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Ground myself in actuality to liberate strong negative feeling

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Eversince I watch Leo video about "distinguish actuality and concept" , and "what is perception" kinda recontextualized my whole reality

I felt like my entire life became this floating bubble of consciousness the colour was painted inside,  the pixel constantly changing. 

I ground myself in actuality, anchor my awareness in the presence moment, strip away all the labels and believe ,observe the reality as it is, I stop asking myself what is reality/what am I, because I realize whatever answers came out it's just another thoughts & concept which equally untrue,compare thoughts and my hand and notice that my hand seems so damn real and that is truest thing ever. 

I used to feel uncomfortable when someone mock me and trying to make fun of me ,after practicing grounding in actuality i am able to "block concept" so whatever they try to say to hurt my ego feeling it became meaningless,to me its just a sound lolol,and also the moment when they stop talking it became a past memory and i don't cling on that concept,because in actuality "the moment they mocking me" already dissapear,it does not exists, so in actuality there is no problem, why would I want to feel bad about things that does not exist. 

And I realized most of the time in actuality there is no problem ,it's just the thoughts keep popping out and create a illusion of problem and constantly worry about shit ,nowadays whenever I feel my negative emotion spike up, I keep remind myself all problem it's just a concept and it's not real, in actuality there is no problem, just look at what's happening right now and notice the visual are here, the sound are here everything is perfectly normal so where is the problem? Unless there's a guy holding gun pointing at you,  that I would consider as a deep problem. 



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