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Hmm What life purpose is this???

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I took leo's LP course a few months ago again. my lp statement was "to expand the possibilities of what man can do by inventing tools and techniques"

which naturally points towards engineering. 

Yet ive been doing engineering all my life already. I gave it a second crack again recently, tried to like it or at least convince myself that I did, but now im burnt out again. 

I've discovered 1 massive issue with engineering: the happiness comes from a desire to see your ideas turn into reality. Yet this keeps you (or at least me) constantly miserable, because you're always looking forward to the future and never the present. 

I think ive finally discovered what I really enjoy about engineering. I enjoy expanding my thinking and awareness. I enjoy the feeling of mystery (moreso than discovering the mystery itself) and adventure and discovering completely different universes, worlds and paradigms.

What LP could possibly fit this? I have a burning desire to try astral projection, dmt, lucid dreaming, anything to break my mundane existence and explore something really cool and awesome. Something more awesome than the stars. 

Could a scientist ever have a life like this? I find science to be highly mundane. You do discover things, but its no where near as awesome as what I need to quench my thirst.

Any tips on how someone could make money off this or if someone has before?

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I think you need to improve your planning system and your capacity to execute your plans.

You were probably burnt out because you weren't good at distributing your workload evenly throughout weeks and months and you weren't good at removing shallow tasks from your days. You probably had hard time with saying no to fun projects that are irrelevant to your life purpose. Irrelevant fun projects could take up your schedule and burn you out.

If you improve your execution, you improve your practice. If you improve your practice, you improve your enthusiasm.

It's hard to stay enthusiastic when you are not properly putting your life purpose into practice.

Elon Musk could stay enthusiastic because his practice supported his life purpose.

Edited by CreamCat

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@CreamCat he is enthusiastic.. but about going to mars, which is some fantastical future event. 

After a while being enthusiastic about imagination gets tiring and boring, because you're getting excited over something made of thought. 

And even if you materialize it, the material is fun for a few days, or even weeks, but it gets boring aswell.

And this process goes on forever. 

What's actually exciting about building a spaceship to mars is the process of expanding your mind beyond mundane existence, it has nothing to do with the engineering process at all. Engineering is 10% this, 90% banging your head against a wall because your rocket engine keeps thrusting backwards instead of forwards.

The actual process of doing engineering is dry, cumbersome and myopic. 

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You're right. However, if you don't keep your practice afloat, you will lose enthusiasm anyway because lack of practice will make you disgusted of your theory or your vision.

Practice and theory go together.

Practice and vision go together.

Also, it's easy to enjoy dry grinding when you're properly putting in your practice. Hard work feels virtuous and good.

Living a virtuous life itself is a reward.

Edited by CreamCat

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Maybe you are thinking in terms of "Orange" engineering. How about turquoise engineering? Could you become one of the pathfinders in the area?

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@electroBeam Sounds like you need something much more imaginative than engineering. Engineering work is usually pretty dry and routine.

That's the major reason I switched my major from engineering to philosophy.

Try looking at more artist careers like creative writing, design, film-making, fine art, etc. That's where you can really flex your imagination.

For example, I love the imaginative nature of game design or storytelling.

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