
My meditation journal

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45 min meditation today as well. (Or actually this is second time, but I've turned my sleeping around because of night-shifts, so my day starts now). Somewhat disappointed about this meditation, as it pales so much in comparison to the one before it. There is always the issue of honesty in meditation. The mind so quickly attaches to the memories of a good meditation and tries to copy that exerience, instead of acknowledging exactly what is going on. So I'm doing this work in my after-reflections here. And that makes the meditation feel successfull. Just surrendering into what is.

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Gosh. I’m just getting more and more into ayahuasca and so-called «medicine music.» And, of course, especially how it relates to meditation. Tonight in my job as a social worker in an emergency psychiatric hospital we have a patient who is really really sick. All the other 11 patients here we know where we have them, and they are predictable in their sleeping routines, but this last one seemed like he was going to destroy the night for us. He was very on the defense and aggressive towards us. So I asked him if I should sit inside his room with him. I listened to all his accusations towards us, which didn’t make sense because he is psychotic, but I still tried to give him some empathic listening and at some point his defenses seemed to soften a little, and then I asked him if I should bring the guitar and play a little for him while he was resting in bed. That was enough to finally get him to lie down and stop fighting against falling asleep. Such an awesome experience to help a troubled soul find some much needed sleep through guitar and singing mantras. And especially when everything else didn’t seem to work. I need to do more «medicine music» in my job <3 :-)

Edited by Thittato

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30 days without cannabis completed

Hurra! Finally made it this time. Don't think I'll be going back to it anytime soon. It was an addiction and life is much better without.

Started the day with 45 min of meditation. So good. Strong momentum going on today. Softness, stillness and quiet beauty.

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice meditation. Seems like basically with vipassana-meditation one turns into all the tiny little vibrations in ones sensory experience, and that makes ones sensory experience vibrate more and more, and this experience equals that the flow of Qi energy is increased. "Stuck material" turns into a healing flow. It seems like more and more I can nudge this flow in the right direction. By accepting and seeing the vibrations in negative sensations they are decreased and dissolved into flow, by enjoying the positive sensations they are increased and strengthened. And if it doesn't flow as well as I would like to it is about seeing how I'm trying to squeeze my experience into something that it is not, and to let go of this squeezings so that I don't put unnecessary strain on my experience. The more this flow is increased, the softer, more still and spacious I feel inside. Behind my closed eye-lids there is a glowing white light filling the space of my experience. It is about letting all these things merge. To let the physical sensations of flow merge with this white light and with the feeling of spaciousness until it all becomes one thing. To become unified inside. And then seeing ever more suble ways that the mind is putting strain on itself and how one can let go of more and more subtle layers of noise.

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45 min meditation today. Didn't meditate friday and saturday. Yesterday I was participating in the mantra-circle again, which always is awesome. I had some crash this weekend from having worked a lot lately, so I've been sleeping a lot.

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Cold shower today. Really nice. The water is getting colder so there is more bite in it.

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45 min meditation today, and a cold shower. Sweet :-)

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45 min meditation yesterday, and today a good session of mantra-singing. So nice. I keep telling myself lately that my meditation practice is working and it is giving me good results. Such a nice message to give oneself :-)

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45 min meditation yesterday, and 45 min today, Deeply relaxing.

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45 min silent meditation yesterday, and today 45 min of chanting Gayatri mantra together with a friend. We were both strumming with guitars at the same time, and it was a really nice way of meditating together.

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45 min meditation today as well. So nice. I feel very energized, relaxed and in a positive mood.

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45 min meditation this morning. I’ve been keeping up my practice but I haven’t journaled about it. Now I’m at an ayahuasca retreat for the weekend. Day 1 was yesterday. Such an amazing ceremony, group of people, and music. I only managed to sleep for 3 hours tonight, but it feels like that was enough, especially with the rest I was getting from my morning-meditation. It was really nice to just sit and breathe, relax into all the impressions, and clear my mind for Day 2.

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Sunday: Second day of the ayahuasca retreat.

Monday: Traveling home. One cold shower before I left, and one when I came home.

Today: 45 min silent meditation, 25 min of singing gayatri mantra, 10 sun salutations, and a cold shower.

This weekend was totally awesome. I'm out of words, but it was just totally perfect. Good to be back home and to start the day with some solid practice to just help me balance all the impressions from this week.

Edited by Thittato

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1st ice-bath this winter, and reflections on coming home from one month in Brazil

So today was my first ice-bath for this season. I started the day with 45 min of meditation, and then I went down to the beach where a lot of other people were doing their christmas-bath.

And this is also my first journaly-entry in almost two months. After I came home from the ayahuasca retreat that was 22nd and 23rd of October, I started planning on visiting this ayahuasca ashram in Brazil, which is their home-country. The teachers from this ashram are doing regular tours in Europe where I live, and I've been drinking ayahuasca with them for almost 12 years now, but never visited them in their home-country, so it was starting to feel about time. It took an immense planning and all my thought-capacity, so I dropped out of journaling here, but from 12th of November to 12th of December I was in Brazil. It was a really fantastic stay. I participated in 6 "regular" ayahuasca ceremonies, and 7 days of taking part in the ritual and work of making ayahuasca where we drank ayahuasca for 7 days straight. The doses during this work was not as strong as during regular ceremonies, but they were pretty strong still, and it was a really powerful and beautiful ritual.

However, I've been feeling that it has actually been pretty difficult to return back home to my normal life here in Europe after this. In particular I feel very lonely. Brazil had everything for me. The country was so cool, and the ashram and the people in the ashram were so amazing. It was like all my interests merged into one place and one country where I totally felt like I had it all. In particular I was spending a lot of time working on my music. I bought a drum and a guitar over there, and I spent a lot of time practicing and jamming with other people. I even tried to play in some more official settings, and it all was a really nice learning-experience in what I need to do in order to develop my playing to get it to where I want to have it.

But the damn thing is: I have an alcohol- and cannabis-addication, and it was a big theme for me during this whole stay that I wanted to give up these substances, and it was very easy to be without them when I was in Brazil, but back home I can easily see why these addictions have been sneaking up on me over the last years. Even though my practice, both in meditation and spiritual practices, and in therapy, have been pretty dedicated, these addictions have been lurking there all the time, sometimes active, other times dormant, but always there still lurking.

So now that I'm back home I have to face the realities of why this problem continues to linger on. I'm thinking that maybe I need some professional help with this, but I will keep that as an open question. It feels like there is a lot of potential in my meditation these days, and when I'm starting to add ice-bathing to the mix again, maybe the cultural shock of being back home again will soon become easier. It felt really great to be back in the ice-water again today, so as for now I'll put my faith in meditation and ice-bathing, but I'll continue to evaluate how things are going.

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2nd ice-bath this winter

Started the day with 45 min of meditation before going to my job. Felt really connected to my co-workers again both today and yesterday (I was going to work after I wrote yesterdays journal-entry). Feels like I'm about to land again in my normal daily life after this intense and awesome Brazil-adventure. After job I did my 2nd ice-bath this winter. So sweet. I've been ending my hot showers with a cold shower ever since last winter, and for several years now actually, but it was so nice to bring something fresh like ice-bathing into my cold exposure practice again. It brings in a lot of new inspiration. And at the same time it is really nice to be familiar with the whole thing.

Seems like I came home from Brazil very much in process. The last ayahuasca ceremony I did really exploded in my face. It was like the 12 ceremonies before this one was only warming me up to this last one. And I've been working a lot while having to deal with this process, so I'm pretty tired now, but fortunately I have some days off now. So it is feels nice to be integrated back into my job-situation before I take this rest.

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3rd ice-bath this winter

45 min meditation yesterday morning, and 45 min meditation this morning. No ice-bathing yesterday, but one today after morning meditation. So nice and empowering! Wow. I'm so glad winter is here again and I can do this. It feels like the freshest thing ever.

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4th ice-bath this winter

45 min meditation yesterday, and 45 min meditation today. The meditation today was extra nice. Seems like I have a lot of experiences to process after I came home from Brazil, so my meditation doesn't go so deep yet, but it stays on processing that content, but today my meditation was deepening into concentration again. Later in the evening I went for an ice-bath again, and that was super-nice. I will do one tomorrow, and one on New Years Eve as well, so that I get in 6 baths in total before this year is over. That should give me some momentum for January and February, and also help me get a kick-start on my new sober life.

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5th ice-bath this winter

45 min meditation yesterday, and 45 min meditation today. I skipped the ice-bath I had planned for yesterday, but today I did one. After the ice-bath I did another session of 45 min of meditation. So much process and stuff after Brazil, so maybe I have to increase my dose of meditation. It was like it was burning all over my being with restlessness before that second session, so I sat down in order to go deeper into the burning sensations and let it burn. There is a transformation I've experienced before where before meditation I'm victim of the burning sensations, but after meditation the burning has been transformed more into flames of devotion. Not sure if that is exactly what happened today, but I feel more cooled down now.

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