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Supernatural experience?

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I was sleeping in my home seeing a dream, I was in a road and I was standing there, then my grandpa showed up (my grandpa has died from an accident back in 2006 in the same road) I looked at him and I said grandpa am here, he looked very happy to see me and then I hugged him, in that moment he went back trying to avoid me, his face was like ''this was a mistake''. He said to me I have to leave now and then I wake up, I was feeling a little bit strange I looked the time and it was 4:14. As was going to sleep again I looked at the door and I was seeing a shadow looking at me it was short with a big head, in that point it was the first time that I have been scared so mush, like too much, the only thing I did was to lie down with the blunket covering every inch of my body, I started to feel something like vibration and I was trying to move it was like something was holding me down, pushing my chest, I was feeling like I was going to die so with all my streangth I rised ready to face what ever that was, and then nothing, everything back to normal and the time 4:18.

I do not know whether it was true or not, and I thought I could have surrender to see what was going to happen, and I think that I would be able seen it as anything other than something terrifying if I was more ready, I don't know.

If anyone have something to say I would appreciated.

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that's strange I had a really similar dream about my grandfather, I was with him at his house where he had a stroke and the whole thing was a mistake - but the mistake was believing that he had actually died

someone told me that a dream like that is a form of contact from them and he was saying exactly that - he didn't die, I don't know if that's right, someone just told me that

also the other thing was probably sleep paralysis that happened to me too, very similar, I couldn't move, I saw something outside my windows and I had to use every ounce of my strength to make myself move, after I broke free, everything seemed back to normal, you can google "sleep paralysis" and see - but mine happened on different nights

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