
How do you integrate your trips and other psychedelics questions

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I've been wondering several psychedelic related topics I think the community will highly benefit from discussing.

1) How do you integrate your trips ?

I feel sometimes that I need to spend several days meditating after, journaling, getting massaged and going to the spa because I feel quite fragile and I have a lot of emotions to process that are coming up.

2) How often do you wait between trips ?

I feel like shrooms/LSD have a two week tolerance because nature wanted it to be used that way, to at least wait 2 weeks before usage, but that might be just a unfounded theory which sounds nice. But tripping too often can maybe be harmful if you don't get enough time to integrate, which is paradoxical since tripping also helps you to integrate !

3) How do you know when you should increase your dose and when you should remain and work at any given dose ?

Pretty self-explanatory.

4) Is it best to : set intentions and take notes during the trip or fully surrender to it and let yourself be taken by it ?

At low doses or during the come up for instance I have very specific thinking where I like to write down my insights whilst at the peak I'm tripping too hard to actually be able to write down anything. Also, shrooms tend to sometimes give me some answers to my questions, so setting intentions does work to some extent.

5) Is there actually a substance/spirit working with you or you're "alone" and roleplaying with yourself ?

Just wondering about that :P

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