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True Statements as read from the Absolute's / True Self's Prespective

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in my ever deepening understanding of the place where the absolute self "watches" from I get the analogy of staring down a well to be on point.

All the Self is doing is staring down the well. Thoughts are always "seen" from above. The questioning thought is also the ego trying to dress up as the SELF and do the inquiry but again, because it appears deep within the well, the true self is watching from above the well and sees this too. 

this is a very nice little bit when it falls into place... i had a series of thoughts come up trying to overcome the previous thought with a higher authority but it was seen that all these thoughts are occurring at the same lower level and seen by absolute from up top of the well.


 with this, i was able to understand how the mind is used as a tool to be speaking from the point of the absolute

true statements = statements which would be said if the absolute could speak directly.

some true statements which came to mind were:

1. i am aware of this thought

2. i am the watcher of this thought

3. this thought appears in and as me

4. i am beyond the reach of the mind because i am the container for the mind

5. I AM (this one really was felt once i had that thought loop collapse briefly and it was directly seen. i just very still-ly AM.

yes, these have human perspective and ideas of thoughts embedded in it, which the absolute is beyond all of that. but this is in terms of speaking as an enlightened being may speak to us.


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I dont see why enlightened being would make talking weird and not practical. 

Edited by Whatever

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This seems like maturing awareness of an observer. A nonjudgemental awareness that simply observes. 

In the observing awareness of “I AM”, it is so tempting to add stuff on to the I AM. “I am awareness”, “I am an observer of thought” etc. This is subtle movement toward dual constructs. Movement toward nondual might be to drop the “I” in “I AM” and just be “AM”. Sit in the stillness of “AM-ness”.

One experience that helped collapse the observer was the realization of observing the oberver. And not in intellectual theorizing. Rather, the awarenesd and experience of observing the observer. Then, awareness of observing the observer of the observer. This then spiraled into infinite observers observing an observer and the whole concept collapsed. “I Am” collapsed into “Am” which collapse into “IS”, which collapsed into nothing.

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3 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

This seems like maturing awareness of an observer. A nonjudgemental awareness that simply observes. 

In the observing awareness of “I AM”, it is so tempting to add stuff on to the I AM. “I am awareness”, “I am an observer of thought” etc. This is subtle movement toward dual constructs. Movement toward nondual might be to drop the “I” in “I AM” and just be “AM”. Sit in the stillness of “AM-ness”.

One experience that helped collapse the observer was the realization of observing the oberver. And not in intellectual theorizing. Rather, the awarenesd and experience of observing the observer. Then, awareness of observing the observer of the observer. This then spiraled into infinite observers observing an observer and the whole concept collapsed. “I Am” collapsed into “Am” which collapse into “IS”, which collapsed into nothing.

perfect. absolutely spot on. @Serotoninluv


that's precisely what i became aware of. i dont think i have the write words to express it as you do, but this seems perfect


the "non-judgemental" awareness is a strong one.


also the process of going from I AM AWARENESS to I AM to AM to IS to nothing    <3 :) 

Thank you.

mapping the process once it's seen makes it easier for me to get back to that place

and at the same time, to the one unaware, this would just be so easily missed

the fact that it cannot be pointed to becomes infinitely more clear as to way day by day.




oh and yes, the tendency to talk about it and all is certainly the movement towards dual constructs

which is also ok as long as one can be grounded in the AM-ness... #workInProgress for me.

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@Serotoninluv when you mention the experience of collapsing the observer... was that during a certain practice? or did it remain as a lasting experience for you even now?


for me, there is a thought-process which takes place for that understanding to be seen again... but it did not collapse it for good for me.


is it the same for you too? or does this particular point not have a lasting direct experience/understanding until other deeper realizations ?

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@SoonHei Within the constructs of time and progress, I’d say there were several insights planted in my mind-body that coalesced. During a spiritual retreat in Peru, the “I AM” was revealed through direct experience during a ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, the shaman spoke of the “I AM” and there was a rudimentary embodiment. This was a radically different state of being, and as I wandered around South America for the next three months, consciousness flowed into, and out, of the I AM. One helpful thing the shaman said was to be mindful whenever we add something on to the I AM. “I am a kind person”, “I am depressed”, “I am a teacher”, “I am American” etc. Sometimes this has practical use when interacting with people, yet awareness arose of the identification to what is being attached to the I Am. I’d be sitting in a collectivo for hours and realize I was immersed in identifying with “I am. . . this or that”. This conditining kept popping up and for months I kept “returning” to the I AM state of mind. For me, this was just a simple recognition and letting go of the add-ons to the “I AM”.

After about a year of this de-conditioning, a sense of grounding and peace within the I AM arose. It became fairly easy to relax into it. Then, I watched a Rupert Spira video in which he used an analogy of an observer watching a movie. This observer he spoke of connected to the I AM direct experience within me. Then he said that this was an intermediate stage. I thought “wth, there is another stage? No way”. Yet when he spoke of the collapse between observer and object during the next stage, there was a sense of truth there that hadn’t been embodied in my mind-body,

One day I was walking in the woods simply “I AM-ing” with nature. Spira’s movie analogy arose in the mind and a conscious state of awareness of the “nature movie” that I AM was observing. Then a thought/image/sense arose that the real movie was about an “I AM” character in a movie theater watching a movie. This was a radical recontextualization that lasted a couple minutes. Then, it spiraled into a movie of a movie of a movie. . . on and on into an insanity zone - it was beyond what the mind could comprehend. It expanded into infinity and disappeared. No observer. No movie. Just ISness. 

Sometimes that “place” just arises. Other times, a thought process or concentration practice may reveal “it”.

Once this was revealed, there was a shift in the source of seeking energy. The seeking energy to find answers and figure it out dissolved. The desire to travel to monasteries and ashrams dissolved. Reading texts telling the reader what “it” is lost it’s appeal. A new energy arose seeking exploration and to return to the direct experience of ISness. Speakers that spoke of the experience and essence of this Am-ness and ISness resonated with me. 

It is temtpting to create a “place” of this ISness within the mind. Yet it cannot be located or found as a place within a timeline, because it is always present here and now. All thoughts, actions, places, things are ISness. 

Once there was a clear “seeing” of this, the game was exposed as a game and the “I” cannot unsee that. Yet, various states of relative consciousness arise. Thoughts, emotions and mind states appear and disappear within the timeline, yet “underling” these appearances/disappearances is an unchanging ISness.

This is all just an story within an illusory timeline. Yet, it is also a story that arises as ISness in this eternal moment. The I AM is not identified with this story - that would be an “add-on”. There is no “I” to take ownership of the story. There is no experiencer that experienced the story. It would be more truthful to say the story arises within what IS, similar to how a story sung by a bird arises within what IS.

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@Serotoninluv wow. thank you for that. it was a nice read and helped illustrate and map it a little better for me.

i try to do without mapping if i can help it, but it does deepen it for me, hence i ask... in the long run i am reminded the mapping will fall out and that's fine :)


wow... so the journey from the AM-ness to the IS-ness it seems. both ultimately also will be transcended. 

though, IS-ness (concept) does seem more fundamental vs AM-ness (concept)

i guess the concepts have varrying % of identification which goes with it... and ultimately the TRUTH as in your prior post where the IS-ness then turns to NOTHING-ness 



thank you.

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@SoonHei Ime, the concepts are important as a foundation for direct experience. Without a conceptual framework, the mind may dismiss mystical experiences as “woo woo”.

My concern with concepts is attachment and identification with concepts. The concepts themselves are simply more ISness. 

Yes, I’d say ISness is more fundamental than AMness because the mind is more likely to identify with AMness. It’s easier to personalize AMness. For example, it’s easy for the mind to think “I am this”. Yet resistant to “The rock am this”. 

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