
How can I fix my obsessive compulsive disorder?

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Let go of things needing to be perfect. A little analyzing is okay, because it keeps you sharp; but, like you said, too much is a headache. Also, don't let small things like that distract you. Once you've sent the email, or whatever it is, accept that you did the best you could, and move your focus to something else. You'll be more productive and efficient that way.

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On 18/12/2018 at 3:07 PM, Elysian said:

Most mental illness, and all mental illness that isn't related to the physical structure of the brain, is created through egoic association and egoic tendencies. It's likely through personal development you've combined the raising of your vibration with meditation that has led to a partial surrendering of control.

When the ego surrenders it's control completely, the need to decide what happens, that's when mental illness falls away. Mental illness unrelated to physical abnormalities is simply the ego doing what the ego does, repeating neurotic behavior.

Simply put, you need to enter Dharmamega Samadhi to completely dissolve mental illness. When you rest at the point right before egoic thought arises, that perfect stillness, then you have essentially prevented the ego from even having the opportunity to create mental illness. 

I previously had 4 major mental illnesses, one of which being OCD. My illnesses also lessened in intensity as I progressed spiritually, but it never ended until I reached Dharmamega Samadhi. You can also regress out of Dharmamega, even out of Samadhi completely, and if you do the illness will arise again. But the more you rest in a particular Samadhi, the easier it becomes to maintain it, and to get back to it if you regress out of it.

Really the first goal is to enter Nirvikalpa Samadhi during do nothing meditation, you can start with meditation on the breath, but it will take longer. Dedicate a few weekends, with several hours a day each to do nothing meditation, and it's likely you'll enter Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

From there, the goal is to maintain Nirvikalpa off of the cushion. You'll do that by dedicating more weekends to just resting in Nirvikalpa, because remember, states of Samadhi become easier to maintain the more you rest in them. If you remain dedicated like this, only for a few weekends most likely, you will be able to maintain Sahaja Samadhi, which is just Nirvikalpa experienced during your day to day life. This will happen naturally.

Once you're in Sahaja Samadhi, you are only one step away from Dharmamega Samadhi. There is only one major difference between the two. In Sahaja, you still have the desire to control the ego, the last resistance that ego still has. You simply have to completely surrender from here, accept what is, completely. That means don't fight anymore, stop trying to get somewhere. Find that point, that space, that lies right before every thought. When you've reached that point, ego has surrendered control, and you're now in Dharmamega Samadhi. 

Reaching Dharmamega doesn't have to take years. Following those exact instructions, only using your weekends for extended sitting, you can reach Dharmamega, the releasing of egoic mental illness, in just a few months. It's important to note that you will still need to meditate for 30 minutes to 1 hour daily to maintain your progress during the weekdays. This applies even after reaching Dharmamega, just think of it as spiritual maintenance.

Also, the higher your vibration, the easier this will all come to you. So simultaneously work on increasing your vibration while also doing your meditation for the best results. If you have any questions just message me, but try not to overcomplicate things or you'll just make it harder on yourself.

where can I see some information about exercises to reach the dharmamega samathi state?

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3 minutes ago, Moreira said:

where can I see some information about exercises to reach the dharmamega samathi state?

Search do nothing meditation 

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Observe these impulses as mindfully as possible, don't fight them just watch them appear again and again. Carry on with your meditation practice, that alone is in my opinion the most powerful tool to overcome this thing. 

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Sounds like worrying and ruminating. Spiritually speaking, everything is as it should be. Analyze the situation, learn what you want to do differently next time, keep the lesson in the back of your mind or visualize a better outcome, and stop thinking about what you did wrong. You're being too hard on yourself. Instead, be grateful you had the opportunity to learn about what you would like to change in yourself. It's awesome to make "mistakes"!

I wrote a poem about this. It's in the self-actualization journal section, the title is "Bliss". My journal is called "Poems". You can meditate on that. 

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