
My meditation journal

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45 min meditation today as well. Deep concentration and stillness. Something could have been softer about the experience, though. I didn't fully melt into the states of concentration.

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Posted (edited)

45 min meditation today as well. Today I did melt into the concentration. I was able to identify what was going on yesterday, and I went beyond that obstable. I'm often accessing a state these days that in traditional buddhist text is called Equanimity, and in low equanimity there is an obstacle called "slippery mind" which will prevent you from getting traction so that you can go deeper into Equanimity. It is sort of like you are getting to a place that is pretty pleasant / or at least enough Ok for you to lose focus and just sit there and simmer in well-being and day-dreaming, but you don't get any traction to move beyond it, and it is kind of tricky to identify it. But simply with the concept of "slippery mind," at least today, it really helped to just notice, "oh, I'm in slippery mind," and then I was able to gain traction again.

Edited by Thittato

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Congratulations on being so consistent and dedicated to this

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20 hours ago, Evan Gill said:

Congratulations on being so consistent and dedicated to this

Thank you ❤️🙃🙌

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice. 

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@Thittato where are your favorite locations to meditate!

"Watching passing clouds within an infinite cloud of clouds."

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On 17.6.2024 at 10:29 PM, Yimpa said:

@Thittato where are your favorite locations to meditate!

Hey! :-) In my living room on the floor on a meditation cushion in front of my alter where I have a peaceful Buddha. For the most part I don't think much about locations, except it is nice to have a steady routine with sitting in the same place most of the time. But it is only for practical purposes. Having a habit of sitting down to train the mind. But I think of my home as my little temple, so it is nice to sit in the center of it, and do my act of devotion. I probably said some paradoxical things here.... :-)

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45 min meditation today as well. Today I went into full-blown concentration. Really softening and heart-melting. Very beautiful.

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1 hour meditation today. Wow. Very profound. Really melting into concentration. The mind becomes still. There is softness and ease in all of my being. I feel like a united ball of white healing energy where everything flows in harmony and simplicity.

It was very interesting that before my meditation a friend overstepped some of my boundaries and I felt pretty angry, but I was able to decide to not churn around in the anger (usually I don't have any choice). I have realized more and more lately that I have quite a lot of anger in me, and this can lead to a self-righteous mentality, so I want to soften up around this type of mentality. Meditation today really highlighted this possibilty.

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45 min meditation today. Challenging. Lots of tensions.

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45 min meditation today as well. Much nicer again today.

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45 min meditation yesterday and 45 min meditation today.

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2nd session of kayaking this year

But no meditation. This is my 4th year of kayaking. Doesn't seem like I have the drive on it the same way I used to, but I will at least try to get something out of it this season as well before I might ditch it.

Today: 45 min meditation. Really nice. Very good momentum into concentration.

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45 min meditation today as well. Really nice and smooth concentration. Before my mind settled down it also processed some important issues in my life right now, and it was just perfect how smooth my mind worked on these things and then settled down into smoothness and ease when it was satisfied.

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Thursday: 45 min sitting meditation and 15 min walking meditation

Friday: 45 min walking meditation

Saturday (today): 45 min sitting meditation

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