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the good life in one sentence

11 posts in this topic

Strive towards living the best life possible without your happiness being dependent on it.

or in other words

Detach and go all in!


That's it in my opinion.

Often times I get too caught up in wanting growth, the perfect future, and therefore not appreciating the process, the present. Even if I'm going to make more progress that way, I'm not enjoying the finite time of my life at that moment. So when I take a step back, I see that I will have a better life by enjoying the journey, even if the outcome maybe will be slightly worse. On the other hand I've noticed that if I'm just present and enjoy that bliss, after a while I'm not happy anymore and I'm longing for growth. So work seems necessary at this point in my life.

That state, in which I'm already fulfilled before I've accomplished anything, by realizing that everything is perfect right at this moment, and then deciding to take upon the difficulties of growth because it's the most rewarding and exciting way to live; that is in my opinion how to combine the best of spirituality and psychology, leading to a fulfilling life.

Please let me know your thoughts on this. Also, I'm very curious what your sentence would be. So feel free to share yours. :)

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Ever heard the saying, "Two steps forward, one step back." That summarizes the process.

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Maximum engagement with least attachment

More action with less resistance


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Meditation is for me the greatest thing in life. 

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Balancing Ego and No Ego well.  Too much Ego is a trap, too much No Ego is a trap.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor Why would you say that too much no ego is a trap? Wouldn't that be the path to enlightenment, which is certainly something to strive for?

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3 minutes ago, LoveandPurpose said:

@Joseph Maynor Why would you say that too much no ego is a trap? Wouldn't that be the path to enlightenment, which is certainly something to strive for?

Aha!  Now we’ve got a perspective you’ve never been exposed to before.  It’s like a voice from the wilderness.  A strange, new notion. How could it be?  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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