
My meditation journal

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45 min meditation today. Very nice. Powerful and deep. Concentration still hasn't established itself fully, but it is on the doorsteps. Lots of process stil that I have to breathe into and ground by focusing on the bodily sensations they create, and thereby counter-acting the tendency to spinn around in the mind.

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45 min meditation yesterday, and 45 min meditation today. Very nice and energizing.

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Did an ayahuasca ceremony this weekend. It was really great, but I came down with a cold and spent sunday and monday in bed. Today I was well again in this felt like my big integration day. I played a lot of guitar and sang the hymns, did weigh-lifting, cold shower, two good forest walks, and 30 min yoga and 3 rounds of Wim Hof breathing in the evening.

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45 min meditation today. Centered and powerful energy.

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On 21.2.2025 at 11:48 PM, Tistepiste said:

This is inspiring. Going strong! 💪 


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45 min meditation today. Really beautiful. There has been yet another pause in my formal meditation practice, but I do other types of practice, especially devotional singing, but oh my gosh what a strong effect meditation can have. I'm somehow very lazy about my meditation these days, and it is related to the low levels of existential suffering I'm having these days, so I'm not compelled by my suffering to push on for further meditative development, but ideally I should be able to meditate even through this laziness, especially when I see the profound effect it gives me. Why do I want to walk around with a foggy awareness, when I can walk around with a crystal clear one? There are some interesting paradoxes at play here. Do I really need a crystal clear awareness when I can fully accept and embrace a foggy one? But still I seem to suffer less and be more energized when I clear my mind and body through meditation. Aaaah, all these cycles. And then one eventually always return to the perfection of knowing everything is exactly as it is supposed to be and it couldn't have been any other way. But can I abide for longer periods in this clearity, or should I just allow myself to lazily drift in and out of whatever way the nature of experience presents itself? And fundamentally, do I even have a choice one way or the other? Let us see how things develop. I guess I can only try to stay open for the ride.

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