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Earths awakening is real

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Ever since my awakening I've wondered about enlightenment, it is not enough to fully enlighten by yourself, everyone else would enlighten to but how? How would we do this? I've had this on my heart and my mind the whole time, to see beyond just enlightenment of the self, Buddha and jezus did not manage to awaken everyone...

Now I understand, they were planting seeds, I've received tons of information and confirmation, my personal experiences these past months confirm this, I can say this with the full confidence of my heart, the hEarth is awakening

There are ships sitting above our planet from galactic families that are in 5th dimension, our civilization is one of the last with extreme duality, most of the universe is already in oneness/unity/law of one  

Most of the effects of climate change are due the earth's inner core shifting and spinning faster as we shift from 3D to 5D, this has been an ongoing process, friends from above are doing the necessary to prepare and make the planet ready for change, energy management, dismantling...

At some point there will be an event , I believe in not that long, and the whole planet will shift once, everyone will awaken, and everyone who's already awakened now will help guiding the others,.

I fully believe this, it makes sense, it resonates with every cell of my being, the endgame is on 

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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