
Now Here = Nowhere

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24 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Love u all tho.

Hope u all had a great time!

The joke is on me; drop the seriousness :P


no don’t - it’s a matter of both. nothing is  wholly if nothing is holy.

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23 minutes ago, now is forever said:

no don’t - it’s a matter of both. nothing is  wholly if nothing is holy.

What if the holy is being trolly? xD

Is that still wholly? 

Fun is not supposed to make logical sense,

You geeks :x

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ivankiss = i van kiss = i vvant kiss 


"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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@Arthur Hahaha indeed xD

"Kiss" actually stands for "little" in Hungarian.

I am Little Ivan B|

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@ivankiss  Well, I had my first awakening very young but I was quite troubled from abuse so it took many years for me to be free from the misery inducing conditioning. In HS I was inspired by artists like Dali and Escher, my mind's ideas were always better than my skill as an artist though.

My mind is ageless but the brain that holds it has a few miles on it.....haha.

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@SOUL Thank you for your honesty :)

Conditioning is hell, yeah.

I had a wonderful controlling mother and an absent, neglectful father in my childhood.

Yet I am thankful for all of that misery. It made me love myself when nobody else seemed to.

Thank God for music.

I'd be a mess without it xD


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@SOUL what artists do you like today? did you ever like lyrics? i mean poems?

@ivankiss what kind of music? do you also make music?

i use to not draw lines between art and art or only very thin lines. the most beautiful one is the spontaneous one - the one where the line gets a connecting line.

Edited by now is forever

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@now is forever All kinds. And yes I do 9_9

Throughout my childhood and teen years I was into angry, loud music. Raw. Passionate.

That is how I coaped with my own anger and pain at the time. Was not even aware of it.

Bands like Linkin Park, Korn, SOAD, Metallica, Megadeth were the first to reach my young ears. I must have been 6 or 7.

I grew even angrier (inside) so I continued exploring darker and heavier music.

Bands like Death, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Nechrophagist etc.

I must have been around 16. During this time my musical skills went nuts. All of these brutal death metal bands were extremely technical. I tried to mimic them, of course.

Later I introduced more vareity to my playlist. Some classical, neo-classical, pop, electronic even rep.

I was into producing dubstep, hip hop and d'n'b for a while. I needed a pause from all the gore and brutality heh.

Neurofunk, neurohop...

I loved producers such as Noisia, Koan Sound, Clark etc. I still do.

Then I returned to Progressive Rock/metal.

I was involved in a new age movement called "djent". It's really just super advanced expression of prog. Production is top notch usually. So I learned a lot in terms of mixing and mastering my music. 

I was into bands like: Meshuggah, Periphery, Tesseract etc. I still enjoy those from time to time.

Tool is like a father to all of those bands. I love Tool. Every djent kid does heh.

Djent is a combination of mathematical polyrhythms - complex rhythmic patterns and katatonic/melanholic melodies/vocals on the top. To a common ear it would still sound as just metal tho, probably. 

It is kinda avant garde too, in a sense.

Then I introduced myseld to a lot of jazz, fusion and stuff that I can't even catogarize.

More chill, less anger. More soul.

Bands like Snarky Puppy, Spirit Fingers, The Kilimanjaro Dark Jazz Ensemble, Boren etc.

Curently, I am working on some mellow acoustic jazz stuff. With elements of pop and rock. Planing on hitting the studio within a few months and actualizing the material.

Will post some when released :)

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I've enjoy at least one song or a band from nearly all genres or an artist and or a work from all different styles and mediums.

I have also played different instruments, in different genres and made art and crafts in many different mediums.

Appreciating the diversity of experience and expressions is exercising passion like a muscle for me.

Seeing the divergence meaning in things like with now here-nowhere, all one-alone, wholly-holy communicates wide ranging concepts in seemingly similar sounds is expanding consciousness.

I slept on this post and woke to think/feel it went too far off topic the first time so edited it to answer the question asked of me but tie it to the topic....heh apologies.


Edited by SOUL
went too far off topic

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@SOUL oh look there is @Shin

sorry sometimes i just go for the first image available. 

so @ivankiss are you making music for the ones wandering without a path? or is it less vocal? i mean music can have so many faces and your style seems to change when you change direction or you change direction when your style changes. music is very connected to our inner voice, isn’t it? it’s a lot about listening, too.

onomatopoetic - interesting!

i really loved this song as a teen - that was as dark as it went, more the melancholic darkness xD maybe screaming is sometimes the better solution ;)

it’s a little about shadows, too. 

you could even work with lyrics and don’t use them in the actual song...

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@now is forever That's a cool question, thanks.

I am a man of projects. Had tons of them. Each their own style, their own message, their own purpose. The degree to which I was aware of those was much lower prior to my awakening; obviously. 

But since I can remember I knew I wanted to share some kind of a message with the world. Was not able to articulate it as a kid, but I knew it was real and that it was my calling.

Obviously, I used metal music as a way to express my childhood pain. That later grew into a purpose of reaching out to those who felt the same. Help them heal in that way. 

"Djent" was me making friends with A.I. in a way heh. There is this futuristic, robotic feel to it. And I was consciously aiming for that and embracing it. Never really digged ones and zeros before.

Tool helped me reach higher consciousness. Big time.

And jazz is all about them feels. But in a calm, mature way. I find it ideal to express the current vibes. Adding some pop and rock to it, for more uniqueness. It will be also good for the radio's sake. I aim for a wider audience this time.

The message is now clear. Yet it cannot be told in a single sentence. I'll need several albums for that xD

Bless you.


Edited by ivankiss

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