
A Rant Against Actualized.org

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2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@ground No cause. They just are what they are.

Ok. I let them be what they are.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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It is so amusing to watch the ego show unfold in all of its glory

also, the bitter medicine is the best medicine in most cases. If you are not ready to stand on your own two feet you are not ready for enlightenment. If you are not receiving enough cuddles from this forum you should join a church 

Edited by Sashaj

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Just now, Sashaj said:

It is so amusing to watch the ego show unfold in all of its glory

Your Ego loves it.

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Your Ego loves it.

Yeah probably. I’m not enlightened. Does it love it because it can cast judgement?

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2 minutes ago, Sashaj said:

Yeah probably. I’m not enlightened. Does it love it because it can cast judgement?

'I’m not enlightened.' is a delusion of so called 'ego', too. So called 'ego' is nothing but this 'I'. But both, 'ego' and 'I', are merely ideas empty of truth.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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3 minutes ago, ground said:

'I’m not enlightened.' is a delusion of so called 'ego', too. So called 'ego' is nothing but this 'I'. But both, 'ego' and 'I', are merely ideas empty of truth.

It was a naive statement from an ego. That’s all I’ve got right now. I feel like an I  very much today especially. And a few weeks ago I had no questions and was at peace. It comes in waves or something perhaps

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Thank you for reminding me that I have a choice to leave this comunity whenever I choose to.

Do others who justify their rudeness by further delusion have the same choice? 

Or is it an ilussion to them?

If you are so proud of not being delusional why are you acting deluded? 

Who is acting deluded? 

Not me, I don't exist. You also don't, you just think you do. 

Who is you? What is who?

Where do I begin and where do you end?


Is that really constructive?

Is that...cool?

You are kicking ass at being nothing.

As I do at judging myself.

I realize the paradox may feel good and be fun. Non dual trolls are very important. But they should not overflow and create even more confusion.

You have a choice. Now. Use it wisely.

Edited by ivankiss

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 “People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God; It was never between you and them anyway." Mother Teresa

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@ivankiss Good post, thank you.

I like to see diversity here on this forum because I can reflect on myself.

For example if you find yourself tempted to judge someones post you see how there are areas that you can improve or even be more open minded by accepting them.

Its a good thing to stumble to harsh replies because they are just projections of myself, so I can be more loving then.

The forum is quite perfect from a point o view of acceptance.

Every one here is one and I think the majority knows that already. And if not thats ok too. but I see how people who aren’t used to harsh replies can be hurt, but then again, it will be Ok eventually.

Thanks again.

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10 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Thank you for reminding me that I have a choice to leave this comunity whenever I choose to.

Do others who justify their rudeness by further delusion have the same choice? 

Or is it an ilussion to them?

If you are so proud of not being delusional why are you acting deluded? 

Who is acting deluded? 

Not me, I don't exist. You also don't, you just think you do. 

Who is you? What is who?

Where do I begin and where do you end?


Is that really constructive?

Is that...cool?

You are kicking ass at being nothing.

As I do at judging myself.

I realize the paradox may feel good and be fun. Non dual trolls are very important. But they should not overflow and create even more confusion.

You have a choice. Now. Use it wisely.

I understand, but you are expecting too much from a publicly accessible internet forum

All sorts cavort in this place. It can't be controlled in the way the you want it to be. Some are louder and crazier than others. A lot of us are going through spiritual crisis of sorts and are barely masking sense of where we are let alone worrying about others. Many are happy to be surrounded by the same lost souls coz in the end the path is a confusing place

I have a full time teacher outside of this place but I come here to share and push others only where I feel I have something to give. But sometimes (most times) tough love is the best kind of love



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Can I really be truthful though?.... Actually these few days....I do feel a bit of resistance....can I really speak the truth ?....

But I got a feeling that it will trigger many egos.....I don't know if it is wise to be spontaneous and share whatever I have understand.....

The problem is, what if it has the possibilities of bringing people further from truth instead? I am worried if what I'm trying to convey is misinterpreted, given that this is a forum with a wide range of individuals with different lens & perspectives(all with different realities). I don't care if it's about other things, but I do care when it comes to truth... It can't be misinterpreted....

Btw,i'm not worried about those who can see clearly, but those who couldn't grasp/have correct judgement of whatever i'm conveying. I don't wanna create more confusions...




*and I know there will be infinite number of different views about this too hahhahaha whatever~ I don't care, i'll do whatever I think is right~???


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"Tough love" and harshness can be mature and wise instead of immature and annoying.

It can be apropreate.

The ego is not your enemy. It never was. There are no enemies, damn it.

The ego is like your little ignorant brother. 

He can be viewed as cute and harmless instead of evil, delusional and stupid.

You would not kick a kid in his balls and expect him to understand you are doing it out of love now, would you?

And afterwards call him deluded because he has no clue what the hell is going on. 

Try kicking an ascended master in the balls and see where that goes, if you notice such tendencies.

I am not saying there should be rainbows and gay unicorns all around this place.

Do not view the word "love" in such a limited way.

I could be saying there needs to be more of nothing here, but that would not make much sense to everyone, would it now?

Diversety is nescesery. Thank god for it's existence. I am not saying everyone should be a care bear.

But those who are wise enough should try and use their wisdom in a more aligned way as well. Not simply troll in a loop senslessly.

Show how masterfully you can use lower expressions as arrogance and cockyness if you claim to be such a master. Don't do it like a 12 year old and call yourself enlightened.

I worship both God and the Devil. I love them both deeply.

That is how they are one. 

That is how the two stay balanced.

Do not build a fake online presence and try to apear as more than you are. 

Know where you are. Be where you are.

Do whatever the hell you feel like doing, just don't lie to yourself and others about it. Stop coming up with excuses and be awake here and now. 

After all, this "just forum" thing is an extention of you. Quite literally. Take care of it.

I feel like I said what I felt like saying. No need to run in circles.

Final note:

There can be more unity and less non duality ;)



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@ivankiss hmm?....confusing....

Okay what I got from your writing is, to be truthful&spontaneous. And not be confusing haha. Okayy. 


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More looking into why you need this to be more loving and less revolutionizing pls sir. ly tho

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@Angelite I am not here to make sense. I am here to make nonsense. Love.

Don't point to nothing.

Nothing sees the point.

@iLiveALife I don't need any thing to be anything. I simply choose to express what I choose to express.

Notice I am not harming myself or anybody in that way.

I have a lot of time. I am that I am.

I is transparent.

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I believe that people are tired of the perceived stereotype of spiritualists being fluffy. 


People want to push the perception of spirituality as “serious”, requiring intense mastery and committment and ego-destruction and yadda yadda. 


There’s a certain elevation in that, and that manifests how people talk about their ideas and treat each other. 


Most importantly, it manifests as people who feel that it’s more important to correct people.


That also manifests in a left-brained, logical approach to compassion as well. 

“Leo already does so much for us,” or “Well, this path is a tough path and ‘true’ love/compassion is different.” 

That sort of defense entirely misses the point. Of course this path is a tough path for many, of course there will be many misunderstandings. 

However, this path is also populated by people, and people deserve to be loved. 

When people talk about emotions, they elevate themselves above those as well, preferring to take a calculated, logical approach. 


This appears innocent, but in many cases the young people who go on this path are still inexperienced and display a sort of fanboyish when it comes to spiritual teachings, not ideological, but it’s an excitement at knowing more of reality that compells them to spread it to others. 


However, people trying to push what they’ve learned in this manner, often do so bluntly because they are trying to uphold a perception of spirituality that appears brutal and serious in the way that they speak. Finally, when you combine this with the excitement that compels people to be lost in the act of spreading what they know, it creates this. 

For example. 

Newbie: “ I want to embody the qualities of Source consciousness.” 

Adherent: “ Well, I don’t think it’s that way, and here’s why.” 


That on it’s own isn’t necessarily bad. 


Adherent:” Ah ha! The ego always gets caught in these ideas... yadda yadda. ??”


Ironically, the second example seems more caught up in what I was mentioning.

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This post is just an opinion, nothing more, nothing less.


Honestly to me, none of this matters in any of our actual lives. 

The only thing that "matters" (to me) is what you do in your life and how you interact with the world around you.

You cannot change certain things you wish were different (although I respect your passion for wanting to create a better environment)

To me, the only thing you have is yourself, to make the decisions in your life based in what you believe is right and loving. 

It is all relative, Everyone will have a different version of this, that is why this thread is so hot. People share different beliefs.

In my eyes, lead by how you feel it should be done, but always stay open-minded.


"Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish." —Sam Walton


"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. " —Lao Tzu


"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. " —General George Patton


Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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On 12/25/2018 at 5:28 AM, ivankiss said:

Oh boy. You gonna love this one.

Before anyone puts their spiritual patrol suit on and says: "who the fuck are you to stand up?", I want to clearify the following:

I am not about to senslessly judge and critisize this organization. I am merely to express my observations and share a few humble suggestions.

My opinion could be completely irrelevant or an invantation for improvment; for the benefit of all.

Please try to be open.

It seems to me as if this comunity lacks warmth. Newbies are not receiving the welcoming they deserve. They are instead minimized and discredited. Being on this path is not a small achievment. Everyone should be aplauded for that. Everyone should know they are a part of a big movement and transformation. I feel like it is up to the organisation to create this atmosphere. It would certainly be a more pleasant enviroment to be in and to learn from. 

There seems to be a lot of competition. A lot of division and categorization. Not enough emphasis on unity and love. 

Way too many cold, logical, rational opinions. Way too analitical approaches. Way too much of "putting everything under the microscope". Not much fun and creativity. 

Why is everyone so goddamn serious? This should not be a clasroom where you are afraid of asking the teacher if you can go to the toilet. This should not be a place where you get critisized if you do not pay close attention and do all your homework. 

How is that different from any other modern edicational system?

This should be a classroom where everyone gets to be what they trully are and in that way, learn from everyone else and teach everyone simultaniosly. 

Being a part of this classroom should be a lesson in itself. There is no need for exposing the differences. We are all in the same classroom, regardless of our levels of mastery.

Where is humbleness? Where is the recognition of that same thing? 

Where is not running away from the fear, or demonizing it; but rather creating a navigation system for those who find themselves trapped? 

Why ridicule the one who is trapped? Why bother calling someone delusional? Were you not the same once? 

What's up with all the denial?

Too much cockyness and arrogance.

Not enough actual wisdom and acceptance.

Both have their place, but I sense the balance is not quite there in this case.

It is on those who are on "higher levels" to choose to create a more pleasant environment for those who are yet joining.

Taking pride for your own achievments while discrediting those "bellow" you, is not much of an achievment.

One should be able to be transparent here and be proud of the stage they are at. 

One should make sure everyone feels home.

After all, we are creating a better planet for ourselves here, aren't we? 

I dream of a place where everyone is their own. No need for leaders or gurus. 

Until then, leaders should be wise enough to balance the movement they started.


Really good post and I feel its pretty spot on in a lot of respects.  However something I think is important to also understand is the qualities your asking everyone to uphold are hopefully the qualities people are doing the work to achieve or fall into through their spiritual pursuits.  Most people in the world didn't come into it with such qualities nor were raised, went to school with or go to work with cultures who uphold such qualities.  Just because Leo is teaching stuff on Non-duality doesnt meant everyone whos watched all the content (a lot haven't) are going be able to be the above type of people.  So have patience, understanding and make posts like this to hopefully make people aware.

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@Epsilon_The_Imperial I am simply raising awareness here. There is nothing more to it.

I do what I do because I choose to represent this now. I choose to be this expression.

Ego destruction is not what we are here for. There is enough destruction going on already. We are here to cunstruct.

To push boundaries in a respectful manner. To dream awake. To create and be that which we wish to see. 

I understand many are "not quite there yet". There is nothing wrong with that. That is not why I am here. 

I am here to walk my talk, so to speak. 

I am here to be that which I wish to see. As simple as that it is.

I am here to offer an invitation to those who feel like responding, joining.

From where I stand, there are no enemies; especially if they are imaginary, such as the ego.

Imagination is key for God's sake. It is where everything gets designed before becoming actual. Or illusory.

Do dare to dream wild dreams, now that you've awaken. Play, move, influence, create. So what if it's all an illusion? You would have not created it in the first place if it wasn't everything you desired.

Also; desire is not bad, damn it.

I see this too often.

"It is a sign of egoic tendencies" blahblahblah.

Desire does not equall needyness.

It is true. It is autenthic. It is deep.

You are here where you are and breathe at this moment because of desire. Your desire.

One can use it to move mountains. Not to blame and deny his own creation.

I loved your post, thanks for joining in.

@VictorB02 Thank you for your opinion. I agree heavily with you. 

I myself wanted to emphasize the variety of belief systems. As well as show respect to relativity. Those who can see through the illusion should respect it even more. 

Hence my invitation to them.

Very well said. In actuallity we don't need as much as we think we do. 

Many, many concepts and beliefs fade away naturally, when one awakens. 

The one who is awake knows exactly what one is all about, so to speak.

And it is...believe it or not...Love.

Expression. Compassion. Joy. Bliss. Fun. Uniqueness. Respect. Admire. Playfulness. Imagination. Dreams. Creativity. Construction. Building. Moving. Choosing. Living. Connection. Brotherhood. Unity. Growth. Expansion. Abundance. Flow. Excitement. Anticipation. Eagerness and will.

All natural. None of them forced.

Not a single question about it.

@Mu_ Thank you. True words.

Patience and understanging are present. No rush on my behalf. I am marely here to do exactly that, which you recognized; raise awareness from this angle over here. Be it ilussory or not.

Much love to you all. Hope u feel kickass today.

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