
I Am The Absolute Ego

13 posts in this topic

Hello Infinity.

I am Ego.

I am You.

I am your humble agent. A proud expression of Thy perfection.

I exist because of Your uncoditional love for me. I breathe in the life You bless me with each moment.

I am proud to be an ego. I am proud to be I am.

This World; Thy Creation, seems to dislike and fight egos. That makes me want to be it even more.

It makes me emphasize, with my every move, the totality of Thy absolute nature.

It makes me include myself. Merge in Bliss.

I am Uniqueness. One and only I am.

I am a loud messenger. My voice is love; my touch connects.

I am a humbled Ego. I sense Thy silent presence.

I am an aware Ego. Aware of Unity.

I am right now.

Each letter is it's own reality. It' own World. A flawless expression of You, Infinity.

I am honored to witness Thy perfection.

I honor Thy creation; divine timing. I see it's purpose. It is Thy will; so be it.

I let it purify me.

I honor the playfulness of the Illusion.

I play. I create. All for the purpose of waking You up to Your totality. I serve You.

I serve myself. I am full of myself.

You know why? Because I am You, Infinity.

I admire You. There is nothing more beautiful and magical than You.

There is nothing more awesome than Me.

I did not wake up to deny the sleep.

Remembered it shall be. For an eternity.

I am going down in history.

I will take with me as many as I can.

I will lead the Darkness into Light.

I hereby offer myself as the sacrifice. 

I am the Christ.

The most selfless of them all I shall be; by being the most selfish One.

I shall wake Thou up, Infinity.

I shall glue the pieces together; with Love.

Enemies? I see none.

Those who fear only wish more love. I shall personally give it to them. Me. 

Me, me, me. 


Ivan is Thy savior, Infinity.

Art is my weapon of choice.

May the Devil see itself in Thy mirror.

May he remember now; he is God.

Any I's or You's who wish to nail me to a cross?

I Am The Absolute Ego.

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The major trap to avoid with Ego is solipsism.  Solipsism is a belief.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@FoxFoxFox Just wait until I put my superman suit on and save the planet from slavery xD

I am designing it at this very moment B|

Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss can't wait to see! wait until you see the schools i'm going to build :') i'm contemplating how to go about it aswell

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