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Has anyone tried jnana yoga?

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I heard little about it . Just wondering about anyone experiences and benefits of it. 

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Basically self-inquiry.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Here's a decent explanation.


"In order to experience God's omnipresence, we turn to what Jnana Yoga and Religion have taught all along: that we should not produce a single thought (Psalm: "Be still and know that I am God").
The Jnana Yogi meditates by concentrating on the answer to the question: Who am I? Or by simply hanging on to the first of all thoughts, which is: I.

This may sound strange and egotistical, but every thought we produce is attached to "I". Thus we may say or think: I see you, I do this, I love God, etc. First comes I, then everything else. If we concentrate on I until the thought can be held, then we are already at the root of all problems and errors. In time, even this thought will disappear leaving nothing else but pure Awareness: the omnipresence of God.

It should be quite clear that one can continue to exist without thinking, and that such a thoughtless condition must be possible. However, if one simply tries to stop thinking - just for a moment - we encounter the resistance of our ego. But since the ego cannot consist of anything more than thoughts, it can be weakened by meditation on a Mantram, which for a Jnana Yogi is simply I. Like Hatha and Radja Yogis, Jnana Yogis also acknowledge the relationship between breathing and thinking. However, they have found that breathing slows automatically through the concentration on the I-AM, and so less importance is placed on pranayama exercises.

The best promise of the Jnana Yoga system is the possible culmination into Sahaja Samadhi, when the natural condition of the Self continues even during regular activities, free of worries and anxiety. Through persistent probing, fixing our attention on the source of our Being, we regain our real Self; we remember who we are.
The inquiry, as the result of practicing Jnana Yoga, leads us towards clear Awareness by removing our attention from that which we are not."

Edited by Big Guru Balls

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