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Aaron p

Raised consciousness - lucid dream (I am Spiderman)

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I had a dream last night where I was at my childhood home but I was still 20 (like I am now). I had two friends over (can't remember who they were) one was good and one was evil, but we were all kind of friends. Then I just started jumping really high like Thanos on fortnight and starting sticking to things. Then I guess I thought, "hmm, must I must be Spiderman" haha.

But yo, then I jumped onto the edge of a roof and while I was sitting there just holding on, my consciousnes was raised and I thought "oh shit, imma go get my dad, this is badass, I'm fucking SPIDERMAN" hahahaa. But it was the fact that I recognised what was going on and that it was not normal. 

It interests me that lucid dreaming is linked to spiritual work, but if you think about it, of course it's linked to spiritual work...the exact same principles apply to waking world as dreaming world. We are in a dream and we are trying to wake up. Pretty cool little similarity there. Also, you'd think that (because of the raw amount of people who are in the dream of "reality") there would be more people who awaken around you. Anyone who reads my replies will know I was a Christian and my primary Christian teacher (who was opposed to regular religious Christianity) was a man called Andrew Wommack, he had lucid dreams as well! Like I said, lucid dreaming and spirituality seem to have a close link...and this Christian teacher had lucid dreams as well.

It's insane how some people can be legitimately touched by god and moved by the authentic presence of the higher self...and still only find knowledge of the truth as opposed to the truth itself. 

Have you ever been a superhero in a dream? 


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Well, spiderman came and rescued me from a shootout, and then offered me a ride (on his back of course) to school, since I missed the bus. On the way we fought off a full scale nazi like invasion with airships, then arrived at school and ended up being in one of the same classes, which happened to be alchemy class.  

But no, I've never become a certain superhero although I have swung around on webs or flown like superman. 

And yes, lucid dreaming is perhaps the best recontextualizers for awakening, and it's absolutely free!

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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