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If we all played our role

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Recent experiences has caused me to question what the divine play is. In hinduism ... it ... is called leela. If we are all playing our role, then who is watching out for the overall role. It is a natural paradox, am i big or small. This is the duality that leads to I am small-big and this is what we call non duality. 

I am small , i am big , i am small-big , i am big-small 

as long as in your role you identify with ONE thing you are non- dual. 

Could it be as such, that the role of playing ONE thing has no distinct boundaries, therefore it only leaves the role and term "playing in the now" 

"What came first the chicken or the egg"

in other words

what came first Something or nothing ... 

The answer we know now is nothing .... they appeared at the same time , in fact they are non dual. 

so for all dualities to collapse you have to arrive at the point where all terms are the same between big and small and the obvious answer you arrive at is simple... the big and small are dualities, the answer can not be encapsulated by any human standards, besides absolute truth and void or another definite of complete nothingness. 

Okay so you arrive here and lets say you let go of everything entirely... you become non duality itself .. You become one thing! 

A force of nature, belonging to a bigger self ... YOU itself 

I agree you can become absolutely nothing, but you can't actualise absolute nothing unless you actualise absolutely something 

in other words, might it be that as non duality... the role we play is one role ... to create something out of nothing! 

The paradox turns inwards and the duality completely collapses! 

saying we are absolute nothingness does not raise consciousness levels fast, the fastest way is to produce something out of nothing. produce yourself out of nothing. 

Human is only a construct itself, pure awareness however is the only thing real ofcourse! but only as far as hallucinations go! or absolute nothingness. 

what are your thoughts on this matter?  reality constructing itself? 

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He does not ; he/ she must only do one thing. Complete the paradox and break down dualities. Becoming so conscious they are consciousness themselves in the big sense, thus able to create something out of nothing 

in scientific terms, it's like nikola tesla creating a device to harness energy out of thin air, he suppodely has and the government has covered it up. and it's so called conspiracy theory. None the less; i'm not interested in the conspiracy but the theory itself. Using reality itself consciously to create reality itself. 

It does, not need to have shape or form, or be real these are all additional dualities and delusions! it just has to be done to completely break down the duality. As we say the miracle is no miracle to us but miraculous to others! to us it was already what was there! 

absolute something = absolute nothing (duality breaks down)


absolute nothing > (is greater than) absolute something 


absolute something > (is greater than)  absolute nothing 

This is where i think many enlightened teachers are at absolute nothing 

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