
My meditation journal

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice and grounded meditation.

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice. The momenum is getting much stronger now, to the point where I'm starting to go into deeper concentration states where qualities like peace, expansion, contentment, brightness, well-being, unified focus, flow, etc, starts to dominate.

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45 min meditation today as well. Today there was more process again. Feelings of grief and vulnerability. But it was really nice to sit with it. There was a sense of peace in surrendering into it.

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice. A bit more distracted today, but also a momentum of power and gratitude going parallell with distractedness.

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45 min meditation today as well. No meditation yesterday. Good momentum again today. Lots of gratitude.

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45 min meditation yesterday and today. Very nice :)

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45 min meditation today. No meditation friday and saturday. I've been having a pretty bad cold, so I've been in bed for the most part. Interesting what a depressive outlook on life a cold gives me. It is first now that my mind starts to feel a little energized and inspired again. Seems like usually after I've had a cold there is an afterglow when getting well again. Like the mind gets a bit of an extra boost from the down-time.

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45 min meditation yesterday, and 45 min meditation today. Today is the first time after this cold I get this energized mind that I often get from meditation where I feel recharged, creative and enthuasiastic about life. It is amazing the energy flow that meditation can stimulate. But damn - the temporary depressions that comes from having a cold, they can be pretty heavy. But I find it nice to just surrender into staying in bed mode when having a cold.

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45 min meditation today. Very nice. Some momentum and some restlessness battling with each other. I was getting into concentration states, but couldn't quite land there as things were getting murky again.

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45 min meditation today as well. Going into concentration-states again. Very nice. Things becomes centered, calm, focused, still. There is joy and well-being over the simple fact of beingness. I know people who mastered these states with far less effort than me. But I think we all have different inclinations. I see in my journal here that last time I entered these states was April of 12th. I guess that's my cycles. I build up a momentum, but then something knocks me off again. But I think I have some equanimity with these cycles, in the sense that one isn't supposed to develop attachment to meditative states anyways, but just let them come and go. So these states doesn't come easy to me, but when they do they feel like a great reward and an inspiration to keep on. And at the same time I hope that one day it will be possible to gain more a sense of mastery over these skills.

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1 hour meditation today. Very good momentum today as well. My mind is getting concentrated and that gives me great rest and vitalization, which is really nice after having worked night-shift.

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice :)

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45 min meditation today as well. Very good momentum. Going into concentration-states again. During this session I had a kick on sitting in a very errect, firm and relaxed posture - optimizing the energy-flow in my body. Amazing how the body can open up when the energy-flow is good.

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So two evenings in a row I have also done my favorite 20 minute vinyasa flow yoga program, and it has simply been really awesome. For some reason it has been difficult for me to have a daily practice consisting of both yoga and meditation. I usually have to choose one or the other. And I always know that meditation is the most important of them, so I'm very glad that lately I seem to have landed in this 45 min per day daily practice. But I also need some physical practice, and I find yoga really really awesome. So I'm going to see if it will be possible to stick with this morning-practice of 45 min meditation per day, and then see if I can also add some yoga in the evening. Probably that will be the best way for me to integrate both of them into my daily life. And oh my god - the way meditation has been opening up my body lately - it was so awesome to bring that body into a yoga-program again. It was like there had been no pause at all. Actually quite the opposite. So it is very interesting to see to what extent sitting meditation in itself is actually a physical practice, too.

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Very awesome start of the day. First 45 min meditation, then 20 min vinyasa flow yoga, and then a good warm shower followed by a good and solid cold shower.

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So I have been keeping up my daily practice of 45 min meditation per day while the forum has been down, and it has been really nice. Sat for 45 min today as well, the momentum is good, and my mind gets concentrated.

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice. Just surrendering into my life as it is. The mind is getting concentrated, and the center of gravity these days seems to be pulling me back again and again towards this centeredness, instead of towards the fluctuations of the samsaric mind.

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30 min meditation on wednesday,

1 hour on thursday, and

45 min today (friday).

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45 min meditation per day also on saturday, sunday, and monday (today).

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice. I've been in Brazil visiting my girlfriend for 12 days, and we have been meditating together 45 min every day (actually only 30 min one day, but then we compensated and meditated for 1 hour the next day). It was really nice that we could keep this focus together. I think that it probably was helping a lot in softening some of the triggers between us. And we have been hanging together very intensly, but I never felt any "need for space," as I was probably getting my space in meditation.

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