
What is the #1 Habit that did the most high yield results for you in your life?

27 posts in this topic

Having a super-intense curiosity about how things work, without passing judgement. Thinking in depth about everything. Putting knowledge into action.

57% paranoid

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Being 100% truthful of how I feel and think and inquire until I get to the root cause.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 12/29/2018 at 8:37 AM, Sahil Pandit said:

@Shroomdoctor 3-5 hours of OneNote per day B|

What are you doing in particular? I'm thinking about starting a journaling habit and would like to discover various ways to do it.

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One meal a day definitely. Water fast for 23 hours and then eat 1 hour before I go to bed. This habit is so powerful it's crazy. I lose 1 pound every day. I feel more energized, clean, spiritual and light as a feather.

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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