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Tom T

claravoiance and past life’s on 5 Meo DMT trip

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Hey just writing an interesting trip report about my friend who has paranormal ability’s and took 5 meo dmt. I think many  people on here would be interested.

So last night me and my friend who claims to have claravoiant paranormal ability’s took a dose each of 5 meo dmt last night. This was his first time so I gave him 30mg and I’m really sensitive to it so I just took 10mg. Before we took the substance I told my friend to imagine that we are in a place where existence  hasn’t happened yet and we are in nonexistance. As we were going deeper into the trip I was trying my best to guide him into the absolute nothingness as much as possible and we went deeeeep !!! Anyway during this experiance I went to hold his hand to guide Him through the death and in this moment he could not stop shaking his legs. He claims he was getting visions into the future of wars becuase the vibration on the planet is so low he said their will have to be lots of blood shed in order for a new higher consciousness world to form where everybody knows about spirituality. Then we looked into my eyes with my hand in his hand and he claims he could see thousandssss of my past life’s in one millisecond. He was looking into my eyes and he said that he can see my face changing into diffrent faces over and over and over and he could also see a thousand whole past life’s in one milliseconds.  He was also talking about how we get to choose our own life before we come into this demensions but the deal is we don’t remember and when we reach higher levels of consciousness we can upgrade to new demensions etc but no demensions is better or worse than the other it’s just a new level. He was saying that he is seeing to much and that it’s to much for him to handle and it’s to much information at once. He also said that he saw his grandad at one point who is still alive today who showed him loads of things. And we both looked into the mirror after the peak and he said that his face turned into an old women, then an ancient tribal women, then a Indian man, then a Chinese person etc and I was looking in the mirror and I just saw my face as normal. After the our trip had wore off we decided to dive back in and take 10mg more each and we both went really really deep. He was in a meditation position on the floor in deep stillness with no claravoiance or past life stuff happening and I was lying on the floor in utter nothingness fully conscious of how reality exists becuase it dosnt exist etc and afterwards after the peak we played a game where we tryed to guess what we were both thinking so I went first And I was thinking of a perfect glowing white beach with a bright blue sky  and he instantly said “blue sky” I was like wtf !!!! Then I tryed and I got it wrong and then I thought of a number and I was thinking of 6 and he said 7. That’s pretty close but it could of been a coincidence. And then I thought of a few colours and he guessed wrong on all of them so I think the first two may of just been lucky/close conisidences. Then we played another game where he tryed to go inside my mind and as he was trying his hardest to go insides my mind I did feel a power taking over (crazy shit) and then I tryed to go inside his mind as hard as I could and I got an entire sense of his entire psyche and life it was crazy) I’m not sure if that was just my intuition or if I actually did tune into his mind I’m not sure if that was legit or not we were just experimenting like paranormal mad scientists lol. Anyway after the whole trip we sat in front of the fire and we was telling me about how he is sure he has met his future self before. He told me a really convincing story on how he is sure he has met his self when he was in his 20s. I’m not going to go into the story coz that will take a while but iv been researching time travel tonight and seen loadssssss of people claiming that they have met their future or past selfs before and it dose seem genuine but that dose not mean it’s real it could be a scam for all I know. But my world view I developing on it as iv only just discovered this as a possible real thing.


 Now don’t worry guys I don’t just blindly believe in any of the things I just said above. Maybe it’s all true or maybe it’s just all delusion I have literally no idea !!! But I do think my friend was experiencing some kind of claravoiance, past life stuff it could be all wrong and I don’t really care if it’s true or not true I have personally never experienced any of this so I don’t know but from what happened last night I’m  he was experiencing this stuff for real  !!! 


Lol if anyone had told me something like 2 years ago I’d just dismiss it as crazy talk. I actually met someone 2 years ago who claimed she had experianced past life’s and I dismissed her as mentally unwell so I do understand all you skeptics reading this but I think this stuff is legit and can be directly experienced by some people in fact last time I smoked just nn-dmt with the intension of tapping into paranormal demensions i did get a really paranormal vibe and i saw a  spirit entity in front of me and it could intuite it saying “I can show you more” and I was like “noooo I don’t want to see any more this is to much”!!! Aha I thought I wanted to see the paranormal realms but once I jumped in I wanted back out straight away I didn’t want to know that much. I thought I did but I really don’t aha !! It sounds good on paper !!!! I’m sure some people like that sort of thing.  I’m not sure if the entirety was just in my head or not but it was an hallucination either way either it was on the outside or the inside. The outside and inside are one either way anyway aha. 

So yeah that was the trip. I personally thought it was a really interesting night. i wasn’t aware that 5 meo dmt could do that to people who are paranormally sensitive but looking back it seems kinda obvious. 


So yeah that’s what I have to share hope you’s found this trip report interesting and safe tripping everyone !!! :) 



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Welcome of spirituality!

Where the paranormal is normal.


I have no doubt that 5-MeO-DMT could supercharge a psychic person's abilities by 100x.

5-MeO basically makes me omniscient.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Damn what a trip! So you gave your friend 30mg cause it was his first time? what if he also was very sensitive to it?
I take stuff people have experienced while on psychedelics kinda like a dream. I´m sure it happened but not sure it works equally in "reality", at least that´s my experience.
But I do believe things such as clairvoiance is possible, we simply have no idea how this works (at least in the west)
This is a interesting video on some science done with these questions. Enjoy :)


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Yeah I probably should of gave him a lower dose to start off with. I definitely will in the future if I show other people.  Lol he wants to experiment with a 70mg dose to see if that breaks the ego perminantly. I personally think that’s a irresponsible and stupid idea and strongly advised him to not do that aha but he wants to experiment with that it would be an interestingly experiment to be fair you never know it could just do the trick. But it seems very dangerous and stupid. 


Aha reality’s such a flimsy word you’d have to take them yourself and see if you think it works “equally” in reality.


And yeah man me to I think it’s legit !! And thank you for be video man I will make sure I watch it tonight !!!

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@Tom T Never give someone 30mg of 5-MeO-DMT as a starting dose. That is totally reckless. You could have seriously harmed him.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have no doubt that 5-MeO-DMT could supercharge a psychic person's abilities by 100x.

Does karma play a part in this? If you're correct, everyone would have been a superhero, just like, you know, superman.

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Yeah that would not be ideal if I seriously hurt him. If I show anyone else I will give them 5mg before hand to see how it effects them. I totally forgot about the fact he could be allergic to it or if it had some weired effect on his body etc or something. I Will be more responsible with it in the future 

Edited by Tom T

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And I also forgot to mention that if he dose take 70mg of this stuff it’s not going to be with my stuff. he will have to find it himself if he wants to experiment with that much. I think that’s wayyyy to much and might hurt himself or worse. 

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I would not be surprised if 70mg killed him. This is not a toy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah he said he’s been listening to a Spanish doctor on YouTube who gives his patients 70mg but 70mg is wayyyyy to much !!! 

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