
The whole bullshit of "being nothing"

170 posts in this topic

there is not something, as something is nothing. as everything speaks and everything suffers and everything is full of everything, is full of nothing. nothing is everything as everything is full of joy of being nothing and nothing just is


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19 minutes ago, Yousef said:

@ivankiss calm the  fuck down. .truth is an aquired taste .

Certainly this isnt the best way to have a conversation either, if that's at all unclear I'm happy to explain 

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

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28 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

I prefer "Consciousness"

I replied to your post before watching the video and then watched the video to find he talked about the very same separation I did, he spoke on the unity I did.

It's just words yes but it is what it is.








Edited by SOUL

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Proton, electron, neutron  

Particle, anti-particle, potential particle  

Positivity, negativity, neutrality  

Man, woman, child  

This trident completes us  

You cannot take one part (neutron, void, nothingness)  and make it your identity which is why Ivankiss is mad  

You cannot take only the light (proton) either and pretend love is all there is to it

We integrate light, shadow and void/infinity, with that we form a family, an atom, a seed, a cel, a reality

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Just now, now is forever said:

@SOUL you forgot blindness

I don't see that.

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10 minutes ago, Yousef said:

Same attracts the same..

Are you satisfied with that?  I'm not here to judge I'm just curious, on one end you seem to genuinely out there to help people, and on the other you seem to want to provoke and be provoked.  You're welcome to do either, I sure as hell chimp out, but I'd like to hear your side and what you're about 

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

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@Yousef so you think he deserves. who deserves what in what manners? who judges whom?

do you hate for being hateful? so whom are you hating?

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1 minute ago, Yousef said:


just solve it like maths, it‘s just another solution you get for civilization.

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8 minutes ago, Yousef said:

What  I meant is that this is the tone of talking that Ivankiss deserves. .if he will show up and play the angry man. .I will react the same way.  He shouldn't expect nice sweet girly words after he himself disrespected everyone in this forum who is more experienced than him. .if he asks politely he will receive the same. .if he use dirty words he will receive the same.  I don't mean you BTW. .so you also calm down  (without the  fuck)

Haha if you think I should shut the fuck up, go for it, I probably need it.  As far as ivankiss, I dont really decide personally who deserves what, but again you're welcome to do that.  It does seem like there is some demonization between more Male compassionate people and female compassionate people.  People who primarily use logic and thought to work through their emotions (me) tend to demonize people who work through their emotions on the emotional side of things.  However they are really to me seemingly two sides of the same coin, a thought has its associated emotion, some people are better at dispelling discomfort through contemplation and more procedural methods, while others stick to the more subjective emotional sides.  Ivankiss seems to me to lean slightly heavily into female compassion, I can add quotes and copy and paste stuff, but basically I got the impression that he doesnt consider the more blunt logical approach to love to be love at all.  I think that the language used on both of these threads hasn't been conducive to talking about these issues at all, and that's not on any one person.  My point is there are important things to be said, and I think we are turning into monkies with shit in our hand, when we have a great opportunity to discuss stuff in a civil matter collaboratively

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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1 hour ago, Mikael89 said:

There is no such thing as nothing.

No one has ever experienced nothing, and never will.

There's always only something. So throw the word "nothingness" into the trash bin and replace it with "somethingness" or with "no-thingness". I prefer "Consciousness".

You can experience nothing but not your typical notion of nothing.

Collapse the duality of something and nothing.

Go find that experience before you say such things.

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generally speaking in the widest sense it’s still about nothing.

but i confess the word did not show. so maybe for the count of it...

my first post had an enormous amount of condensed nothingness. so may it be forgiven.

back to the initial content.

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7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Shadowraix If it's not the typical notion of nothing, then the word nothing should not be used. Use a different word. Shouldn't be that hard.

Nothing for me is absolutely, entirely, 100%, totally, definitely, real nothing. Just like it should be. That's the definition of the word nothing.

Words should be used correctly, you know?

If there is any kind of Awareness, experience, Knowing, a witness, a seer, or anything at all, then it's not nothing.

You are creating a duality because you can't seem to accept the paradoxes of reality. Something Is nothing. You see, it collapses. 

There is no such thing as using words correctly. We alter and manipulate the meaning of words all the time. Being pedantic won't help you see what people are trying to point to. 

You will never understand if you focus too much on how they are pointing instead of looking where it is pointing. 

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@ivankiss lol you are the only person I’ve seen make sense here. Not delusional. Just seeing through bs

good on you

I made a post called 4 noble truths. It explains spirituality without the bs “non dual” teachings have turned into. 

Give it a look, can offer a non non sensical perspective.


Edited by Arhattobe

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@Mikael89 you get something from nothing. It's like finite being in infinite. Duality inside nonduality. 

It's both something and nothing at the same time. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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