How many tabs?

6 posts in this topic

Talk me off the cliff. I'm going to trip this week and I can't decide on an amount. I can do any amount within reason. I will be tripping at home alone. Dont currently have any benzos. My bodyweight is light/light-moderate for my height. 

I have tripped probably 5 times before, all low-moderate amounts. 2g dried shrooms, a tab and a half of LSD, etc. I am much deeper down the non-duality rabbit hole now, so I thought it would be nice to trip again and see where things go. 


I tried to get a little brave and make tea with 3.5g shroomies last time, but didnt fully extract them on accident, and ended up underwhelmed. 


How much LSD would you recommend for this time around? I would like it to be one of my most powerful experiences so far, but I dont wanna end up calling the cops or something because I took a ten strip alone lol

Edited by ZZZZ

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  On 12/24/2018 at 4:33 AM, Serotoninluv said:

I’d go 150ug.

My plan was to do two tabs, assuming that would be 150-200ug

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Personally I always find 500ug my sweet spot but only go that far if you have experience with that kind of intensity.

I've always seemed to have a higher resistance to psychedelics as well. 500ug for me is where the fractal geometry really kicks in and I find a great balance in being in my head and still being able to talk.

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500ug is WAY too high for most people. That will melt your mind to a puddle.

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@ZZZZ My sweet spot is 200-300ug. Any more and the likelihood of a bad trip or mind soup is greatly increased. That's what I'd recommend.

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