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European colective shadow work, a must for spiraling forward.

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This video kept me thinking, trying to spontaneously fit the puzzle.

It is almost evident that Europe will have to do massive, collective shadow work in order to transit from its famous green to yellow lets say, also the blue/orange components of the society need to go spiral forward. Due to technological boosting of everything we do, this will also have to happen fairly fast. Or at least there is a need felt for it to happen fast.

Its somewhat puzzling to me, how can this happen. After all, the shadow work happens on an individual level, you go in and un-wire that stuff. A collective can't do shadow work. When enough individuals have done this, only then the collective changes.

Witch lead me to :
The archetype of Odin seems to be alive and moving inside the collective metaphysical layer of Europe. In his positive form, trough embodiment, symbolically speaking: he can inspire people to willfully hang on the tree of life, upside down, by themselves and gaze deep into the waters bellow, he can also inspire people to take their left eye (analytical) out in order to see the true picture (right eye - the soul).

Pattern wise, what happens after "the hanged man" is death, and only then, temperance.


This is probably the best way things can arrange themselves . Witch is this conscious embodiment.
If this spirals in an unconscious way, other collective archetypes can easily take a grip, and lead things another way.

Haven't put much thought into those, because one intrigued me at this time...
It would be interesting to see that massive spike of depression in the next 10/20 years, only to die and be reborn.

This is my attempt to bring my scattered thoughts into form.
What are your thoughts on this ?

Edited by Yog

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@Yog most of the blue in society arises from the older individuals in that society. Old people dying out in conjunction with new people being born into the world is a mechanism through which society would move up the spiral. This mechanism is probably applicable to all cultures at every stage. The environment that successive generations are being raised in become gradually less toxic. One generation slightly improves the environment and culture for the next generation, and that next generation improves the culture and education for the generation after them. The cycle continues. Of course regression can always happen. 

For an individual at any given stage in the spiral, the ego will foolishly persist in their folly until their current way of being has caused so much destruction and the ego accepts this and moves on a stage. The collective ego could roughly be approximated to the sum of all the individual for egos and so the same mechanism would be in action. 

I think a discussion around how a collective ego would move up the spiral is just a more complex discussion of how an individual ego moves up the spiral. And moving up the spiral as an individual is a whole topic in of in itself for self-actualization. 

Unfortunately I don't know anything about to Odin to follow what you said at the end. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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2 hours ago, lmfao said:

@Yog most of the blue in society arises from the older individuals in that society. Old people dying out in conjunction with new people being born into the world is a mechanism through which society would move up the spiral.

I disagree on that. Old people were nicer, werent corrupted by TV and low vibration energy, they lived wars so they're more solidary and gentle with others. New generations are fucked up, individualism, competitivity, ego-centrism, agressivity, addictive behaviours, desensitization to cruelty...

Internet is used as a tool to control and keep the masses aasleept in a low vibrational state, while just a minority spread consciousness, self help and spirituality, very few will awake in proportion.

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@Moreira the way I see it, even if it old people are nicer many of them are still stage blue. From the old people I've interacted with the hold stronger traditional and cultural values. 

22 hours ago, Moreira said:

New generations are fucked up, individualism, competitivity, ego-centrism, agressivity, addictive behaviours, desensitization to cruelty. 

I don't think agressivity has changed. I might be wrong but if anything violent crime rates in western countries have decreased compared to what they were in 1960's,70's,80's...

I could match you bringing up fucked up individualism by mentioning fucked up collectivism. You've obviously noticed how people right now care about their individual ego, but people back then might have cared a lot for the collective ego. Not saying that old people didn't do some things better. But let's not forget that western society used be more racist, misogynistic, dogmatic and judgemental. 

Yeah addiction is a fair point you've brought up about low consciousness since every young person is basically a technology addict. Level of consciousness isn't identical to your stage in the spiral so we might be talking past each other to some degree. The whole thing about a low vibrational state, I see what you mean. 

You've obviously noticed some bad stage orange excesses in society. Current society still has bad problems but I think that the problems arise from dysfunction at a higher stage in spiral dynamics on average. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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