
Re-reading, listening, and viewing

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Over the past few weeks I've found the practice of listening to Leo's talks multiple times while also using weekends to cluster the playlists on YouTube as somewhat of a seminar to be highly affective. I'm able to really grasp and relate his material with research I myself have sought in the past and there is a great wealth of information that he presents to be appreciated on a far deeper level that requires multiple viewings to attend the message. I press to motivate you all in commuting to a similar technique. 


- Chris 

What techniques are you using?

Edited by Thouartchris

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I try to read lots of Leo's comments on the forum and on youtube.

In a sense they're even more valuable than the videos, because you can relate to the person who receives the comment and then the advice can become more personal this way.

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Its gotten to the point where I take notes and literally build a system for every principle, key insight, and mindset for the topic he talks about. I used to just listen and listen, but it still felt intangible, it helped build a big picture, but besides that it just became mental masturbation.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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