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Jeff Zhang

What's your opinion on Chinese authority's call for boycott of Western values?

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@CreamCat Indeed. Male's population at least 20 million larger than female in current China.

Can you imagine that?  That's a population of a whole country like Korea. 

That real gap maybe larger!

That's also the reason why my family pushes me to get married so much, they are afraid few years later I would end up being single the rest of life.

Sounds silly, right? Come on, welcome to the jungle survival scarcity world!:P  

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@Jeff Zhang Even in korea, many men will not pass their genes to their children. Korea's population started shrinking. Japan's population will start shrinking very soon, too.

Edited by CreamCat

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@CreamCat Good analysis.

If only my family have such long-term insight like you, I would be free, free man I am, free of the rituals. ;)


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The Chinese Government and Xi Jingpings move toward more and more authority are more and more seeking nationalism in this country.

Just look at the situation in Tibet and the Eastern regions ( cant remember the specific name of the province) where they are supressing sectors of islam. I here its difficult ot buy groceries without having IDs inspected over there.

5-10 Years ago there were way more westeners and people from all over the world living in China... now the numbers have dwindled and its been made increasingly difficult.

As china and its people move towards a consumerist economy, its people are more culturally aware, have money in their pockets and wanna spend it, the government has to be careful to maintain its position, they are greatly outnumbered at the end of the day.

More Chinese people are looking to travel and those that do get a first hand glimpse of western living and bring those stories back. say what you like about western values and governments, im not saying we dont have our own corruption and twisted elements but when Chinese people interact with everyday westeners and notice that we are not out to destroy China its begs the question.

Also think about heavy the internet it restricted here, dam its becominy so hard to consistently access western website and theyre keeping more and more tabs on in it。

The majority of Chinese will live and die in China. Foreign influence and impact on people views is something you have little control over if it gets in, so a solid sollution is to try to supress it. I think a lot of it boils down to this.issue of nationalism and maintaining the centralisation of power. As long as Chinese people enjoy their lives and free to climb the economic ladder now they have baught into capitalism and the persuit of wealth then they are happy and don't seem that bothered about the fact they cant choose their government. If their family prospers and the national family prospers then all is well. Its a strange balance the government has to work with, authourity and control vs seeming daily freedoms and prosperity of its people, particularly as more and more middle class emerge. (they all want houses now... a common sight of western living...)


But a solid strategy to maintain that and ensure the people don't start wanting a bit more from the government and country is to limit the influence of western culture, systems and values. Nationalism is a powerful force and Chinese people are naturally very proud of who they are and where they come from, with their long history and 60+  years of communist rule, its a solid strategy for a government who is the odd success story compared to all the other communist experiments.


Edited by Spence94

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On 12/23/2018 at 10:48 PM, Jeff Zhang said:

@Joseph Maynor  had you grown up in China, what's your life would be?

It really depends!

But, generally speaking, it's highly likely that you would be desperate to looking for a wife like most of the Chinese men nowdays.;)   

I must say, I loved Beijing when I was there.  I loved the Chinese people.  I loved the food and the architecture and the long history.  When you go to China you're seeing a culture that's been evolving for 5,000 years.  China is one of the major sources of "philosophical civilization" in the world along with Europe and India.  If you look at the three most important divisions in Philosophy it's Western Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, and Indian Philosophy. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Spence94 Chinese society has been abducted by the party in the name of nationalism.   There's seldom truth in Chinese society nowdays, there are lies everywhere. I feel shame for that.

In fact, the current Chinese societal situation especially like some of main stream values advocated by the party , are far from the essence of Chinese culture which dates back thounds of years ago. The essence of Chinese culture has been warped, misinterpreted, or just like Leo once said, has been corrupted by the ego, and then used the name of the Chinese culture.

Also it's one of the reason why the international communities,many countries do not embrace the Chinese authoritative government.  It's a gap of values.

If you read the Chinese ancient wisdom like Taoism, Buhddism etc,  then you would realize how far away the current Chinese societal value is from the ancient wisdom, almost opposite.   Everything beautiful is corrupted and distorted, misinterpreted by the egoistic mind, just like the religion.   Nationalism is an outer express of ego. And people in this trap cant distinguish what's truth or falsehood.

You get what I mean?  I think this is a succinct insight you seldom hear in nowdays China. 

Edited by Jeff Zhang

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@Jeff Zhang It became very clear very early on when arriving in China the huge generational gap and the disconnect from the routes of Chinese culture and philosophy. The concepts and practices within Taoism and Buddhism are not wide spread. Ideas such as Chi and energy seem shrugged as a nonsense that the old generation believe and there is no interest in these elements of Chinese culture anymore. That is part result of the Communist rule, they shape the history through their lenses the way they see fit. You get a lot of open minded western people coming to China to learn about the way of the Dao, Chinese medicine, Tai chi, qigong, kung fu etc. These elements of Chinese culture have deep spiritual and philosophical roots. While Chinese people are kind of aware of them ( and there are certainly many Chinese who are into these things), the vast majority of the 1.3 billion who live here have very little interest and they are not in touch with these parts of Chinese culture and History at all. Sad really, but ey. Communism bro.

Edited by Spence94

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Hmm...I don't have much knowledge about China...

@Jeff Zhang but be grateful for the good values anyway. There's a lot.


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