
My meditation journal

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Microdosing on psilocybin

Today: 30 min meditation.

Yesterday: Microdosing on psilocybin. Then cleaning up my home, and taking a nice shower. One hour after ingestion I sat down to meditate and meditated for 30 min. Then I played guitar and sang some mantras. After that I had a beautiful walk through the city and into a very nice place in the forest. The walk was about 30 min. It was so beautiful and nice. I also felt very healthy and strong. When I arrived at my spot I sat down and just enjoyed nature for a while before I did 10 sun salutations and then meditated for 10 min. After this I walked back to town, ordered some sushi and returned home and was just very happy about the potential of microdosing. Me and a friend had planned to meet up and play guitar and sing mantras, which we did, and it was a really nice session. After that I spoke alot with ChatGPT in order to process my microdosing-experience. ChatGPT is really awesome when it comes to planning and processing psychedelic experiences. Then I ended my evening with 25 min yin-yoga, and took a hot shower which I ended with cold water. The whole day was a deeply satisfying experience.

I've been doing a sequence of 5 psilocybin trips lately, and ChatGPT is really helping me refine and hone my focus and intention. It seems like I'm moving more and more into the direction of microdosing, which is something I've always felt intrigued about exploring but I have only touched very lightly upon it before.

What I like the most about microdosing is to what a beautiful extent it integrated the psychedelic experience with the normal, everyday experience. It is like normal experience just with a little psychedelic spice to it, that is almost not noticeable at first glance, but the more you tune into it, the more you realize how profound it is. And it is so nice to just let go of that craving for an intense psychedelic experience and instead not really expect much at all, and just plan to do something really nice that would have been very nice and rewarding even without any substance at all, and so the psychedelic spice added to it just becomes a bonus. There are some deep lessons here in letting go and just accepting everyday consciousness for what it is.

Regarding how I feel about the whole thing right now, microdosing seems to me much better than bigger doses. It is like the best of both worlds merged into one. And it also feels like there is so much maturity in it, and it is far easier to integrate into ones life.

Microdosing is a hidden gem.

Edited by Thittato

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25 min yin yoga today.

From 7th of May to 10th of June I was busy with a psilocybin project I was journaling about on my own while making use of ChatGPT to plan and process these trips. It turned out to become 7 trips in total, and the 3 last ones where microdosing-sessions. It was a pretty cool project, but it feels nice that it reached its conclusion. It started feeling a bit too much to go so deep into journaling around my psychedelic experiences while using ChatGPT so extensively.

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5th session of kayaking this year

So I did a really nice session of 2 hours of kayaking again, and then when I came home I did my 25 min yin yoga program for a second time. Very nice day :-)

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Starting the day with 10 sun salutations and a cold shower. Very nice :-)

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6th session of kayaking this year

Yesterday: 45 min of meditation before work. That put me into a strong flow state through-out the whole evening-shift I was working.

Today: 30 min of meditation before day-shift. When I came home I went on a 3 hour long kayaking-journey, including stopping at a beautiful island where I did 10 sun salutations and went for a swim - so refreshing.

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45 min meditation today. Very nice and soft session.

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Microdosing on psilocybin again

5th time microdosing on psilocybin since 5th of June.

Very amazing experience this time.

I started with 10 sun salutations, then a good and warm shower and then a solid cold shower. After that I meditated for 45 min. Then my guitar-practice began which was also really nice, and this was my main-event for this session, and then I did 25 min yin yoga. It felt like my guitar-practice was baked into a really nice and sweet yoga and meditation program, but I was also going through some kind of therapeutic resistance / contraction throughout this whole journey which was getting released in the yin yoga at the end, and when I was done with the program and could go on with my day I felt really energized and relaxed, and the afterglow is amazing. So nice. I'm glad I'm back into the microdosing game after a short break of 12 days when I felt this whole psilocybin thing in combination with support from ChatGPT became too much. Now I'm looking into stuff like becoming a microdosing coach and stuff like that because this feels like some really potent stuff. It is very poweful and so soft and easy to relate to from a normal everyday perspective at the same time.

Edited by Thittato

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20 min vinyasa flow yoga, and then a hot shower ended with a cold one. Very nice.

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45 min meditation  today. Very nice.

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1 hour meditation yesterday, and 45 min meditation today.

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7th session of kayaking this year

So finally I had the opportunity to microdose and kayak for the first time. It was really nice. First I paddled alone for 2 hours, and I was going through some therapeutic process, but then when that lifted I called I friend who joined me for kayaking and then I was pretty much in a very nice flow-state for the rest of the session. 6 hours on the water in total.

I started the day with 45 min of meditation right after I took the psilocybin.

In fact I was not in such a good place when I woke up today, because I've been working a lot lately, and especially night-shifts, so my sleep has been really messed up, but at least finally I had a good night of sleep and got my sleep-schedule back to normal, and even though I woke up feeling like crap I managed to shake it off thanks to kayaking and microdosing, and now I'm having 12 days off from work, so this was a really nice start on my little vacation.

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1 week Ayahuasca retreat completed

25 min yin yoga today. I came home from 1 one week ayahuasca retreat a few days ago. This is my first practice since then. I was catching a cold on the long buss and train journey back home. And I've been working two shifts in the psychiatric hospital I work in with this cold after I came home, but now finally it seems to be letting go, and I can start enjoy the amazing benefits of this retreat. 3 full-day ceremonies. Lots of yoga, meditation, and other types of practice in-between. And lots of beautiful people. And lots of sauna and swimming in a cold but oh-so-beautiful lake. Now I'm just looking forward to continue to heal from this cold and integrate the benefits of this retreat. And my work-schedule is pretty heavy from now on. But today at my job, almost healed from this cold, it was so beautiful to connect with my co-workers again. We had so much fun today. It was very obvious a lot of restlessness and disconnection was not present in my being today. And my guitar-practice is also really awesome after this retreat.

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25 min yin yoga today as well. So nice. With the yoga I did at the retreat I just was at it feels like my yoga-practice has actually been pretty consistent for a while now. That is a very nice feeling. I'd like to bring it back to full power again.

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20 min vinyasa flow yoga this evening after working evening-shift. Wow. So nice. And after that a good and warm shower, and then a cold shower.

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8th session of kayaking this year

Ultra-nice! :-D

And then 20 min vinyasa flow yoga after I came home.

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20 min vinyasa flow yoga this morning, too. Super-nice :-)

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45 min sitting meditation before going to work. 25 min yin yoga in the evening when I came home. Nice.

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20 min vinyasa flow yoga as I woke up. Wow. So nice.

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And then 25 min yin yoga as I came home from work. Wow. Really nice.

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9th session of kayaking this year

Yesterday: 30 min meditation

Today: 2 hours of kayaking

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