
Am I the only one that exists + Does Leo exist outside of my mind?

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I was talking to my brother about Berkeley and whether or not an external world exists.

What about other people? What about Las Vegas? Right now, there's only typing words and a screen and thinking happening and sense data and maybe an idea of Las Vegas, maybe a mental image, when some of you reply there will only be words and an avatar, not a person actually replying . . .

So there is no Leo, there is just a video of Leo , and a "video" is a concept too, there's just "raw" data happening and thats it? on the absolute level.

is this solipsism? 





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5 minutes ago, Manjushri said:

is this solipsism?

It's solipsism if you start negating what is other than you and forget to negate the 'you, i.e. 'i' from your perspective ;)

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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1 hour ago, Manjushri said:

I was talking to my brother about Berkeley and whether or not an external world exists.

What about other people? What about Las Vegas? Right now, there's only typing words and a screen and thinking happening and sense data and maybe an idea of Las Vegas, maybe a mental image, when some of you reply there will only be words and an avatar, not a person actually replying . . .

So there is no Leo, there is just a video of Leo , and a "video" is a concept too, there's just "raw" data happening and thats it? on the absolute level.

is this solipsism? 





We all share the vital energy. What separates us is the EGO. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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4 hours ago, Manjushri said:

I was talking to my brother about Berkeley and whether or not an external world exists.

What about other people? What about Las Vegas? Right now, there's only typing words and a screen and thinking happening and sense data and maybe an idea of Las Vegas, maybe a mental image, when some of you reply there will only be words and an avatar, not a person actually replying . . .

So there is no Leo, there is just a video of Leo , and a "video" is a concept too, there's just "raw" data happening and thats it? on the absolute level.

is this solipsism? 

One of the differences with solipsism is that there's not a you... solipsism says that only you exist, right?


Awareness only exists, but awareness can't be defined or encapsulated in an idea... so it is your real you... but in reality awareness transcends all that.

The you is the way, but the absolute is not a you...


At least this is what I am beginning to notice or experience.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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23 hours ago, Manjushri said:

I was talking to my brother about Berkeley and whether or not an external world exists.

What about other people? What about Las Vegas? Right now, there's only typing words and a screen and thinking happening and sense data and maybe an idea of Las Vegas, maybe a mental image, when some of you reply there will only be words and an avatar, not a person actually replying . . .

So there is no Leo, there is just a video of Leo , and a "video" is a concept too, there's just "raw" data happening and thats it? on the absolute level.

is this solipsism? 





Good questions for yourself to answer.

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It's all right in front you right now, if you think you exist you do, if you think reality exists it does. But what if you didn't think? Try and see.

To try and rationalise non-duality is to bastardize it. It's post logic and rationality, linearity, language, symbols. Anything you say about it, it is not, any conclusion you reach is pure fantasy and delusion.

You got it right, there's just "raw" data, but having a symbolic system to navigate this void is pretty useful, it is existence as we know it, and we can only live and communicate through it. At the highest level of attainment there's ultimately no difference between the spirit and matter. Watch Leo's new video for more depth.

Samsara is Nirvana, Nirvana is Samsara.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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Does Leo exist outside of my mind?

Nothing exists outside your mind.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Manjushri There is no difference between external and internal. So if you've awakened to the fact that the external world does not exist, the next step is to awaken to the fact that you do not exist. What are you?

On ‎12‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 4:17 PM, Manjushri said:

Right now, there's only typing words and a screen and thinking happening and sense data and maybe an idea of Las Vegas, maybe a mental image, when some of you reply there will only be words and an avatar, not a person actually replying . . .

Hmmm, very interesting... Right now, there's only my perception of typing words on a screen, my perception of sense data, my perception of a thought of Las Vegas, my perception of mental images (are those really mine?), and my perception of a reply that I'm conceptualizing to come from another human being typing at his own keyboard.

Don't take the you-centered approach, that's like saying the sun revolves around the earth, and you don't want that line of reasoning. It's not truthful, and it's certainly not healthy. It leads to a psychotic break. Instead, put yourself in another person's shoes, and say the same thing; all of our perceptions are equally valid. Millions of people are experiencing Las Vegas right now. One day, you can go experience it yourself, maybe you already have. But does Las Vegas exist? If we call existence something that can be experienced consensusly and "verified" (by consensus perception), then only material things exist. That is to say music the way you hear it does not exist, your thoughts do not exist, love does not exist, consciousness does not exist, your emotions do not exist, etc. But how did we "verify" existence? That's right, through awareness and perception! This paradigm of "existence" (materialism) denies the very foundation of its own existence, which is nonexistence. It would be wise not to get caught up in that.   

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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If you can push that Idea(you the only one) there might be a potential for you to achieve an Enlightenment, I have posted about my experience on my Enlightenment journal over here, you can check it:


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