smart and Teal Swan and Bob Proctor and so on. All I do is watching videos and doing the exercises and reading books. I bought 18 of the seemingly best self-help books out there and I am so happy to read them. Every day is a new adventure for me, and there is always more to learn. I don't even know about enlightenment yet and "no self" and all this illsuion stuff. I talk to everybody about it, all the new amazing ideas that I have never dreamed to be possible. I share them with everybody, and I am so grateful to be a part of this.

My future was clear before my eyes. I knew exactly who I was. I want to be a personal development junkie. I want to dive full in and master myself and my life, because now I finally now what is possible. Also I want to be a Life Coach, just like Leo and Corey. They are my mentors, my biggest heros. They take place of the father figure that I have never had in my life. Of course I had a father, but he sucked and still sucks. I want to be a great Life Coach and share all my wisdom with other people and I wanna help them. I want to show them what's possible in life. I am so exited for this that everyday I have great mood all the time. The fire is burning in me, even tho I have no idea what to do. But not only do I want to be a Life Coach, I want to have my own youtube channel and write books and create programms just like Brendon Burchard. He is an amazing mentor too. I'll have an online business and massive streams of passive income, so that I have never to work a stupid, shitty 9-5 job ever again. I'll be free, that's what I want the most. I live whereever I want and do whatever I want. My vision is so clear before my eyes that it brings tears to my eyes even thinking about it.

All the new stuff I'm learning about, how to not be a victim, how to be a alpha male, chakras, source energy, meditation, mindfulness and much much exciting! This is perfect for me, this is my life! Also I still know who I am, I know what I love: I love colors, I love good music especially when I listen to it with HD headphones, I love coffee, I love animals and nature, walking in nature, I love Sex, I love working out at the gym, I love helping people and meet new amazing friends! I love space and looking at space pictures, especially those that are colorfull. I love reading amazing books and watching amazing videos from my mentors. I love looking at nice, vibrant, high definition graphics, I love beauty. I have the dream to travel to the maledives and watch the universe from the highest montain in the night, where you can see our entire galaxy. I love being positive and awesome. I have massive plans: Dating lots of women until I find my perfect 10/10 girlfriend and have AMAZING relationship, I become a double certified Life Coach with my own huge business, I master my mind, my emotions and my body and become the best possible version of myself! Nothing can shake me or throw me out of my way.

It's funny...while I am writing this Bob Catley, the Magnum singer, sings:

Your dreams won't die if you remember them each day


I believe in you

YES BOB! They won't die! I found myself and I'm bringing myself back to the future again! Better believe in me my man because I'm gonna do it! I will do what I am born to do and what I love to do! I will read this post every once in a while to get back to me. I'm going to deal with women, I'm going into sales and coaching, I'm going to be a real fucking man and a true Alchemist! My vision is clear again. 

>>>>>Time flies forward till it's today, right now again.


  • not drinking coffee: done
  • no milk or milk products: done
  • no whey shake: done
  • no masturbation and looking at porn: done
  • no sugary stuff or sweets at all: done
  • only being on this forum in the evening for a short time: done, was in the morning instead
Edited by The Alchemist

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