
Freewill vs determination I am almost paralysed please help

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I have just started self development work and two weeks ago I watched Leo video on free Will in which he claimed free will does not exist. I am feeling demotivated and depressed and my mind has created it as limiting belief that what's the point of doing if I can't do anything. I need help .I am almost paralysed. 

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No free will means that your "will to start a project" is dependent on external circumstances.
That you are not an actor that have the possibility to react for, or against some stimuli.
Even if you react to something (deny it and apply effort to counter it), that reaction is dependent on something as well.
Basically, you are an automaton.

It says nothing on whether your project will succeed or fail, so getting all depressed about it is just an excuse.
Your project may actually improve your circumstances, after all.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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This is classic ego backlash. Leo recently made a video on it. I’d recommend watching it,

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Ask yourself this: is it possible both determinism and free will both do not exist? 

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Yeah its still happening by itself dont get bothered by it too much you will see in the end there is no you doing anything and you will "think" well all the fun is gone there is noone doing anything how funny but it wont bother you

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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if this happens to you, youre way too immature for that kind of personal development. get into it slowly, stop watching videos like that for now, it will pass. 

in the meantime you can question your belief about free will. do you really not have free will or you just believe it? just believing leo doesnt work because you may misunderstand him, dont forget. are you 100% sure you dont have free will? or is it your mind playing tricks on you?

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13 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

This is classic ego backlash. Leo recently made a video on it. I’d recommend watching it,

Tell me about that horror story where X always believed he circulated his blood in his body and freaked out that his blood might stop circulating once he knew that he wasn't in control of circulating his blood xD 

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Your thinking doesn’t matter. Stop pretending it does.  Let em all go.

Write down one thing you want to stop, and one thing you want to start.

Find out if you can follow through.

See if you have free will or not for yourself. 



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@Ish1919 oh boi. Bouts of Nihilism are so common on this path that we've all been there. I feel you. 

This is the case because we've been identifying with objective meaning our whole lives, calling this object or that person meaningful, and suddenly the realization that everything is meaningless is quite a shock. Meaning is a concept created by our brains. However, everything has RELATIVE meaning, which turns out to be much more empowering and liberating than the objective sense. I hope you'll be able to see that some day. 

Now back to your point on free will vs. Determinism. One of the reasons you're feeling this way is because you've placed an inordinate amount of meaning on your perceived ability to choose anything you want. The ego, your meaning making machine, loves control. So it will try to make you feel like death when it's faced with the loss of this power, with the hope you'll cave in and go back to normal. To sleep. There is a war going on inside your mind. 

But let's take a mile-high overview of your life. With all that power to choose anything you wanted... Why are you still unhappy? Did you really make the best decisions? For your health? And be brutally honest with yourself... Perhaps the illusion of free will itself spoke in your ear, and lured you down the wrong path. Any teenager knows this; when given more freedom, they start making really stupid decisions. You see, you don't really want more freedom. You think you do, but you don't. This is very counterintuitive for the ego mind to grasp, so I urge you to contemplate for hours and hours on this stuff. What is meaning?

The moment you stop fighting for control (a fruitless pursuit, there was none to begin with), the moment you surrender to life, breath, and smile, that will surely be the sweetest turning point of your life so far. Only then will you realize you're exactly where you need to be. ❤️

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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