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does judgement causes suffering and how can i be less judgemental? 

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Judgment will cause suffering since it will always backfire. Let's say you judge somebody with really ugly hair on the bus, but the next week you noticed that your hair is just as ugly. What essentially happens is that you either judge your hair normally or judge your hair BASED on the person who had the ugly hair last week. Both cases cause suffering and in this case, it was the second option for me. This happened whilst I was going to the gym xD

But the thing is, judgment is judgment wherever or whenever you do it. Doesn't matter if you judge something that is "good" or "bad", the judgment itself has no value. Judgment can be seen as attaching a meaning to something when originally that something had no meaning and it was created ONLY by you. So when you judge something that is bad, you are the only one assigning that value and vice versa.

It does get tricky when you judge something that is seemed to be "good" because you may not realise it as a judgment . Let say you saw really nice pair of trainers and they were so good that you bought them. Then next week, you find another pair and judged them also as really nice, but you already bought a new pair and so... You no longer like the pair you have. This may not come to you straight away but you judged the pairs of trainers!

These are really naive examples but the principle is the same

It's sorta like Karma, there is always a balance

Eliminating it can be done by mindfulness practice. Just always observe what you're doing and try to spot out when you're making a judgment on something. Don't try to stop it thought, realise first that you're judging, then question WHY you're judging? Are you actually in control who judges?

Takes years though to get rid of it

Edited by B_Naz

You're not human, you're the universe

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