Marcell Kovacs

Can't control my body!

18 posts in this topic

Lately I've been bumping up my meditation/shamanic breathing practices to more intense durations and yesterday evening just as I was about to finish my 60 minute session I lost control of my body and it started behaving on it's own term much like what you see during holotropic breathwork retreats.

This morning I laid down to do a shamanic breathing session of 60 minutes and the same shit started happening to me. As the session finished I kind of got back to normal. Then a few hours later I sat down to do my 60 minute meditation practice and immediately my body was doing the same stuff.

I do have very mild ADHD, I was one of those kids who couldn't sit still, however it's not nearly as worse as it could be. I'm wondering if that's the demon wanting to leave my body.

Anyway, do I surrender to this sucker and let it leave my body or is there any further action that needs to be taken?

Also, I'd appreciate if @Leo Gura gave some insight into this as well, since this is no ordinary stuff.

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The question is, could you ever control your body? 

Ok, I'll stop being annoying. (not that I have a choice...) 

I'm sure it is scary to experience the body moving on its own, if you are not ok with the idea that it does this anyway. I would say just surrender and let it happen, unless it starts harming yourself or others, which MOST likely won't happen. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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Once one introduces one’s body to more intense energies than normal, via psychedelics, kundalini or whatever. At times the energy releases itself in an unusual fashion. Twitches, flailing around and other sorts of things can even be common place.

Such happenings are called kriyas. Don’t worry about it. If such things are common place I would advise against and be careful against psychedelics.



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First of all, you can for sure confirm for yourself that you are in control in the present moment.

Test it out. Check. OK?

That was an experience and it is beautiful. It is gone and you have gained experience and skill. You are now in the present moment which you allow and choose what you want to do. Which is all good.

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Control is born of the “past”, modified as “the present”, projected in the “future”.

Therfore is the past calling the shots and determining the present moment of the chooser and that which “it” chooses...who’s in control now anyway? 

The controller is the controlled:D

Edited by Jack River

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It's okay, it passed! I surrendered like a champ.

Man, that was the toughest spiritual experience I've ever had. It kept going on for nearly 4 hours and I could've easily vomited every second.

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@Marcell Kovacs I have a question... was it hard when you started the shamanic breathing?  I've tried it a few times but can't even keep it up for a few minutes because my lungs are burning... seems like its a great workout for the lungs... but can't imagine doing it for prolonged periods of time. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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3 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Marcell Kovacs I have a question... was it hard when you started the shamanic breathing?  I've tried it a few times but can't even keep it up for a few minutes because my lungs are burning... seems like its a great workout for the lungs... but can't imagine doing it for prolonged periods of time. 

Yeah it was, but I eventually built up to an hour. I'm planning to write a "year after" report next April as I'm pretty much doing it on a daily basis these days and it's beyond belief how effective this technique is.

Also I still haven't defeated this sucker, I'll have another go tonight and surrender to it fully whatever happens.

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Sometimes you have to rest from your body, identify with your mind not the body

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Okay, so it's been 3 days this has been going on and as soon as I want to meditate and deliberately focus on the present moment my body just goes crazy. I know that obviously the best way to deal with this would be to surrender to it, however it twists my neck and spins my head around to the point that I'm physically in pain and have to attempt to stop it and gain control of it.

How could this stop? Should I just suck it up and somehow try and surrender regardless the physical pain or do I take some time off from meditation and trust that it'll leave my body eventually? Any alternatives maybe?

Also I'm hoping there's some huge growth happening on the other side, because this is the type of shit you see people doing on holotropic breathwork retreats and psychedelic retreats. Luckily this doesn't happen during daily life activities, but only during meditation so that's good at least.

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On 19.12.2018 at 3:09 PM, Marcell Kovacs said:

Lately I've been bumping up my meditation/shamanic breathing practices to more intense durations and yesterday evening just as I was about to finish my 60 minute session I lost control of my body and it started behaving on it's own term much like what you see during holotropic breathwork retreats.

This morning I laid down to do a shamanic breathing session of 60 minutes and the same shit started happening to me. As the session finished I kind of got back to normal. Then a few hours later I sat down to do my 60 minute meditation practice and immediately my body was doing the same stuff.

I do have very mild ADHD, I was one of those kids who couldn't sit still, however it's not nearly as worse as it could be. I'm wondering if that's the demon wanting to leave my body.

Anyway, do I surrender to this sucker and let it leave my body or is there any further action that needs to be taken?


Surrender to your own Heart and project that anywhere.  

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Marcell Kovacs  sounds like kundalini, I'm am currently going through spinning sensations while I meditate myself, my Kundalini has shaken my chest & eye lids uncontrollably as well. It's very strange cause you don't know why the energy is gonna do, for me I just let it do what it wants. The way I look at it Kundalini could help you become enlightened. I've had sudden uncontrolled jerks, but not body twisting, try to find a guru.

Edited by Tony 845

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@Marcell Kovacs

Hi Marcell. I've been practising the Yoga form of Shamanic breathing regularly for a few months and have taken great interest in your posts here because of how consistent you were with the method.

Did you manage to overcome the body control issue?

Also you wrote earlier in another thread about a 1 year Shamanic breathing report. Would I be able to read this and any other Shamanic breathing reports you made?

I have been doing a lot of research on this method recently as a yoga teacher I admire said that this breathing method will "accelerate your spiritual progress like almost nothing else"..



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Man take a rest! Nobody is forcing you to do the practices. If your body shakes constanly you should stop. 

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happens to me to. do it in a safe environment, i've found breathing into and intensifying them to yield the best results for myself. this could potentially get much more crazy and a potential danger/risk if you're on psychedelics, was the case for me. 

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