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Hugo Oliveira


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Just finished a training about tantric therapy and would like to share some thoughts with you.

I got into it intending to observe the results over my sexuality, energy, psychology, and spirituality.

It took 4 weekends and I practiced active vibrational meditation and learned about the massage.

The point is that even after finishing, I still skeptical about the real benefits of the method.

In Yoni Massage for women, we use a vibrator and they have really powerful orgasms. People get in touch with emotional content and there is a possible trauma release. Non-ordinary states of consciousness sometimes are experienced as well. For men, similar stuff happened in lower intensity.

For myself, I could see nothing more than someone playing with my penis while I listened to evocative music and I had normal orgasms.

Why am I skeptical? Well, all the other students seemed not to have any skepticism at all. They were all very involved and even passionate about the idea of learning the message and get the capacity of provoking orgasms in their patients. The teachers talked a lot about how much money we can make with it. occasionally, terms like "oceanic experience", "superconsciousness" are mentioned. But I'm not sure if someone was capable of experiencing these states truly. Well, my doubt now is if I should persist in receive this massage from a more experienced therapist and try to get some result or just throw all this stuff away.

Does anyone have any near experiences?


Thank you for reading!

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5 hours ago, Hugo Oliveira said:

Does anyone have any near experiences?

Orgasms? yes. But not with that kind of alleged 'tantra'.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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I Master Tantra. What you exposing does not come near Tantra. Tantra is the feeling of connection with others to put you an example. Tantra is the basis of any connection, at any level. It is Orgasmic, but not only sexual. Only sexual happens on dormant folk. 

You say they use vibrators.

I don't even touch a woman and i can make her orgasm, even if i have a clear image of a woman i can do the same no matter the distance, and i speak by experience and thousands of hours of practice. Tantra is the basis of connection with everything. And the human body has the highest opportunity to transcend.  



What do you think sages, gurus, preachers, many public place also use to attract the masses? Not to mention Magicians. There is Tantra and there are many techniques of manipulation that uses part of Tantra, including the Police per example, they use a type o Tantra of the right hand to give you an example. This being the reason the common folk feel fear or authority near military or police. 

Edited by Hellspeed

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