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Tony 845

Intense spinning for up to 20 minutes while doing self inquiry/mediating!!!

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I've had this sensation about 20 times now, it scared me at 1st, I think it's kundalini related but im not sure, very little info on it online, can anyone help me with this one? I used to be very scared of this, but I just let it be is strange though...I just wanna know what it's doing clearing chakras or something?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

Edited by Tony 845

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Be careful! Kundalini energy is a very tricky thing. If you release it too much, it will get out of control and can make you go nuts. 

It’s hard to find people who have experience with Kundalini. If you can’t find someone who can help you, it’s better to stop your practice.

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@Gabriel Antonio lovely, but who's the "I" that will go nuts? 

My kundalini woke about 6 months ago, I would have told someone they are crazy if they tried telling me energy they couldn't control was rippling through their body lol ? Prior to this..

Ive read Kundalini books, nothing about spinning sensations, almost 100% sure it's Kundalini related, just wanted to see if anyone knew anything else about it & why it keeps happening to me..

have you ever delt with kundalini? 

Edited by Tony 845

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2 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

but who's the "I" that will go nuts? 

Your brain. I’m not saying it will go nuts; I am saying it can go nuts. Just be very careful. 

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@Gabriel Antonio  I've had some kundalini that I honestly couldn't stop before, once it's awake there is no going back. 

Thanks for the heads up though. I really gotta email Craig Holiday i believe his name is, he trained under adyanshanti & is enlightened.

Edited by Tony 845

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14 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

I've had some kundalini that I honestly couldn't stop before, once it's awake there is no going back. 

I’ve been there. I thought I was awakening to the ultimate reality. Long story short, at some point it got way too intense and I ended up having a psychotic break. Took me months to recover...

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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@Gabriel Antonio i battle with an extreme case of OCD called pure O if that can't break me I'm not sure what's literally nuts, diving deeper into non-dual teaching has toned it down though like 80% 

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@Gabriel Antonio  are you enlightened yet? 

1st time my crown chakra blew open, I thought I was enlightened haha ? I know what you are saying...I couldn't believe it, after dealing with this kundalini stuff the best part about it, now I know there is enlightenment. Like no more questioning it. 

I had no clue the human body did this shit lol ? 

Edited by Tony 845

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