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Egos attempting to control everything

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I recently had this insight.  of something controlling without a limited size/shape/boundary such as our body or mind...  Nor do they have specific knowledge of what they're connected to...  is this ego?

It seems unchecked they simply scan for opportunities to spread, and extend as far as possible.  It obviously works best through our nervous system and muscles, but with tools and networks, it's able to spread in many more ways.  You can see it in personalities when people, heh especially families, try to control others, or change lots of opinions with propaganda, leadership or other social control.  Or when people build lots of machines to operate on matter around them and factories.  Or when they produce lots of art, architecture or hell even this forum? 

Think about those experiments where people feel pain from a fake limb generated by a mirror, personify and anthropomorphize random objects or even stoned people becoming  aware of their limbs or fearing their limbs are out of control... 

Is this ego?  or simply the growth of the universe?  I sense it around "me," this attempt for my own mind to extend control as far as possible - and i feel it competing, as if its outer tendrils are searching out others like roots to stake out territory.  But it's not all harmful, I'm cautious to judge it at all...  if i cook someone a meal, i accept that...  it's as if there's some set of conditions that make it benign or malignant...  any comments?!

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for additional demonstration, consider this video, in which a drone with a camera observes itself in a mirror:

when your mind encounters itself in a reflection - it doesn't freak out and say, "where are my arms?"  it simply says, "guess I'm a flying drone now."

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