
Depressed by my perfect IQ score

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Scored a 100 in an IQ test. I thought i was 120 or 130, since i was able to do free assocation quite well and had some weird, out of the box thinking. Now i'm really identified with IQ as my intelligence

I used to be able to synthesize informatino really quickly and read dense books with ease and clarity, now my mind is so f-ing cluttered and my consciousness as well it's affecting my work and academic performance. cluttered thinking leads to cluttered writing. more self hate, more negative cycle. Goddammit.

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iq is not that important 

feynmans iq was 125 yet he achived a lot of great things equal to those who had higer iq.

Also a study shows that grit is more important than iq which is the skill to have passion and perseverance.

Also iq doesn't limit what you can do what's more important is how you do things for example focus with low intensity while learning will get you low grades while focus with high intensity will most likely get you high grades.

And last cal newport argues Deep work is the new iq this is what made albert einstein albert einstein not hes iq but hes skill to focus intensely on cognitive demanding task that push hes abilities to the limit.  

Edited by BjarkeT

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@Rilles @BjarkeT but Jordan Peterson said these were corrupted concepts

and Richard Hayer's book on intelligence also reflected that IQ and g factor are far more predictive of career and job sastifaction than Gardener's multiple intelligence and mere conscientiousness. mere hardwork does not get you anywhere

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@clouffy And does he have evidence to support hes claim? if not its not a valid claim 

Cal newports concepts is scientific evidence-based.

Also grit is not hard work grit is the skill to finish what you started even if it take you 2 years and not quitting because of some obstacle.

Grit has shown to be more predictive than iq if i recall correctly. 

Also what make you have job satisfaction is not iq but is the question are you good or not at something rarer and valuable check out cal newports so good they can't ignore you where he goes in detail on scientific evidence based on how people end of loving what they do.

To get good is just a matter of deliberate practice not iq.

Edited by BjarkeT

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16 minutes ago, BjarkeT said:

@clouffy And does he have evidence to support hes claim? if not its not a valid claim 

Cal newports concepts is scientific evidence-based.

This is an always on-going academic debate. There are arguments on both sides. You can split academia into those who believe that there's a single intelligence factor and those that believe in multiple intelligence styles.

Jordan Peterson in his Big 5 lectures talk about how when you're good at one of the multiple intelligences you're also likely to be good in all the others, which points to an underlying factor "general intelligence" that lies in the shadow behind the multiple intelligences.

Also the fact that IQ reliably predicts how far you're gonna go in life. And as with any scientific model, if you can actually predict something with it, then that's one of the strongest arguments you can have right there.

Now I'm not in the field of psychology, only a happy amateur, so don't expect me to be able to see if there's a hole in the general intelligence, but it seems that IQ is indeed one thing.

Edited by Krisena

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According to jordan peterson, IQ predicts how fast one learns an abstract concept. IQ doesn't predict how fast and well one executes what it learned.

Also, most people waste 80~90% of their efforts through procrastinations and distractions. Unless your IQ is 300~500, IQ doesn't make a lot of difference.

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Jordan Peterson explains the validity of general intelligence here, as well as walking you through why multiple intelligences don't work:


Jordan Peterson is an actual psychology researcher, so his word carries some weight. In any case, it's healthy to engage with both sides of the debate. xD

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Not familiar with multiple intelligences or single intelligence factor never heard it before so I can’t say anything about that yet.

also cal Newport’s work is still evidence based.

Edited by BjarkeT

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As for clouffy, I know how you feel man. I took an IQ test a year ago and didn't score as well as I thought I would, without revealing the actual numbers. If anything, you should realize just how much of your self-worth you base in your intelligence, and start investing your self-worth in yourself instead.

As awesome as it would be to have the mental horsepower of a genius, it doesn't make you into a more valuable person. Intelligent people can be disadvantaged in that they can develop complexes where they don't believe they are worthy of love unless they perform well. By itself intelligence is a blessing, but when you place it into social reality, it can quickly become what we in Norwegian call a "bear favor" - that is, a favor that works out great in the short run, but has catastrophic long term consequences. Imagine how many people who blew their teachers away in grade school for example and so learned that they can get positive affection by displaying smarts.

If general intelligence exists, there's nothing you can do but your best anyway. Don't cry over spilt milk.

Edited by Krisena

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@BjarkeT I think IQ affects how fast you learn. It's just that there is not much difference between IQ 100 and IQ 150.

If your IQ was 300~500, there should be some noticeable differences.

Edited by CreamCat

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@CreamCat I think it’s more important how you learn rather than iq for example those who does this:

1 study in isolation

2 focus with high intensity

3 does active recall

4 practice testing

5 embrace boredom so they avoid attention residue

are more likely to get good results than those who

1 study with distractions

2 are on the internet all day so you get a lot of attention residue

3 study in a room full of people

4 use highlight as review rather than active recall

5 study with low intensity

Edited by BjarkeT

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Even if you don't know why, it's very safe to say iq isn't everything. You can still be smart and be very good at what you do

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I don't think iq tests are accurate, try taking multiple different tests daily for a period of time and then average them, since your intelligence is influenced by your state, and some days your state is absolute shit, and others your smarter. 

At the end of the day if your iq is a 100, it shouldn't mean that you can't pursue your life purpose,  

and if you want to cognitive performance, you should eat a keto diet, as well as get involved in a lot of learning.

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23 minutes ago, CreamCat said:

I think IQ affects how fast you learn. It's just that there is not much difference between IQ 100 and IQ 150.

hey im sure thats factually flawed there is a difference between 100iq vs 150iq individuals. if you where to argue that there wasn't much difference between 100-110, sure i would agree. 

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55 minutes ago, CreamCat said:

@BjarkeT I think IQ affects how fast you learn. It's just that there is not much difference between IQ 100 and IQ 150.

If your IQ was 300~500, there should be some noticeable differences.

100 (50th percentile) and 150 (99.9th+ percentile) is a massive difference. Tests that measure reliably above 200 are still in development.

I teach music theory to a couple of kids. Some of them are really smart, and you can tell because they learn in a day what others need months to really get under their skin. And let's not even talk about the mental gymnastics they manage to do with that.

Edited by Krisena

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I watched a doc which charted child genius' life, they had very high iqs 150+ at like 10 but very few of them made any kind of success of their lives, so i really dont think its that much of a factor, it is a factor but so are all the other intelligences, so is attractiveness, so is athleticism, theres so many, to boil it down to just iq i think is short sighted  

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  1. IQ doesn't matter. Creativity does.
  2. You can keep improving your IQ until it's 200.

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No one is their IQ or their grades. Try not to let alleged numbers and percentages distract or define you. Identifying too much with meaningless scores can lead to an overabundance of the rational which only prevents one from reaching and fulfilling their true authentic and creative potential.

Intelligence is much more infinite & vast than filling in multiple choice questions and taking brief illegitimate quizzes that are aimed to judge, pollute and limit your intelligence. You know yourself better than any IQ test or computer. The duration of intelligence is eternal and goes way beyond the barriers of the mind and bogus scores.

What's most valid and accurate is how passionate and determined you are about what you're learning. Focus on learning and studying the things that make you happy, excited, or inspired. I've always found that it's much easier to comprehend, deeply focus, and absorb information one is learning if they are taking in something they actually want to learn.

Edited by VioletFlame

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