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Brian Tracy

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I've gone overboard with Life Purpose, my question pertains to if I should follow Tracy's advice to the very last letter?

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@JevinR I think, it's true,it feels a little like newage but I experience it indeed almost daily..

For a few weeks, I follow an advice of Ken Wilber who means among other things, that it's good to alternate stillness/consciousness (5-10 minutes) and a current issue you have to deal with (also 5-10 minutes) in your meditation..

It's also the effect that Tracy describes when he says: the super conscious mind works if you are totally concentrated or not at all in your goal (I hope I've undertood it rightly)

How ever it's super powerful and you get really fresh answers..

I don't know if it matters how you call it.. Is "the super conscious mind" anything else than "the stillness" or "god" or what ever?

I can't imagine either that you should follow anything to the very last letter.. It would be really dogmatic, wouldn't it?

Why and how should somebody else better know what is good for you than your innerself? Above all if there is only one consciousness?

PS: Thank you for sharing.. It's another reason why I love this forum: you always get new input and visions :)

Edited by MartineF

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