
The whole bullshit of "being nothing"

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@Joseph Maynor What does one do after trancending Truth? 

Jump of a bridge?

Not before calling everyone delusional tho.

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7 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Aakash Is that supposed to be a revolutionary information? 

I often feel like I'm among first graders here.

Give me some valid arguments, master.

You come off as really condescending here for someone wanting a genuine conversation.  To me it seems like you got triggered by someone and wanted to call him a first grader before sarcastically calling him master.  Am I wrong or are you here for genuine conversation?  

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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8 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Joseph Maynor What does one do after trancending Truth? 

Jump of a bridge?

Not before calling everyone delusional tho.

You just accept reality in the Now and realize that reality will rub your Ego the wrong way and it’s not personal.  You stop distracting yourself with idealism and focus on pragmatic issues in your life.  Enlightenment basically grounds you in the Now — the non-ideological Now.  As to suicidal thoughts, that’s just the Ego not liking something about reality.  What happens is you become aware of where those emotions are coming from and why and then you can allow them but also not cling to them.  In general the Ego does not like change and will trigger sadness during times of change.  By understanding Ego you can accept “Ego burn” emotions without getting attached to them.

Enlightenment is not knowing a bunch of theory about playing golf — Enlightenment is going out and playing a game of golf.  Enlightenment is a way of being not a set of theories to embody.  And that way of being is not anything you’re consciously in control over, it’s a transformation of the way you ARE.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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The creativity is not seperate to me creating a sculpture of a hand from chewing gum. We is the same person creating the work, it is not our work personally! 

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4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Joseph Maynor What does one do after trancending Truth? 

Jump of a bridge?

Not before calling everyone delusional tho.

1st, this forum is full of people who claim to know better but they don't. So I suggest you leaving this forum ASAP and don't stick around if you wanna grow.

2nd, idk man, I guess just live life, it is only our ego who is confused about "what to do next". So our limited human perspective will never give any answers, that's why you need enlightenment to stop suffering.

*returning to self-reflect*

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1 hour ago, ajasatya said:

if you want to teach Love, just be lovely. if you want to teach Peace, just be peaceful.

why are you angry? what are you teaching me?

I agree with this. 


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Lemme make this clear.

I am here. I am now.

As happy and fulfilled as one can imagine.

There is nowhere else I'd rather be.

I took a pause from creating art. 

I now create on this forum, for a short period, in this form.

I dig this forum.

I like expressing myself here.

I feel like calling out a few individuals. Maybe they recognize what I'm really talking about here. Maybe they don't.

Honestly, I'm having tons of fun here and I don't really give a fuck.

I sorted my shit out.

You do not insult me by calling me delusional.

If you aim to trigger; you may succeed for a brief moment. After which I just laugh and continue having fun. The joke is on you.

I came to understand the cold, rational world.

This is not my territory. I am merely a visitor.

I seek no truth. I am past that.

I am simply embracing differences in my own way.

So chill down, geeks xD

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Truth is a concept.  Eventually you will stop chasing Truth.  That doesn’t mean Truth is never important, you’re just gonna stop always making it important like a child clinging to its favorite toy.  Enlightenment will put you in the Now and ground you, but you’re not gonna be clinging to Truth all the time.  You’re gonna be in more of a state where you’re not trying to understand what you are and rather just BE what you ARE.  There’s nothing that needs to be grasped with the mind about BE-ing in the Now.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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11 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Joseph Maynor I just emphasized the fact that I seek no truth.

The truth is the lie.

Well you don’t want to be against Truth either.  That’s just as bad because that’s another kind of clinging.  You’re not attached to it but you allow it as well.  I summarize this as the Paradox of Truth and No Truth.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor Dude. I care about one thing only.

Expressing the art that wants to flow through me.

I was chosen as a vehicle. 

None of this enlightenment theory really matters to me.

I was enlightened the first day I picked my instrument up. Just did not know it.

I'm on my path since I can remember. There is nowhere else I could be.

Don't take me too seriously :)

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Still did not receive any valid clarifications on this "acting like I'm nothing" phenomena tho 

I am waiting...


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16 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Joseph Maynor Dude. I care about one thing only.

Expressing the art that wants to flow through me.

I was chosen as a vehicle. 

None of this enlightenment theory really matters to me.

I was enlightened the first day I picked my instrument up. Just did not know it.

I'm on my path since I can remember. There is nowhere else I could be.

Don't take me too seriously :)

I don’t know why you’re being so defensive.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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27 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Still did not receive any valid clarifications on this "acting like I'm nothing" phenomena tho 

I am waiting...


@ivankiss Do a piece on negative space.  Here is a bit inspiration thanks to Alan Watts

The system as a whole appears to be a distribution of solid entities or modes of energy in the midst of emptiness or space. Human consciousness preoccupies itself with these entities, and virtually ignores their spatial background. We consider it "nothing" in the sense of that which has neither importance nor significance, forgetting that without the spatial field, none of these entities could be manifested or distinguished. There is, however, between space and entity the same polar relationship as between crest and trough, for which reason "nothingness" is not simply the contrary or absence of "being", but rather its ground and origin. We believe so firmly in the maxim "ex nihilo nihil fit" – "nothing can come out of nothing" – that it is almost impossible for us to see that emptiness is the essential prerequisite for every form of being,

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12 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@ivankiss Do a piece on negative space.  Here is a bit inspiration thanks to Alan Watts

The system as a whole appears to be a distribution of solid entities or modes of energy in the midst of emptiness or space. Human consciousness preoccupies itself with these entities, and virtually ignores their spatial background. We consider it "nothing" in the sense of that which has neither importance nor significance, forgetting that without the spatial field, none of these entities could be manifested or distinguished. There is, however, between space and entity the same polar relationship as between crest and trough, for which reason "nothingness" is not simply the contrary or absence of "being", but rather its ground and origin. We believe so firmly in the maxim "ex nihilo nihil fit" – "nothing can come out of nothing" – that it is almost impossible for us to see that emptiness is the essential prerequisite for every form of being,

Is that coming from a book or a video I could watch? 

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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You may want to contemplate the distinction between radical acceptance and extreme endorsement. We can accept the divergence of expression in experience and explore it fully without having to identify with the expression in experience by endorsing it to an extreme....or at all

Although, your point is going to completely lost on the 'nothingness' gurus because of the dogmatic adherence to what they believe is 'truth' according to their dualism mindset. Don't let them steal your joy!

If you are experiencing genuine liberation in awareness of just being present it will be obvious......right now it appears not quite realized.

Edited by SOUL

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

There is no such thing as nothing.

No one has ever experienced nothing, and never will.

There's always only something. So throw the word "nothingness" into the trash bin and replace it with "somethingness".

This. @ivankiss

Although, don't allow the conceptual nothingness and somethingness to become just another dualism in the mind that causes separation.

It's unity.

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8 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

There is no such thing as nothing.

No one has ever experienced nothing, and never will.

There's always only something. So throw the word "nothingness" into the trash bin and replace it with "somethingness" or with "no-thingness". I prefer "Consciousness".


There is something as nothing

But it's not somewhere, it's here


You are it!


You are the nothing, looking at everything


Nothing and everything= heads and tails = One

Love Is The Answer

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