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Have you ever had direct experience of this?

2 posts in this topic

I have not experienced the following thing directly, but it occured to me that is possible. 

Short question: Has anyone maybe had an experience where they realised that there is in fact no substance but only the experience of substance, which feels so real because we can´t really tell if something is real outside our experience.


Long question:

So you are right now in front of a computer looking at a monitor. How you know the monitor is there is due to light bouncing off of the monitor and reaching your eye which causes your optical nerves to generate an electrochemical impulse which your brain interprets. It´s best guess is that there is a monitor out there that you are looking at so it creates the image of a monitor. Now it is just a guess in the end, we don´t know for sure if the interpretation matches what actually is.

Now let me approach to a similar problem on another level. How does physics know anything? Let´s look at electrical charge for example. We know there should be electrical charges because we know there is attraction and repulsion between some particles. Particles having a charge is the story, so to speak, that we came up with because it explains the phenomenon consistently without doing violence to what we knew beforehand. But it is just a guess, just like the existence of the monitor.

We know what we know, not because we know what is but because we are able to observe the effects of what is. For instance if we suddenly detected some very weak gravitational force we don´t know the source of, we would come up with a story of maybe a very distant astronomical object that is for some reason unobservable causes this gravitational pull or something.

So what occured to me is: There might as well be no monitor in front of you, but only the experience of a monitor, the apperance of a monitor in your eyes, the voice of a monitor in your ears or the sensetian of a monitor on your skin, but not a real monitor or not real substance of a monitor. Has anyone had an experience where they maybe clearly realised that there is no substance but only the experience of a (supposed) subtance.

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