
The whole bullshit of "being nothing"

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Q: Why is there something rather than nothing?

A: there isn't just Something or just Nothing

Both exist.


It's like implying that you can have a drawing without a piece of paper on which it appears.

Using this analogy;
For Reality, the drawing is the "something" (objcets, sounds, taste, smells etc) and the piece of paper is the very fabric of Reality which is ABSOLUTE NOTHING. 

Not separate from it in a different place... But with it. In Union, as ONE. 


and lastly, where and what is this Nothing?

YOU are it.

You aren't your body, mind, thoughts, sounds, tastes which you experience. You are the very infinitely self-aware fabric of Reality on which experience appears.

Love Is The Answer

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31 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

The problem is that you are trying to bend the word nothing into something which it isn't.

The definition of "nothing" is nothing. And that means no existence, no God, no Consciousness, nothing.

What you are calling nothing is something, since there is existence.

You are treating dictionary definitions as some form of law in how we must use language. It is indeed a standard, but that doesn't mean you have to follow it all the time.

There is no correct way to use words. And words can take on as many meanings as you want it to. Language standards conform to how we use language, not the other way around.

Be flexible. - Reality will break every model you build of it many times over. This is because it is not bound by logic or making sense.

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Its an analogy lol you took the illustration too seriously and overlooked what its actually stating lol 

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@Mikael89 it's like @Aakash is saying. that's the anaology with which you mind can have a bit of taste of the truth... the truth which is beyond the mind.


in REALITY (not the analogy), the "empty paper" IS NOT someTHING (physical or with any attribute or qualities) 


anyhow. don't dwell too deeply on this. it's a concept after all.

simply observe your direct experience with eyes closed. you exist. as what?

Love Is The Answer

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Nothing is not something you will ever understand with logic in a million years, you can think about as long as you want, will not bring you closer to understanding it. 


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@Mikael89 oh yes. so with that, i suppose we are on the same page. just the words / interpretations causing the confusion.


all the more reason to believe and come to realize that words will only cause more problems :) 

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47 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

You are the very infinitely self-aware fabric of Reality on which experience appears.

@SoonHei I'll second that. This infinitely self-aware fabric was my very first glimpse. I use the same conceptual term to help describe it also. It's just how the mind concieved it to be- "like a fabric". 

I only say this because it is there. That's what is most important here.

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From now on when I see someone being delusional on this forum, I'm gonna say to them: "you are in lalaland, my friend."

And then I am going to try and guide the individual out of the maze, if they recognize my invitation.

Does any one feel like he/she is in lalaland at this moment? :x

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There just is what is.... some call it nothing, some call it something, some call it everything, some call it all of the above, some call it none of the above but it is what it is even if we don't accurately perceive it as it is.

Of course, there are some so completely convinced they do know what it is as it is and that is the delusion of this illusion.

Perceiving what is as it as isn't what liberation is, liberation is the cessation of self suffering and quite often seeking the accurate perception of what is can cause self suffering.....even if it is an illusion, it is what it is.


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@SOUL if it is what it is it would not be an illusion though. but we will never clearly know that. it is an illusion to think we could know what is and what is the illusion of the is and if there even is an is. or if the is is just an illusion.

Edited by now is forever

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4 minutes ago, now is forever said:

@SOUL if it is what it is it would not be an illusion though. but we will never clearly know that.

So it is what it isn't? Or it isn't what it is? Illusion is that it is not as it appears...and that's what it is. It is what it is even if we cannot perceive it as it really is or know it as it is... it still is what it is.

Liberation doesn't rely on accurate perception, correct understanding or full knowledge, it's the cessation of self suffering. All too often seeking the 'truth' is just another activity the ego uses to justify itself and creates more self suffering through it.


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@SOUL it is and it is not and it is both at the same time.

it is also not what it is not. maybe not yet.

Edited by now is forever

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6 minutes ago, now is forever said:

@SOUL it is and it is not and it is both at the same time.

it is also not what it is not.

That's just a word salad.....baha

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4 minutes ago, SOUL said:

That's just a word salad.....baha

haha, no not for me, actually i wanted to add:

it is also not what it is not. maybe not yet. everything is becoming

Edited by now is forever

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1 hour ago, now is forever said:

haha, no not for me, actually i wanted to add:

it is also not what it is not. maybe not yet. everything is becoming

Sure, what is not is not, that's what it is......not.

Yet, to say all differences are the same and are no difference at all is a distortion of transcending separation to awareness in unity because in unity the differences don't exist, not that they are the same.

I have so much compassion for people who are miserable and seek liberation from self suffering because they encounter the non-dual double speak and initially it sounds deeply mystical but really much of it is just nonsense. I was fortunate enough to begin my path before I was exposed to that stuff so by the time I did I could see right through it.

No, but one has to have direct experience to know the truth! Who is there to experience? There is no experience, there is no direct, there is no truth because it's also false, it's nothing and something all at once and if you buy my book and program, come to my retreat I will teach you how to spin it like me! Guru beads not included....baha



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16 minutes ago, SOUL said:


I have so much compassion for people who are miserable and seek liberation from self suffering because they encounter the non-dual double speak and initially it sounds deeply mystical but really much of it is just nonsense. I was fortunate enough to begin my path before I was exposed to that stuff so by the time I did I could see right through it.



I feel ya.

I was blown away by it when I first noticed it. Although a part of me somehow always knew heh.

Nevertheless I got bored with that nonsense very quickly. The mind can easily go overdrive.

We should not use it poorly. 

It has the most power in the now.

For me it is like: "As soon as I question I do exactly that. Question." Instead of simply being that which I know I am. Getting creative in all ways, forms and shapes.

Without saying that questiong and intellectual debates do not have their place.

Sometimes the breath gets completely lost in thoughts.

The breath is real.

Or is it? xD


Edited by ivankiss

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"I am the body-mind"

Look at it deeply. You will find that you are not body mind. Then the journey will begin in search of who you really are. The realized ones, never disrespect creation or deny creation rather they appreciate it at a much deeper level that would be incomprehensible for a normal human being. So, its just the pursuit of truth for the truth sake which would lift you up there. 

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@Tistepiste Aww, thank you 9_9

Well cuz right now I don't really do much. I have a lot of free time/empty space.

That is about to change drastictly soon, tho.

Have tons of ideas that wish to be actualized. I doubt I'll spend much time (or any at all) on the forum once I roll up my sleeves :)

Thanks for reaching out! 


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