
The whole bullshit of "being nothing"

170 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, Arkandeus said:

Proton, electron, neutron  

Particle, anti-particle, potential particle  

Positivity, negativity, neutrality  

Man, woman, child  

This trident completes us  

You cannot take one part (neutron, void, nothingness)  and make it your identity which is why Ivankiss is mad  

You cannot take only the light (proton) either and pretend love is all there is to it

We integrate light, shadow and void/infinity, with that we form a family, an atom, a seed, a cel, a reality

This is the most accurate description of the point I wanted to make.

Glad to see some of you get it :)

I could have used a more gentle way to express my thoughts, but as I mentioned; I merely tried to speak this forum's language.

Everybody here seems to go nuts when they see the word "bullshit" and someone bitching about nothing xD

Had a lot of fun reading through all posts, thank you. Much truth. 

Much nothing :P

Edited by ivankiss

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9 hours ago, ivankiss said:


@eleveneleven What I did with this post was simply reflecting back onto this forum the bullshit I notice.

Why? Cuz I choose to. 

I may or may not accomplish anything.

I do understand I am pointing to myself. 

That does not mean there cannot be a debate.

I want to understand the point in calling everyone delusional and discrediting their journey. 

Is that a thing now? Like a revolution or something? 

I don't care about words and concepts. I care about the intention behind them.

What is it in this case? 

Pls don't say "nothing".


Oh, I see. If you're just here to agitate people's demons for the sake of agitation, then I can get behind that, bruh. Carry on, carry on.

I reckon people call others delusional because maybe they see some of themselves in that person. Projection, you know. Though I don't go around calling people delusional myself, I can understand the sentiment. Whenever I see someone making the same mistakes that I did back when I was at a similar point in the journey--mistakes that seem so obvious to me now from this better vantage point--sometimes I get the irrational desire to smack them.

I still haven't gotten past that stage yet. I dunno when I will. I point at people, too.

As for why people call it "nothingness" or say that the truth is that we're "nothing" is because...that's one word for it, I guess. Personally, when I experience reality most acutely, one of the first things I notice is the lack of something that was there before. The voice stops talking. My brain stops editorializing. I start to get the sensation (not the thought, not the feeling) that there's space where "I" should be.

Calling it "nothing" is just one way to call it. It either makes sense to someone or it doesn't. But of course it's silly to think that telling someone that they're "nothing" will help them see this at all. People really should respect all stages of the journey and realize that the only way to move through them is with personal experience.

This is why I think debates are kind of pointless. Words can only vaguely, vaguely, VAGUELY approximate, so how do we even know that we're talking about the same things?

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59 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

This is the most accurate description of the point I wanted to make.

Glad to see some of you get it :)

I could have used a more gentle way to express my thoughts, but as I mentioned; I merely tried to speak this forum's language.

Everybody here seems to go nuts when they see the word "bullshit" and someone bitching about nothing xD

Had a lot of fun reading through all posts, thank you. Much truth. 

Much nothing :P

I sense a certain need for self-confirmation here. 

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I think whole problem is that he is artist, so he likes to fantasize and be dependent on his emotions, clearly some huge ego issues too, like all artists. 


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@purerogue You think too much ;)

I'm glad I hit the nail.

Don't hurt youself now.

Edited by ivankiss

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

@purerogue You think too much ;)

I'm glad I hit the nail.

He bludgeoned you with a cliche, take it in stride.

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10 hours ago, Mikael89 said:


Something from nothing is the materialistic insane belief.

Every single sage and teaching say that Consciousness/God/Absolute/Void/The All/Brahman, etc. is eternal/immortal.

Nothing would mean there is no Consciousness/God/Absolute/Void/The All/Brahman, etc.

You're equating nothing to nonexistence. 

Consciousness is nothing.

Something is nothing.

Consciousness is something.

Collapse the something-nothing duality.

The only way for consciousness to be something is to be nothing. You can't be red if you are blue, you can't be big if you are small. But it can absolutely take on those attributes because it has no attributes. It is formless.

Stop relying on what sages are saying. Its all bullshit until you directly realize these truths for yourself. (Including me)

Edited by Shadowraix

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Because your tiny spec of intelligence can not  understand it, it was already said countless times, it is not possible to really explain it , only understand it on experience so to say ,  it is you who thinks that it must be something logical, who said that logic has anything to do with Nothing, we are far from pinnacle of intelligence.

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2 minutes ago, purerogue said:

we are far from pinnacle of intelligence.

Say that out loud, slowly.

Think about it. You seem to like thinking.

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Just now, ivankiss said:

Say that out loud, slowly.

Think about it. You seem to like thinking.

Are you still hurt from yesterday, did I hurt your overgrown ego so much? 


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LLOOOOOOOL! I read the first line and it sounded like thinking :D :D I'm dead! ahaha

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@purerogue Are you a 15 year old?

Not interested in these kinds of conversations.

Let me know if you have valid arguments.


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1 hour ago, Mikael89 said:

Nothing is non existence, yes. Existence is something.

Consciousness has no attributes and it is formless, yes, but it's still something.

If the ultimate reality would be nothing then there would be no Consciousness right now, no God, nothing.

It might be a hybrid of nothing and Consciousness, but that's still something.

You are pretty much trying to kill God. And that ain't going to work. Only God exists. You can only delude yourself into thinking that nothing exists.

No its simply you don't understand what I am trying to say.

What you are calling something is also nothing. I'm not claiming nonexistence. 

You won't progress if you stick to rigid definition because the limitations of language already makes explaining this stuff incredibly difficult.

The something-nothing dilemma is not the existence-nonexistence dilemma.

But you are taking my words as if they are the same which means what you and I are talking about are different things.

Edited by Shadowraix

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Something = nothing. Absolutely.

My message is clear. 

Don't be stuck for too long on pointing towards nothing.

Something can be far, far more beautiful.

Even if they are essentially the same.

Take it or leave it.


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Just now, Mikael89 said:

The problem is that you are trying to bend the word nothing into something which it isn't.

The definition of "nothing" is nothing. And that means no existence, no God, nothing.

What you are calling nothing is something, since there is existence.

I dont think people are trying to bend words so much as they are trying to find the best words possible to point in the direction of the Truth.  Calling it nothing or something or God is all irrelevant if you know what its pointing to 

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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60/40 - is more than

50/50- is equal to


0/0 - is non dual

it's up to you, which one you actualise 

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Can you stop picking on this word, when you will get some real experience with it , you will understand why Nothing is good word for it. 

Edited by purerogue

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10 minutes ago, Yousef said:

@Yousefyou call it "something " because you didn't encounter anything different. 

If there's nothing. .would you know?

talking to yourself taken to the next level ? :P 


also, "Nothing" does exist as a non-object or non-thingness

but you won't find it anywhere you look

because YOU are it! 

Love Is The Answer

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