
Sleeping problems.

9 posts in this topic

Hello to everyone!

For the past 2 years I have been constantly falling asleep during my school and outer school activities and even at home. Everything that I do makes me fall asleep, no matter what I do. The weird thing is that I'm sleeping 8 hours per average and I mostly feel good which vanishes the second I start to do something. It makes me  depressed, because I feel like my life slips away with too much sleep...

What can I do to prevent it? Is it my mental health perhaps or lack of purpose of life (which is true, because I feel unfulfilled inside)? 

I would be glad to hear every advise :)

Thank you

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I remember having this kind of perturbation when I was under stress. I thought I slept well but I didn’t, so in the daytime I sometimes almost felt asleep, which can be dangerous.

If you are doing some consciousness work, it could “mess up” with your brainwaves. That might be a reason. Binaural beats and deep meditation enter alpha (or tetha) brainwaves. But you are still awake. And so you can disrupt your normal sleep cycles. Also lucid dreaming.

That can also happen with some herbal tea, or some medication. these can cause sleep paralysis and other sleep disturbances. Also, drug or alcohol abuse. 

Try to see if your diet and lifestyle are healthy. 

You talk about being unfulfilled inside. It might play a role, school can be really draining. Are you under a lot of pressure?

 Maybe look into natural herbal remedies? 

If you can’t find any obvious cause, maybe it would be wise to see a doctor or make some sleeping tests?


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4 hours ago, ingurix said:

Hello to everyone!

For the past 2 years I have been constantly falling asleep during my school and outer school activities and even at home. Everything that I do makes me fall asleep, no matter what I do. The weird thing is that I'm sleeping 8 hours per average and I mostly feel good which vanishes the second I start to do something. It makes me  depressed, because I feel like my life slips away with too much sleep...

What can I do to prevent it? Is it my mental health perhaps or lack of purpose of life (which is true, because I feel unfulfilled inside)? 

I would be glad to hear every advise :)

Thank you

No worries, is a clear sign of indoctrination of the mind, a personallity that you are building. This is the reason for the sleepiness. Now be genuine with yourself, because the root problem is there. Skip the knowledge and return to Breath and Heart to sort this out if you want. Otherwise you will use will power to counteract the sleep, then what will happen is a stuck in the 5 senses and so on, and a continuous building of anti-natural patterns.

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Falling asleep in the day is a strong sign that you're not getting enough good quality sleep. Having good quality sleep can't be overemphasised for good mental health and body functioning. Here's some practical things you could experiment with:

  • Not sure of your age, but it is now known that sleep patterns can be shifted significantly during teenage years. It's not uncommon to be alert until the small hours. You could be fighting against this.
  • The amount of sleep different people need varies. You may just need more sleep than others. Try nine hours.
  • You may be getting too much blue light in the evenings/night. Try wearing blue light blocking glasses. This will shift your sleep cycle earlier. This can work wonders for quality of sleep. Apps that reduce the blue content of your phone or laptop can help to an extent, but glasses are better. Have lower light levels in general in the evening.
  • Eat earlier in the evening. It's common to eat at 8pm or even later. Try 6pm.  Digestion is less effecient later in the day.
  • Keep away from alcohol. This will disrupt the quality of sleep.
  • Keep to a rigid sleep schedule including weekends. This will train your body to expect sleep at the right times.
  • Reduce stressors on your body, such as smoking or bad diet. Conversely, exercise more during the day (late afternoon is better for this).
  • Keep away from stimulation late at night, such as TV, Youtube, films, listening to music etc. Read or just meditate instead.
  • Some foods are good for inducing sleep, such as kiwis.

Anyway, good luck!


57% paranoid

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@Benoit Jazy Those past 2 years were (and currently is) really stressful. I would say the reason may be:

*An unpleasant (for me) situation in my family  - my ideas and thoughts and actions really confronts with my family's ideas so I tend do hold everything inside

*The consant feeling that I'm failing myself

*Can't really do what I wanted to do (because of the family)

*Consant comparisons between myself and "others" (I find it hard to fight it)

*A fear of becoming as closed-minded as my family is

I should add that it became depressing once I started to open my mind to new things and now I'm struggling to maintain my mindset. 

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@LastThursday Thanks for sharing this! Those are some valuable things you gave to me. Will try to work on that. :)


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@ingurix It's impossible to tell, so you should start experimenting with ways to fix it. Look at your diet and try different Nuutropics and supplements. Start a meditation and yoga practice if you haven't already. Try to get out in nature. Sleep 8-9 hours REGULARLY and AT THE SAME TIMES EVERY DAY. I can't stress that enough.

And watch this interview, extremely insightful:


"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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You might be harassed by distractions while you are trying to fall asleep on bed.

One thing I discovered when I did a one-day solo retreat is that lack of distraction leads to a high quality sleep.

Do a lot of meditation, and try to love things and people unconditionally. Distractions will fade in your daily life.

If distractions faded but you still had sleep problems, you should go visit a sleep clinic.

Edited by CreamCat

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