
Does Enlightenment!! Sustainable..

3 posts in this topic

After you have achieved enlightenment (awakening , satori)
Can you become less enlightened or even unenlightened if you don't keep your practice?

Which bring us to another question..
I read about sudden enlightenment, which i assumed is an enlightenment without any practice or a desire to pursue it.
Is it the same as the enlightenment with practice? or just a mystical experience?

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I have not pursued this path per example and have awakened almost 3 years ago. 

But after all that time, only this month I dived deep into the permanent state of bliss. The last 2 years were ups and downs during the day, moments of bliss with other moments of dark nights of the soul, having almost every day continuous ego deaths so to speak.

So yes, if you decide to skip the breath and think all the time, eventually one will fall into the trap of forgetting, again. 

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Agreed the truth is so deathly simple - it seems even to elude the best of us through lack of embodyment. Thought is nothing but a tool , thought is of language and therefore is the language of duality. What can not be expressed, can't be known without completely letting go and even then you stop caring about it and forget it all together, because you made sense out of it with language and therefore the TRUTH was a lie in the first place.

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