
The whole bullshit of "being nothing"

170 posts in this topic

I need to express this, excuse my arrogance.

Will meditate later on the topic; do not worry.

So...You experienced complete emptyness; now what? 

The first thing that comes to your mind, after infinite silence, is to go out there and tell everyone how everything is nothing and nobody exists? 

And you dare to call yourself a master of some kind?

'The actual fuck.

I am extremely irritated by this at the moment.

You show no respect to creation.

Shame on you.

Hiding behind the concept of nothing is the same as hiding behind the concept of ego. Or worse. 

How often do you use the word "delusional"?

What do you suggest that indicates?

Could it be that you are the most delusional of them all, by clinging to these stupid labels?

We get it genius. Everything is meaningless and empty of truth. There is no self. Jeez.

Is it really necessary for you to be stuck on repeating the obvious?

Could it be...That you are stuck on pointing towards nothing...Because you are unable to create something?

To value?

Come the fuck on.

Show some respect. Show some love.

You are not invisible. No matter how hard you try to be nothing.

Being selfless is not something you force. Or be a dick about it.

Less self = more love.

More compassion. Bliss. Joy. Excitement. Humbleness. Connection. Unity. Brotherhood.

Don't fool yourself, nothing. 

You are still an ego. A massive one, to be frank. 

You are still where you are right now.

What are you gonna do about it?

Besides calling everyone delusional, of course.

Level the fuck up.

Nothing sees you. It's laughing at your bullshit.

Stop hating on creation. Stop hating them poor thoughts. Stop hating emotions. Stop hating those who are yet to evolve.

Create a fucking meaning. Be the master you claim to be.

Sort your shit out.

Also, if it helps; I am superdelusional atm. Spare me of your diagnosis.

Help me understand this. 


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Why are you here , please tell me, I think you are at wrong place if you came here to create something, we came here to find something.

I think you Love people have gone crazy , but that is just my opinion. 

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Allow me to translate:

"How dare you point to this subjective experience by using [specific phrase/concept]! Because of my personal experience in how I've heard [specific phrase/concept] used in the past, this term means [specific meaning] with [specific negative connotation] to me. How dare you not have the same biases around this word that I do!

This meaning is not just my personal understanding based on how I was conditioned to view this concept; it's the actual, universal definition. You're a fool for using it! How dare you insult the universe! How arrogant of you! Use the words, concepts, and phrases that I want you to use to describe this experience instead, since I'm in your head and know what your experience was like! (Now, that's not arrogant at all!)

Love (with no irony),


Point fingers, OP. Point fingers at everyone, telling them how egoic they are. The finger is twisty-twisty and pointing back at you.

I mean, I get that you're pointing fingers at people who point fingers, but still...that's a lot of fingers. Forget the fingers. Look at the moon.

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@ivankiss if you want to teach Love, just be lovely. if you want to teach Peace, just be peaceful.

why are you angry? what are you teaching me?

unborn Truth

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@ivankiss agreed, what was the need to be angry, although i did find it humerous, you yourself admitted it was from arrogance? maybe you should reword your statement without actual love this time!! 

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@ajasatya I express. I do not deny.

This is the meaning I create for myself. 

The anger is not mine.

I am open to be proven wrong.

Get your point though.

@eleveneleven What I did with this post was simply reflecting back onto this forum the bullshit I notice.

Why? Cuz I choose to. 

I may or may not accomplish anything.

I do understand I am pointing to myself. 

That does not mean there cannot be a debate.

I want to understand the point in calling everyone delusional and discrediting their journey. 

Is that a thing now? Like a revolution or something? 

I don't care about words and concepts. I care about the intention behind them.

What is it in this case? 

Pls don't say "nothing".


Edited by ivankiss

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Maybe to make you mentally prepared for everything that your mind will throw at you, because there will be tons of existential questions  and answers that will make you suffer, you said you are ready to embrace suffering, I guess it was just a talk. 

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@purerogue What makes you assume I avoid suffering?

What if I suffer willingly?

What if I already went through all the existential crisis my mind came up with?

How do you know where do I stand?


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@Anton Rogachevski I like friction, from time to time.

Love is all inclusive. I even dig these characters I rant against. Just trying to understand them; by speaking their language.

Maybe I'll be able to embody even more love for them afterwards.

For now, I still don't seem to be receiving any valid clarifications.

Mostly denial.



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Thanks @Mu_ 

This is not about me liking or disliking anything.

Please do not view my words in such a limited way.

I want to understand. Accept. Include.


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Surrender to being totally clueless about everything. It's liberating.

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12 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

Surrender to being totally clueless about everything. It's liberating.


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AHAHA @ivankiss doesn't matter what way you put it, there is no you to which the art belongs too! but continue ahaha

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@Aakash Is that supposed to be a revolutionary information? 

I often feel like I'm among first graders here.

Give me some valid arguments, master.

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14 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

But I'm an artist. Can't help myself.

Well don't go and cut your ear off over any of this.:)

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There are 3 stages to the Enlightenment Path.  (1) Stuck in Unenlightened Ego; (2) Stuck in Spiritual Ego; (3) Transcendence of Truth.

The pendulum must swing into idealism and then out of idealism on the Path.  It’s a process.  But the people who are stuck in idealism have no idea they’re at Stage 2 and not Stage 3.  People try so hard to be Enlightened through beliefs not realizing that Enlighrenment is a change or transformation in how you BE or ARE in the Now.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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