Eric Tarpall

The light of truth shines through bullshit

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No matter how much anti truth propaganda there is, you will recognize truth when you see it. You just have to trust your eyes.


Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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That statement smells like propaganda itself.

Is truth a visual phenomenon? How do you know you eyes aren't deceiving you, or maybe you see only what you want to see, that can happen without you knowing it.

*Stares at hand*

Edited by XYZ

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Truth cannot be grasped like that. 

Only after hard work, no resistance, oneness and integration of humanity and everything. Only after all that one can distinguish truth from falsehood.

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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10 hours ago, K VIL said:

did you create cette image?

I don't know what cette means. I found it on google images.

10 hours ago, XYZ said:

Is truth a visual phenomenon?

I'd say it's a sensory phenomenon.

1 hour ago, Hellspeed said:

Only after hard work, no resistance, oneness and integration of humanity and everything. Only after all that one can distinguish truth from falsehood.

I hope you're wrong. That sounds like a lot of work. I'm a hard worker but of course I rather take the easy path.

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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35 minutes ago, Eric Tarpall said:

I hope you're wrong. That sounds like a lot of work. I'm a hard worker but of course I rather take the easy path.

Hope as you might, hope is a mistake :) 

Truth does not come, is not seen, is discovered after the turmoil, then comes bliss. Why is like this? Because all the fragments are in the whole of humanity and existance to be discovered and integrated first. Are not only personal shadows or own life's shadows. One has to flow and embrace all the shadows/bliss of all human beings from forever, this is the reason so few encounter the truth. It takes bravery, courage, getting hit again and again and keep going forward. I'm not joking here, try it for yourself. We awaken in parallel of the same integration with anyone and everything else, in the same proportion so to speak.

In reallity is what the myth of Jesus says in the bible. One has to be willing to die for everyone and everything in order to move on and transcend.


... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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Hellspeed is pointing in the right direction. My enlightenment happened in a single moment of absolute selflessness, taking on the pain of someone else completely. Because it was my pain, as is all of humanity's.

I would say though that there are degrees of truth. And the more you grow spiritually, the more is revealed to you. It's not a singular moment at an eventual end where only one truth is revealed. Truth is like an onion, peeling away each layer only reveals a deeper understanding. All the truth, even at lower vibrations, is still truth. You just have a clearer picture painted with every new realization.

But it's hard work and facing all your pain regardless of the way you look at it. But why would you not want to face your pain so you can heal from it, what could possibly be more important for you and every single person you interact with?

Edited by Elysian

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