John West

Binaural Beats for spiritual growth

8 posts in this topic

I've stumbled on binaural beats and have used them fro a few days now. On the internet I usally just find that people use this to program their subconscious mind to create success or use it to be more focused or before bed to fall asleep. That's not really what I'm shooting for. I want to purify myself of all beliefs and mind chatter instead of creating positive ones upon the already existing layer of beliefs. So how can one use binaural beats for spiritual purification or to raise awareness? Which frequency and generelly what other things would you look out for? Or would you recommend them at all for these purposes?

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13 minutes ago, John West said:

... I want to purify myself of all beliefs and mind chatter instead of creating positive ones upon the already existing layer of beliefs. So how can one use binaural beats for spiritual purification or to raise awareness? ...

This won't happen if you don't fabricate some esoteric/metaphysic narrative about binaural beats that go against current conventional beliefs. But actually you have  already begun to fabricate such a narrative through assuming that binaural beats may function accordding to your wishes. So either you keep going or you drop this idea and focus on sth more conventional.

Edited by ground

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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2 hours ago, ground said:

 So either you keep going or you drop this idea and focus on sth more conventional.

What would you consider to be more conventional? Meditation? self-inquiry?


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26 minutes ago, John West said:

What would you consider to be more conventional? Meditation? self-inquiry?


That may be two examples since these are often discussed here. But my impression is that many people involved in these are not beyond belief. So since you said 'I want to purify myself of all beliefs' I do not know whether these are a good choice. But as 'conventional' refers to what is being agreed upon by a group of individuals there are certainly other options since there are more teaching traditions than only one.
A drawback however is that all teachings traditions/communities do advocate some kind of belief system which may lead to what you expressed as 'creating positive ones upon the already existing layer of beliefs.' So in the end it may boil down to your capacity to extract from their teachings only what is necessary to correctly apply their methods and to discard the rest.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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All those binaural beats, meditation, and chakra awakening music won't inherently do anything for you but it may be a pleasant sound that helps you focus and relax. I imagine it works similarly to mantras. Mantras aren't about the words themselves but the vibrations they create in your body. I would imagine the different frequencies are as close as possible to match the vibrations of certain mantras.

Use it with meditation. I meditate with whatever meditation music I can find on YT as im going to sleep and its made for overall higher quality sleep and better more vivid dreaming for me. Helps me get 'deeper' in the meditation.

They're just a focus aid, they won't actually get rid of anxieties, fears, or bad energy. Thats what the meditation is suppose to help you with when listening to those.

Edited by Shadowraix

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Well if that is the case, I wont use them since I can meditate just with myself without some stimulus. I just thought this would have more profound benefits like shamanic breathing or psychedelics if used over time. But maybe I'll go with these two alongside self-inquiry, Meditation and Yoga to really boost up my practice and emotional healing.

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@John West You don't really know until you try it out! I'd say, go experiment with it for a few weeks. If it works, great, if not, then you know. I'm actually thinking of experimenting with them myself, as I'm really sensitive to music.

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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