
Cellphones and your Health (+ Spiral Dynamics)

7 posts in this topic

In case someone wants to commit to a life purpose in the domain of technology/telecommunication/ health, this post contains a big inspiring challenge!
(This post is somewhat of a mixed bag but I'm posting it on LP)

Also reason for this thread:
I'd really like to get the perspective of some more people and/or guide others attention to that issue.

Something that is really heavily neglected regarding overall health are the health effects of electro magnetic fields (as emitted by your body) and microwave cellphones / cell towers.

The current state:

- EMFs (electromagnetic fields) have been shown in lots of studies to have a severe effect on your life (circadian rhythm, gut health, brain health, sperm, etc.)
- Exposure will grow as 5G-technology (what comes after LTE/4G; ~small antennas on every corner) is being tested in cities.

Don't call me a quack?! Watch:
The government of cyprus put a video on youtube, warning their citizens.

France banned wifi in nursery schools.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences:

I'd say that this is a pretty unhealthy manifestation of stage orange.

Why? (I'm paraphrasing)

- Standards designed for protecting users (and non-users) are way off (~10000000x).
  The tests are being done on a water-filled dummy, which doesn't live and has no brain.
- World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified cell phones as "a possible cause of cancer" years ago
- Doctors are ignored by most organisations.
- No one talks about this in the public, or they say the complete opposite.
  You'll probably be called a quack be strangers.

In the next 40 years the limits of wireless technology (via microwaves/radio) will be reached. Stage orange will have to acknowledge it, because EMFs impact on their health will be unbearable (sleep problems, concentration problems, fatigue, ... cancer, obesity, alzheimers, etc.).

What emits (non-natural) EMFs?
- microwave
- cellphones
- wifi
- bluetooth
- smart meters
- wireless baby-monitors
- electric cars (sigh. Well, you have to achkowledge a problem in order to change it.)
- AC-current
- using a laptop whilst charging

NEED A LIFE PURPOSE?, consider this:
Design a more conscious way of using wireless technology and establish it as the norm.
Conscious meaning: very little negative health impact (little EMF and blue light).

You'll establish yourself as one of the very few companies in this field (a green/yellow/turquoise(?) business).
(Most telcos will be crippled by the incoming lawsuits.)

What to do:
- implementing the new healthy technology
- removing the old technology (cell towers, ...)
- broadcast (pun intended) this knowledge to the public
- researching

Much appreciation for you who read this.
Now, I see this is loaded, so :)... ask, when you need to (or move to "health" if more plausible).

P.S. Over the last year, better internet resources on how to mitigate negative effects have been made more available.

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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What if the new technology is walking away from all this constant connectivity? How about building settlements with no wifi and cell phone towers nearby, where you use the internet and telephone indoors, and outside you open your eyes and pay attention to your surroundings, talk to people, or read a book? Healthy wireless technology could be a misnomer, but as this shit gets more pervasive, there will undoubtedly be a movement to retreat from smartphone culture and live in an environment without the physical and psychological effects of it.

It's been a few months since I had a cell phone, and it's far more liberating than it is inconvenient. 

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@XYZ What if new tech isn't walking away from constant connectivity?
(Don't want to debate that point. Ultimately it probably leads in that direction. But everywhere in tech nowadays people want to connect everything to anything (IoT). And that's being marketed as desirable.)

I can totally see where you're coming from.

The idea of EMF-safe-zones is actually being implemented - I believe in France and some places in Switzerland.
That being said, it can be like living in a cage. Because people with EHS (electro hypersensitivity), meaning people that react really* badly to being exposed can't really leave the community.

* Well it varies, here's a (for now) extreme example:
The story of some EHS salesman in Germany (maybe a decade ago):
Suddenly became really sensitive (He worked on the phone all day).
Lived/s in a protection suit and drives from place with no cell coverage to another place with no cell coverage (these become rarer and rarer; basically forest to forest).

Big opportunity for now is that 5G will be so in-our-face unhealthy and therefore unmarketable.
That could mean that we'll stay with 4G for a while (meaning all the tips in this thread can work to an extent).
Or people want safer phones (and other things), so they can continue living their life ("addicted" to smartphones, media and a heavy dose of stage orange advertisement).

In my point of view, not everyone is able to simply let go of the digital leash.
 - They have to work somewhere and be connected.
 - Fear of missing out.
 - Just in case of emergency.
 - It's comfortable.
 - It's their career.
 - Fear of changing their habits.

Ultimately all these "problems" can only be solved by humans changing and becoming more conscious.
Biologically-friendlier tech will not solve any underlying issues.
But in helping reduce stress and misery it can contribute a lot to a better life.

Although I may be wrong. Didn't use a smartphone in years, so I have to take your word on it being more liberating. ^_^

Edited by peqkno

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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Well if you can actually be the type of scientist/activist that can convince governments and telecoms that 5g is dangerous and get it legally restricted, or an engineer who develops safer technology, go for it!

Ultimately I don't think there is much the average person can do, except not be on their phone all the time. Just like with switching form petroleum to renewable fuels, and change in the wireless infrastructure would have to come from the huge corporations that already control the networks. Alternative technologies can't really compete in the mainstream, they'd at best be options for wealthier consumers (i.e. Tesla vehicles).

I don't think life purpose has to me a strictly individual thing, a group of friends, a community, or commercial company even can have a common life purpose they work together to manifest. Don't see why not a group of engineers can't work on what you envision, and sell/share the technology to T-Mobile, AT&T etc. 

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Yes, where better days with only telephone radio & tv, or none. Too much technology around and only helps people on paper, because the fatalities are multiple. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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On 12/23/2018 at 6:50 AM, Hellspeed said:

Yes, where better days with only telephone radio & tv, or none.

How so? (serious question)

What's the point in idolizing the past anyway? All we can deal with is now.

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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23 hours ago, peqkno said:

How so? (serious question)

What's the point in idolizing the past anyway? All we can deal with is now.

I'm not idolizing the past, the past was not better. But nowadays is too much technology, too much radiation outside. Those who are awakened we feel this, greatly. Too much info, too much fear on the street, too much herd mentallity etc. 


... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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