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Best Way to get into Hatha Yoga?

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I want to start with Hatha Yoga, but i am overwhelmed. I don't know where to start, where to find quality information and what is really needed and what is bs.

My Main Goal is to relax my body to the deepest possible level, is hatha yoga even the right practice for that?

I thought that on this forum there are some people who know this kind of stuff so every help is appreciated. 

And happy new year by the way :)


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It's impossible to learn Yoga through books or videos. This is something that many don't like hearing. But it's true. This becomes clear as day when you experience true Yoga. What happens inside me is impossible to write down. No instructions could guide anyone to those aspects of Yoga. Because it's subjetive. True Yoga can't be written down. 

Saying this I would reccomend sadhguru's Yoga but it's not very relaxing. It's more rejuvinating and energizing plus meditative. I usually sweat in it. I don't know if this is what you want.

I see some really intreaging options there like echart tolle's Yoga and Mantak Chia Qi qong flow. Similar to what you're looking. 


Interesting. I just looked at some echart tolle's Yoga and found there's actually a DVD pretty inexpensive with a tutorial and guidence to do Yin yoga. Interesting. You could check it out. Tho i never tried it and it's a living reality for me that there are things that can only be transmited and can't be explained in words. But still I trust echart tolle's work. So maybe it's a descent practice that he's offering afterall.

There's also Mantak Chia who is doing programs in Europe US Asia and everywhere. He has some really fasinating material and practices to offer. This is something I would want to try myself if I didn't have so many practices already.


Anyways. What I wouldn't do is youtube Yoga. That stuff is pure bull. Absolute ignorance of what Yoga is about. Just random stuff with random stretches with random results. Better go jogging. or take a bath if relaxation is what you're looking for :D

When you want to know from whom to learn Yoga just look if he's enlightened or not. Don't take instructions from unenlightened people about Yoga. They are horrible people. 





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@Salvijus thanks for your reply!

So how i get this subjective experience of yoga, trough meditation and luck? And What is the difference between Qi qong and yoga? 

I wouldn't say unenlightened yoga instructors are horrible people, maybe naive, but horrible?

Anyway i appreciate your help.

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Qi qonq is very popular in Asia. It's presence through moment, flow of energy, Yin and yang. I'm sure you've seen it somewhere in Jackie Chan movie. it's very much a spiritual practice but there are a lot of empty Tai Chi practices designed not for spirituality but for martial arts or smth, just empty physical excersice.... That's why you need to find someone who is enlightened and is offering an incredible tool to reach the ultimate not just to streach your muscles. It's rare these days to find them.

Peter Ralston also has some Tai Chi programs that he offers if you're familiar with him. 


I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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18 hours ago, Yonkon said:

Best Way to get into Hatha Yoga?

find a teacher who has transformed himself/herself through the practice of hatha yoga.

my hatha yoga teacher was obese, materialist, possessive/needy and used to smoke before she went to india.

unborn Truth

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2 hours ago, Yonkon said:


So how i get this subjective experience of yoga, trough meditation and luck? 

Through proper transmission that only an enlightened being can do.

13.25 much better explanation then I gave about what transmittion is :D



Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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@Yonkon I’d recommend doing a 30 day series of Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube. Each January she does a new series. 

Today is day one of the 2019 series (called “dedicate”). It's great for beginners.


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