
My meditation journal

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45 min meditation today as well. Good flow, but also some dissonance. 

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Yesterday: No meditation

Today: 45 min sit in the morning. Sweet.

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This weekend: Meditation retreat with bhajans

Monday: 10 sun salutations

Today: 1 hour meditation

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Yesterday: 3 hours in the spa - saunas, warm baths, cold baths, etc. I was sitting or lying and meditating for the most part.

Today: 45 min sitting meditation.

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45 min meditation today. Sooo sweeeet. Then a long period in the spa with saunas and cold baths where I also did 10 sun salutations.

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice :-)

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice. My spiritual practice feels very focused these days.

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice. I've been integrating praying into my spiritual practice. It is very nice. Feels like I'm more and more turning into some kind of multi-religious/spiritual person drawing upon inspiration from all religious and spiritual traditions.

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45 min meditation today as well. Very nice :-)

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45 min meditation this morning. Very nice session. Been going through some emotional processing lately, and it is very obvious how much meditation supports this processing.

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45 min meditation this morning as well. This meditation was super-awesome. Among the best of them. Super-concentrated, and with a natural momemtum that was there as soon as I sat down. And then I went to work and the flow in doing my job was really nice today. After that I spent 4 hours at the local spa-bath. Cold baths, warm baths, saunas, etc. So nice.

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1 hour meditation this morning. Really amazing sit. Chill, presence, ease, well-being, simplicity.

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45 min meditation today. Same momentum as yesterday. Very nice.

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45 min meditation today as well. Super-nice :-)

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Yesterday: 45 min meditation

Today: 45 min meditation

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45 min meditation today as well. I was discussing my Vipassana Meditation Methodology with ChatGPT before I sat down today, and made him summerize how I meditate:

1. Acknowledgment and Resistance:

- Identify challenging emotions, resistance, or victim roles within yourself.

2. Shift from Resistance to Acceptance:

- Release resistance and embrace the experience without judgment or avoidance.

3. Objectification through Vipassana:

- Utilize Vipassana meditation to objectify and explore the layers of your mind.

4. Recognize Perceived Solidity:

- Understand the perceived solidity of experiences, such as pain or challenging emotions.

5. Tune into Impermanence:

- Cultivate an awareness of impermanence through Vipassana, seeing the dynamic, flowing nature of sensations.

6. Integration with Chi Energy:

- Notice the intertwining of impermanence and chi energy, viewing them as different facets of the same unfolding process.

7. Peeling Layers Like an Onion:

- Continuously peel layers of the mind, revealing deeper aspects for exploration and understanding.

8. From Challenge to Empowerment:

- When facing resistance or victimhood, delve into the experience, recognizing its impermanent nature, transforming challenges into sources of empowerment.

9. Apply Insights to Daily Life:

- Extend the insights gained through meditation into your daily life, influencing how you perceive and respond to both inner and external experiences.

10. Consistent Daily Practice:

- Maintain a consistent daily meditation practice to stay attuned to the ongoing process of self-discovery and transformation.

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Yesterday: 45 min meditation. Very good flow.

Today: 45 min meditation. Resistance and distraction.

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45 min meditation today. Very nice flow. When I was getting ChatGPT to summerize my understanding of meditation, he didn't quite get something crucial about this point:

8. From Challenge to Empowerment:

- When facing resistance or victimhood, delve into the experience, recognizing its impermanent nature, transforming challenges into sources of empowerment.

What my experience is is that when I go really deep into something challenging happening in my experience that challenging experience, the energy of it, gets transformed into nutrition for mye spiritual development. It is extremly interesting. What I resist the most is actually food for my well-being.

So there is frequently an emotional sense of vicimhood in my being, sort of like "Why is this happening to me?" But when the resistance drops and I go fully into it with my meditation technique, I start to groove on those sensations.

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45 min meditation today as well. Resistance and emotional pain.

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