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Taking a break from the forums and self-actualization to pursue success

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Hey Merry Christmas all, hope all is well.

Don't know why I'm writing this but I feel that I need to in order to express myself. Smoked a bit of marijuana so you know its straight from the heart.

Just wanted to apologize to everyone here if I ever made you feel uncomfortable with my arrogant attitude. But I certainly don't know if I make or made anyone feel uncomfortable, that's just my assumption. Maybe no one even remembers who I am or any of my posts, who knows.

And also, I don't mean to encourage anyone to do the same and leave the community as well, just by writing this. I understand that its ideal to keep the members in their place (Lesson learned from my penalty on the forums in 2017.)

Anyways, I'm still young, I just turned 23 over a week ago. I discovered Leo's channel back in 2014 when I was 18 or 19, and listened to his content with the intent of developing myself to achieve more success in my life. Also back then I bumped into a close high school friend in the gym who I haven't spoke to for a while after we graduated, and we caught up. Crazy coincidence, I found out that he listens to Leo as well. We then motivated each other to do the work and we also took the life purpose course. I was always consistent with implementing the work into my life and watching the weekly videos because I loved it. Loved all the content even though he started to up the content from topics on success to more spiritual, psychological, and philosophical topics. I still implemented the work, and it wasn't about the money anymore. I shared my insights with my friend, but over the years I started to feel that I was either outgrowing him too quickly, or he just wasn't doing the work. I started to become more aware of people who actually get me, and who are like-minded. So I slowly distanced myself from him, and at the same time cutting off other old friends who don't share the same goals as me.

Long story short, I feel I've grown a bit over the years. I feel that I might've even reached Yellow on the SD model. Then its almost 5 years later and I've come to the realization that Self-actualization isn't about bringing you more externally, but its more about bringing more internally. I've known that awhile ago, probably obvious to everyone, but just saying and mentioning it here. I took this path, I naturally let go of a lot externally such as my social life, and I reduced so much of what I was doing in the past by at least 30-40%. My levels of independence have grown tremendously.

So what I'm trying to say is, I'm still young, trying to escape the 9-5 and horrible living conditions by putting most of my focus on my success as an entrepreneur. And once I've reached a comfortable financial state, I'd 100% go back to focusing on developing my being. But at this point in time, I'm going to say that I feel like this work seems like a bit of a distraction for me. This is just what my intuition is telling me, so I'm going with it. I definitely understand the benefits of self-actualization might set my inner development way back by doing so, but this is a sacrifice I'm willing to take.

Maybe I'm backsliding and experiencing ego backlash, but I'm going with it anyway. I feel that I need to build a stronger foundation in Stage Orange because it seems to me to be one of the most foundational stages on the model. I'm already at a comfortable point in my inner development, that I need to also work on my external. There's no way in hell I'm staying stuck as a wage slave for the rest of my life.

So I'm taking a break until I've reached a better financial situation. But of course I'm still going to do meditation and some of the other practices. So I guess pretty much what I'm doing is just focusing less on the philosophical and spiritual ideas, and more on building a stronger foundation for understanding money, business, etc.

Thanks for reading



"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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@7thLetter good to you.

The dilemma you are in , I think,is most of spiritual-seeking people facing. You are not alone.

Financial stability is the foundation that keeps your mind stable I think.

However, most of people do the jobs that they don't love. 

So, I think, go into a career that meet financial needs but also helps us spiritual growth, that would be the most ideal.

God bless us. 

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One thing I like observing is how my view of life shifts when my financial situations changes. It is like new pathways of thinking and possibilities reveal themselves to me that were otherwise not there.

Go for it if you intuition is telling you

I am having kind of a similar one right now. I still meditate and and do my yoga daily... but when it comes to self- development my intuitions lately have been to put a heavy focus on Health, money, business, productivity and life purpose/ career and also to not overthink it all so much and just read some more bloody books.

Ive recently been watching the big picture videos of leos, including his recent ones about the 35 subfields of self help and 65 principles of the good life. they are extremely helpful to keep in mind.


So fair play for following your heart and gut despite the trajectory of other self actualizers... but maybe you don't need to feel like your abandoning it all, you are just shifting your focus/ priorities and doing whats right for you and your life.


It all comes back to daily living at the end of the day man. Do what is right for your trajectory and path.

Good luck.

Merry Christmas.



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