
Leo, what were your sources for saying reality is nothingness?

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The more I get into it the more I realize the depth and wisdom of that statement and it's interesting to know if he's made that conclusion through his own logic or if he's picked it up from other sources mixed up with some ideas of his own? cause from what i see, this issue is nowhere near settled in philosophy, is it?

Edited by sarapr

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? Are you new to the path ? 

The spiritual path isn’t about philosophising.

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2 minutes ago, Arhattobe said:

? Are you new to the path ? 

The spiritual path isn’t about philosophising.

that's all Leo does on camera anyway so it becomes a part of it whether you want it or not 

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It has very little to do with what I want, or what Leo does. I can’t speak for Leo, and never followed his videos. He can speak for himself.

What I am telling you is that the spiritual path , enlightenment, and awakening. Are not about philosophising.

I became “enlightened” 4 years agoish, and  nothingness just becomes evident upon awakening. My reality. I could “see” it, “feel” it, and “touch” it... sort of lol.


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@sarapr You must be very new to nonduality. Logic is just one facet of intelligence. However, you can't grasp nothingness with your logical mind and you can't use symbols to encapsulate reality. Your logical mind is finite, reality is infinite. 

When asked about enlightenment and nothingness, Bodhidharma replied - there is nothing to say, there is nothing to teach. 

However, you must study and learn, but you also must practise diligently. Find a balance between the two.

I said this metaphor to someone here yesterday, but it illustrates what we are discussing quite well, so here it is:

What disappears the moment you say its name?

Answer: - Silence

You see the more you try to explain what silence is to someone, the further from the truth you will be.

The more words, language and sounds you make to explain what silence is, the more you will puzzle that person.

The only way to understand silence is to stop philosophising about it, become quiet - and there it is.   

In his videos, Leo is using his finger to point at the moon and you are paying so much attention to his finger that you are missing the moon.

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@Arhattobe @Akuma I understand what you're saying but currently, I'm concerned with a different thing. Thing is whether it's enlightened monks or western scientists they are all very confused about this question and the answers are so dissatisfying but the way Leo puts it it's makes so much sense with no more questions left really so this idea generally is so advanced and it's very intriguing how he came to that.

I know the mind can't ever grasp that because of reality's innate paradoxes and all but it still makes sense you see

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You can’t understand consciousness, god, metaphysical matters through logic. There’s nothing logical about what’s true. There’s nothing logical about you not existing. Science cannot and will not discover consciousness, God, etc. This work is supposed to not make sense. Existence itself has nothing to do with what you assume it to be. You’re trying to dig a massive hole with a fork when you need a drill and a shovel. Or like someone trying to become the best basketball player merely by reading about basketball. 

All the spiritual traditions match up if you can read in between the lines. How is it, that all these traditions and sages never had contact with each other seem to all be talking about the same fundamental reality despite the different contextual frameworks? How is it you seem to assume your sense of self but when you get down to it, every answer you have about yourself really isn’t you and is just a conceptual idea of who you think you are? Hell, even the materialist paradigm/philosophy itself defeats its very assumption. Even if you are made up of quarks and strings, well, everything else under that same paradigm and set of assumptions would say that everything else in existence would be made up of strings and quarks so really, what’s the difference between you and the toilet you shit in? 

4 hours ago, sarapr said:

that's all Leo does on camera anyway

You assume that’s all he does. You miss the part in his videos where he actually does the fucking practice. Sit your ass on the cushion and do the practice. No one owes you explanations and logical proofs or the truth. Either you want to know what’s real and true and you’re willing to do the work or you’re not. It’s that simple. People devote their entire life to discovering this through difficulties you can’t even imagine. You have endless amounts of resources and tools at your disposal. Books (great ones on Leo’s booklist), psychedelics (which have been recommended on here), all the theory you need, even pretty good explanations of this stuff (at least as good as it gets when it comes to truths that can’t be comminicated). Either you want to know who and what you are or you don’t and just want to assume your reality like you always have and have an assumed reality or you can be one of the 0.01% who actually know who they are. I suggest the latter because an assumed life is an ignorant life, and an ignorant life is a wasted life.

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Nothingness is the Source of all sources.

How do you know you exist? Which source did you ask?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@sarapr do not believe anything Leo says (he's lying) ? find out for yourself, *believing* that "reality is nothingness" would be to fall into a trap. The easiest way to overcome this is to realise that you shouldn't believe anything, and "belief" isint what's being talked about. All of the cool places you can get to through meditation are really good to talk about, but never seek to enter these places...just meditate (and do self enquiry). 

There is no teaching, there is no teacher and there is no pupil. You are only here to find out who you are. Anything more than this, will work you *away* from enlightenment. (That statement is larger than you thing, or should I say...simpler...than you think ;) )

This isint like college, you don't benefit from putting knowledge in your head. Enlightenment is not something, it the realisation that this "something" was somehow a fabrication from the start. It must be in your direct experience (this should not be hard, just observe "do I exist?") And do self enquiry. Your only trying to find out who you are. Infact, in a way...the more uninformed you are, the better. Do not treat this like another one of your hobbies...this is the realisation that all of your hobbies never existed. The reason leo can say such bold things like this is because he has simplified it so much more than other people. People always want more more more. But *purity* is less. If you were to purify gold 30 times with fire, it will be much smaller and lighter. Purify yourself of your ideas, including the idea the ideas are wrong. Who is the one who observes the belief that ideas are wrong? It is being observed after all, isint it (direct experience)? Bring to mind what you think you are and see for yourself..."this thing I think I am, is it being observed? If so, by whom?... especially if this thing is what I thought was me."

Edited by Aaron p

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You guys are unbelievable! 

We're on a different page, no way to relate :|

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1 hour ago, sarapr said:

You guys are unbelievable! 

We're on a different page, no way to relate :|

Well, look at your experience now :)

(go along with this 8 part mini series that gives you a taste directly. See if your query is resolved better or not)


''Not this...

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PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Preetom Loving the way this guy is narrating his vids. It's like non duality for kids ? (not the teachings, the way he executes it)


Richards a G

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Just now, Charlotte said:

@Preetom Loving the way this guy is narrating his vids. It's like non duality for kids ? (not the teachings, the way he executes it)

Yes! I found these videos explaining things eloquently and far more directly, that I got from 5 years of studies and lots of hiccups. This right here imo, is the smoothest and most interesting way you can introduce non-duality to anyone with a little bit of open mind and willingness to listen (high stage blue and beyond).

This doesn't throw you some incommunicable esoteric knowledge that you can only verify by going to a cave, or meditating for 20 years or snorting up some drugs which can shoo many people off right from the bat. This reveals what is always so obviously here right in front us but we missed just by oversight.

Really grateful to @Freyah for pointing me to this thing and Darren Harding and Richard Lang for such eloquent expressions :x 

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@Preetom Exactly! I'm on 3A and I'm like "woooooaaaaaaaahhhhhhh". He's confirming things I thought I was getting wrong (via the experiments). Highly recommended this series. It's brilliant Preetom. Cheers dude!! ❤️

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10 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

@Preetom Exactly! I'm on 3A and I'm like "woooooaaaaaaaahhhhhhh". He's confirming things I thought I was getting wrong (via the experiments). Highly recommended this series. It's brilliant Preetom. Cheers dude!! ❤️


I also love the fact that how humane, direct and obvious this is; not some more supernatural, fantastical or superhuman concepts that most people just can't stomach haha..

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Why do you see depth and wisdom of saying reality is nothingness?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Preetom @Preetom  Yes! 

Incredibly accessible and direct. Yesterday off the back of his experiments I tried my own. When he dug his nail into his finger and said "the pain is in the hand, not in me."

I did this myself (might sound mad to some people) but I nipped the back of my hand with my nail whilst realising the pain was in the hand not 'in me'. Carried on applying the pressure whilst realising the pain was in the hand and no shit, the pain actually numbed. As I was doing it I switched it from 'the pain IS me' to 'the pain is in the hand.' And the difference was remarkable. Truly. Literally mind blowing ?

This little mini series she been a game changer Preetom. Thank you again ❤️

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On 12/19/2018 at 0:09 PM, sarapr said:

The more I get into it the more I realize the depth and wisdom of that statement and it's interesting to know if he's made that conclusion through his own logic or if he's picked it up from other sources mixed up with some ideas of his own? cause from what i see, this issue is nowhere near settled in philosophy, is it?

No, its pretty much settled. What makes up sub atomic particles? Nothing.

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